Energy Efficiency and Customer Research and Development HEADING TO NET-ZERO BY 2020 Jim Parks EECR&D Manager Energy Efficiency and Customer Research and Development
Background Building America – A Voluntary US Department of Energy Program Goals 60% Reduction in Energy Bill Initially Target Annual Net-Zero Electricity Use Use Commercially Available Technologies Annual Net-Zero Energy Use by 2020
Initial Foray into ZEH Optional PV combined with EE Beazer Powerhouse 2000-02 5 Subdivisions/18 PV Installs Entry level Optional PV 3,300 Watt ac Morrison Homes Lakeside 2003 12 PV homes out of 90+ homes Move-up, in-fill project Spec’d and Optional Upgrade >30% Title-24, 2 kW ac Solar The starting point—optional PV along with energy efficiency
A Step Up PV in all homes + EE Premier Homes Premier Gardens 2004-05 95 units Entry level, in-fill project >30% Title-24, 2 kW PV Standard Feature Treasure Homes 2006-07 32 units >40% Title-24, 2 kW PV
Features 40% Better Than 2005 Title-24 Standards Measure Base ZEH Attic Insulation R-38 R-38 Radiant Barrier No Yes Wall Insulation R-13 R-13 + 1” R-4.2 Foam Quality Installation No Yes Low Air Infiltration Yes Yes Windows Vinyl, low U,SHGC Vinyl, Low U, SHGC FURN AFUE 0.80 0.95 A/C SEER 13 (3.7 ton) 14 w/TXV (3.1 ton) ACCA Design No Yes -- Short Runs Duct Testing No Yes Water Heater storage EF .60 Tankless EF .82 Distribution Standard Pipe insulation Home Energy Rating No Yes Fluorescent Lighting Yes Yes (All fixtures) Solar Electric NA 2kW AC Solar System
Real Bill Savings – Hitting the Target Solar vs Non Solar Avg Monthly Bills 2007 $0.00 $20.00 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 $100.00 $120.00 Avg. Mo. Bill Jan, 07 Feb, 07 March, 07 April, 07 May, 07 June, 07 July, 07 Aug, 07 Sept, 07 Oct, 07 Premier Homes NON ZEH AVG BILL Treasure Homes Premier and Treasure Homes Avg monthly electric bills are 58% less than Non- Solar Homes.
Where We’re Headed CPUC and NAPEE goal of net-zero energy home by 2020 Two projects to move toward true net-zero homes: One Zero Energy Home (80% goal) Project with PIER/SDG&E/SMUD to build ZEH subdivisions
Current Energy Performance Goals (2500 ft2 floor area target) Annual Source Energy: 80% Reduction Zero Net Summer Peak Electric Demand: 4 PM to 8 PM Demonstrate the features of the home to the public and builders
Base Energy Performance Specs 2x6/R19-R21 cavity/R12 insulating sheathing (R30 wall assembly) R50 12” low-density foam ceiling assembly Tight Envelope, .0002 SLA (4 ACH50), Third Party inspections & testing Low e/low SHGC glazing (0.3 U-value, 0.26 SHGC) 100% CFL/LED Lighting Evaporative Condenser with 15 EER and night ventilation (home); SEER 18/12.5 EER and 10 HSPF mini-split heat pump (apartment) Solar assisted hot water and hydronic heating with 97% efficient gas boiler Tested ducts inside conditioned space Gas clothes dryer and Energy Star dishwasher, clothes washer, and washing machine 3.86 kW AC PV with grid connected battery system Home automation system with energy display, communicating T-stat, lighting controls LEED Platinum Incremental cost of 2500 sf home would be approximately $50,000 Cost of 3.5 kW array is $31,500 Solar thermal = $6k to $8k Delta cost of ac is $3k EE measures = $10k to $12k Costs expected to drop as builders get used to new way of doing things and material sales go up Estimated cost increase relative to standard home: +$20.00/ft2
Peak Demand: 4kWac West Array HOF First HOF to be built this year
PIER/SDGE&/SMUD Project Scope of Work almost complete Expect to build two subdivisions – one in San Diego and one in the Sacramento area Homes will contain— High efficiency windows, insulation, lighting, HVAC, water heating and appliances Photovoltaic arrays Demand response enabled Energy storage (in some cases) V2G and V2H test Contract approval by mid-2008 Builder selection by year-end Construction start in 2009 Have submitted for some federal dollars to help offset incremental cost
Our Hope Results from these projects will: be replicable expand our knowledge set the stage for the next level ZEH have nationwide impact