내일 10월 7일 수요일 12시 특강 University of Michigan 정치학과 Nicholas Valentino 교수님 특강 정치외교학과와 언론정보학과 공동 주최 서정건 교수님 인사말 및 참석 오비스홀 213호 특강 자료는 KLAS에 업로드 되어 있음 Group Empathy Theory: Explaining Racial and Ethnic Gaps in Reactions to Terrorism and Immigration Threat
“Political Time” Presidency (Stephen Skowronek)
A dominant ideological regime and each president’s association with it President’s own political identity (resources) Opposed Affiliated Regime strength Vulnerable Resilient 1. Politics of Reconstruction (Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR, Reagan) 4. Politics of Disjunction (John Quincy Adams, Buchanan, Hoover, Carter) 3. Politics of Preemption (Andrew Johnson, Wilson, Nixon, Clinton) 2. Politics of Articulation (Monroe, Polk, TR, LBJ)
Political Times I Politics of Reconstruction Opposed to a weak regime Wins a big election that repudiates weak regime’s ideas (“critical election theory”) Mandate for change and wide leeway to control nation’s new agenda Jackson (the Jacksonian Democracy) FDR (the New Deal era) Reagan (the “center-right” country)
Political Times II Politics of Articulation (“faithful sons”) Affiliated with a resilient regime Sticking with dominant ideology of their party’s regime and carving out own policy niche Dealing with conflicting factions with a strong regime Polk (the Jacksonian Democracy) LBJ (the New Deal era) Bush 41 (center-right country)
Political Times III Politics of Preemption Opposed to a dominant regime Have to co-opt some of the dominant regime’s ideas and little legitimate authority to change policy commitments Andrew Johnson (vs. radical Republicans), Nixon (vs. liberal Democrats), Clinton (vs. conservative Republicans)
Political Times IV Politics of Disjunction Affiliated with a vulnerable regime Can’t stand up for regime that is no longer popular, also can’t criticize it because it’s his own party Less authority over national debate and tend to be seen as failures John Quincy Adams (prior to Jackson) Hoover (prior to FDR) Carter (prior to Reagan) Cf) What if McCain had won in 2008?
Obama and the “Political Time” Presidency How do you know about regime strength? Resilient vs. vulnerable? Is America still “center-right” country? Has the “Reagan Revolution” ended? Where is the Obama presidency placed? Where does President Obama stand? What is his affiliation with the dominant system? Does Obama belong to the politics of (second-round) preemption or reconstruction? www.270towin.com
The U.S. Constitution Constitutions are all important in all countries. Setting the basic parameters for the political process, safeguarding key rights, and establishing the institutions of government The U.S. Constitution is even more central to American political life, because of its great longevity and the enormous reverence with which it is treated. At the same time, its exceptional age and its brevity mean that the U.S. Constitution is full of idiosyncrasies and silences.
The US Constitution: Structure Preamble ["We the people"] Article I [The Legislative Branch] Article II [The Presidency] Article III [The Judiciary] Article IV [The States] Article V [The Amendment Process] Article VI [Legal Status of the Constitution] Article VII [Ratification] Amendment I (1791) – XXVII (1992)
The Basics of the U. S. Constitution http://www. law. cornell Article I [The Legislative Branch] Article II [The Presidency] Article III [The Judiciary] Article IV [The States] Article V [The Amendment Process] Article VI [Legal Status of the Constitution] Article VII [Ratification]
The Basics of the U. S. Constitution http://www. law. cornell Amendment I [Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition (1791)] Amendment II [Right to Bear Arms (1791)] Amendment III [Quartering of Troops (1791)] Amendment IV [Search and Seizure (1791)] Amendment V [Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process (1791)] Amendment VI [Criminal Prosecutions - Jury Trial, Right to Confront and to Counsel (1791)] Amendment VII [Common Law Suits - Jury Trial (1791)] Amendment VIII [Excess Bail or Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment (1791)] Amendment IX [Non-Enumerated Rights (1791)] Amendment X [Rights Reserved to States (1791)]
The Basics of the U. S. Constitution http://www. law. cornell Amendment XI [Suits Against a State (1795)] Amendment XII [Election of President and Vice-President (1804)] Amendment XIII [Abolition of Slavery (1865)] Amendment XIV [Privileges and Immunities, Due Process, Equal Protection, Apportionment of Representatives, Civil War Disqualification and Debt (1868)] Amendment XV [Rights Not to Be Denied on Account of Race (1870)]
The Basics of the U. S. Constitution http://www. law. cornell Amendment XVI [Income Tax (1913)] Amendment XVII [Election of Senators (1913) Amendment XVIII [Prohibition (1919)] Amendment XIX [Women's Right to Vote (1920) Amendment XX [Presidential Term and Succession (1933)] Amendment XXI [Repeal of Prohibition (1933)] Amendment XXII [Two Term Limit on President (1951)] Amendment XXIII [Presidential Vote in D.C. (1961)] Amendment XXIV [Poll Tax (1964)] Amendment XXV [Presidential Succession (1967)] Amendment XXVI [Right to Vote at Age 18 (1971)] Amendment XXVII [Compensation of Members of Congress (1992)]
US Constitution and American Political History Article I = the Legislative Branch (US Congress) Detailed and long “enumerated powers” of Congress Article II = the Executive Branch (Presidency) Ambiguous and short basis for the evolution of prez power “inherent powers” of President Some Constitutional Amendments 12th Amendment (1804) 20th Amendment (1933) 22nd Amendment (1951) 25th Amendment (1967)
The American Presidency Do you think that the American presidency is unique? If so, how so? If not, why not? I. the American presidency in comparative perspective II. “Evolution” of presidential power III. Unique nature of studying the presidency