Autobiographical Poem ___/ 20 points Directions: Follow the form of the sample poem on the overhead. You don't have to include exactly three ideas in all the lines, but it helps to make your poem sound balanced. Poem Form Line 1: Adjective beginning with the first letter of your first name followed by your first name = A______________ Line 2: 3 words that describe you well Line 3: 3 people/ pets who love you Line 4: 3 things you LOVE or really like to do Line 5: 1 important idea Line 6: Something you care a great deal about, your passion. Line 7: Something you need Line 8: Something you want Line 9: 3 things you give to friends/ family/or the the world! Line 10: 3 things you are afraid of Line 11: Your 3 favorite subjects in school Line 12: School you have graduated from or completed Line 13: a place you would like to visit or an event you’d like to attend Line 14: A sports team you cheer for! Line 15: 3 roles you play in life (brother, daughter, pitcher, cheerleader, academic team member, Kiss fan) Line 16: The city and state you live in Line 17: Repeat Line 1 Line 18: Your last name ___ Glue on a half page of construction paper that is your favorite color. ___ Read it aloud to the class, or allow another student to read it aloud to the class. Autobiographical Poem Brainy Beth Smart, funny, and very, very tall. Loved by Tom, Matthew and Lucky the Rat. Loves to learn, draw, and help kids learn and grow so they can make their dreams come true. Thinks my generation should be doing more about Climate Change. Is passionate about caring for animals, science, and Christianity. Who needs to stop losing the overhead projector remote. Who wants ALL of her students to be happy and succeed at school. Who gives to an Indian boy named Prekash. Who fears being in a wheelchair full-time. Whose favorite subjects are physics and social studies. Who graduated from Penn State, Indiana University, and NKU. Who would like to see Rome Italy. Who cheers for the Reds. Who is a Mother, Wife, and Teacher. Who is a resident of Hebron, Kentucky. Brainy Beth Kamradt Date: August 18, 2015
Autobiographical Poem Autobiographical Poem ___/ 20 points Directions: Follow the form of the sample poem on the overhead. You don't have to include exactly three ideas in all the lines, but it helps to make your poem sound balanced. Poem Form Line 1: Adjective beginning with the first letter of your first name followed by your first name = A______________ Line 2: 3 words that describe you well Line 3: 3 people/ pets who love you Line 4: 3 things you LOVE or really like to do Line 5: 1 important idea Line 6: Something you care a great deal about, your passion. Line 7: Something you need Line 8: Something you want Line 9: 3 things you give to friends/ family/or the the world! Line 10: 3 things you are afraid of Line 11: Your 3 favorite subjects in school Line 12: School you have graduated from or completed Line 13: a place you would like to visit or an event you’d like to attend Line 14: A sports team you cheer for! Line 15: 3 roles you play in life (brother, daughter, pitcher, cheerleader, academic team member, Kiss fan) Line 16: The city and state you live in Line 17: Repeat Line 1 Line 18: Your last name ___ Glue on a half page of construction paper that is your favorite color. ___ Read it aloud to the class, or allow another student to read it aloud to the class. Autobiographical Poem ______________ ________________ ____________, _____________, and _______________. Loved by ________________________________________________ Loves to _________________________________________________ Thinks __________________________________________________ Is passionate about ________________________________________ Who needs _______________________________________________ Who wants _______________________________________________ Who gives ________________________________________________ Who fears ________________________________________________ Whose favorite subjects are _________________________________ Who graduated from _______________________________________ Who would like to see ______________________________________ Who cheers for ___________________________________ Who is a _______________ _____________ __________________ Who lives in ______________________________________ _________________ __________________ ________________ ___________________________ Date: _____________________________