SHIELD-HIT(INR RAS,KI,2001) (Energies at 1 TeV/A are available) SHIELDHI(INR RAS,1997) (Interactions of nucleons, Pi, K, anti nucleons, muons, all (A,Z) nuclei. All isotope and chemical compounds, complex geometry) SHIELD(INR RAS,1989) (Kernel had been totally overwritten. Growth of functionality) SHIELD(JINR,1972) (Nucleons-Pi mesons cascades evolution up to energy 20 – 30 GeV )
(Combinatorial geometry) Improved CG module (Combinatorial geometry) Geometry LOENT (ABBN 28 constants) Low energy neutrons transportation MSDM generator (Multy Stage Dynamical Model. Exclusive approach. ) Inelastic interactions
Geometry file for GERDA transport container simulation RCC 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 126.5 70.0 RCC 2 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 27.0 RCC 3 0.0 0.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 27.0 21.0 ELL 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.0 RCC 5 0.0 0.0 -520.0 0.0 0.0 400.0 800.0 RCC 6 0.0 0.0 -120.0 0.0 0.0 120.0 RCC 7 0.0 0.0 -520.0 0.0 0.0 671.0 RCC 8 0.0 0.0 -600.0 0.0 0.0 1000.0 2000.0 END FER +1 -2 CAV +2 -3 GER +3 SFE +4 -5 -6 -1 GRD +5 GAP +6 VAC +7 -5 -6 -4 OUT +8 -7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1000 1000 1 1000 2 1000 1000 0
Zone numbers are shown in parenthesis Simulation of Isotope Production Rate inside the GERDA Transport Container Using the SHIELD Monte Carlo Hadron Transport Code N. Sobolevsky, A. Denisov, INR RAS,2004-2005 Container: R1=70 cm, H1=126.5 cm Bottom depth 15 cm Cavity: R2=27 cm, H2=40 cm Ge-shipment: R3=21 cm, H3=27 cm OUT (8) Air (7) Container Fe (1) Cavity (2) Ge (3) Air gap (6) Normalizing sphere (4), R=150 cm 120 cm Ground (5), Depth=4 m Zone numbers are shown in parenthesis
Input file msdm_in.dat for MSDM hA-generator of the SHIELD code used to calculate excitation functions. IXFIRS,FORMAT(2I12): 97382645 0 JPART, FORMAT(I12): 1 NUCLID, FORMAT(I12): 32 NSTAT, FORMAT(I12): 10000 LANTI, FORMAT(I12): 0 ! 0 - Lab. frame; 1 - AntiLab. frame LSTAR, FORMAT(I12): 1 ! 0 - no print; 1/2 - short/total print LCASC, FORMAT(I12): 0 ! 0 - AGT; 1 - CASCAD DATA FOR HISTOGRAMMING EXCITATION FUCNTIONS EMIND,FORMAT(F12.3): 20.0 EMAXD,FORMAT(F12.3): 100.0 ESTPD,FORMAT(F12.3): 5.0 ----------- 20X ------------> < DATA ><-------- Comments ----------------->
Example of “medium.dat” file. NUMMED= 4 MEDIUM NO. 1 (75%W+25%H2O vol.) MEDTYP=4 NELEM=3 RHO=14.725 1 NUCLID= 74 CON1=0.47397E-04 RHO1=14.475 2 NUCLID= 1 CON2=0.16722E-04 RHO2= 0.028 3 NUCLID= 8 CON3=0.83611E-05 RHO3= 0.222 MEDIUM NO. 2 (H2O - water) MEDTYP=2 NELEM=2 RHO= 1.000 1 NUCLID= 1 IND1=2.0 2 NUCLID= 8 IND2=1.0 MEDIUM NO. 3 (90%Fe+10%H2O vol.) MEDTYP=4 NELEM=3 RHO= 7.183 1 NUCLID= 26 CON1=0.76351E-04 RHO1= 7.083 2 NUCLID= 1 CON2=0.66888E-05 RHO2= 0.011 3 NUCLID= 8 CON3=0.33444E-05 RHO3= 0.089 MEDIUM NO. 4 (Pu240) MEDTYP=1 1 NUCLID=107
Comparing with Bugaev - Bezrukov MaGe Energy transfer spectrum from muon to hadron shower Comparing with Bugaev - Bezrukov formula MaGe SHIELD Simulation of simple geometry for hadron transportation Comparing results and analyzing discrepancies