IM4Q 2016 Annual Statewide Training Keynote Presentation: Employment First and STATE Initiatives on Employment
Today’s discussion: Executive Order 2016-03 (Steve Suroviec) PA Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (Devon Grant) The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (Devon Grant) ODP Update (Diane Cashman)
Employment First Executive Order Exec Order 2016-03 – Signed March 10, 2016 Establishes Employment First Policy Defines employment first “First consideration, preferred outcome” of publicly-funded programs - education, employment, training, long-term supports Defines competitive integrated employment Minimum wage or better; works with or interacts with people without disabilities mostly. Commonwealth employment Measures for success Develop plan within 120 days - Interagency workgroup Stakeholder input; employer input
EFSLMP: Helping States Ask the Tough Questions in their Systems Reform Efforts How do we align policy, practice, and funding? How do we build and sustain capacity of our front-line staff? What expectations should we place on providers? How do we measure our progress?
EFSLMP: Promoting the promise and expansion of integrated employment by Matching “core” states with peer-to-peer state mentors for policy and funding alignment Providing intensive technical assistance to the core states from national Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for Employment First strategic plan development and implementation Accelerating rapid-response policy outcomes in time-limited virtual working group model (Vision Quest Series) Facilitating an ongoing Community of Practice for participating states
Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program: Unique Features ODEP requires a minimum of six state agencies receiving Federal funds to be involved in EFSLMP state teams Innovation in Virtual & Onsite Technical Assistance Cross disability in focus Partnerships are KEY to our Mutual Success PA Co-State Leads: Devon & Diane Core Team Members Governor’s Cabinet for People with Disabilities DHS Secretary’s Office DHS, Office of Developmental Programs DHS, Office of Long Term Living DHS, Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services DHS, Office of Income Maintenance L&I, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation L&I, Bureau of Workforce Development Administration PDE, Bureau of Special Education Executive Team: Deputies and Bureau Directors External Partners
EFSLMP: Structure & Modes of TA/Training Provided (FY2016) Tier 1: E1st Core States Vision Quest Working Groups State Assessments of Policy & Practice Intensive TA/Training from SME Pool Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Tier 2: Community of Practice Monthly Webinars & Informational Bulletins ePolicyWorks Virtual Workspace Quarterly Federal Policy Updates
EFSLMP Approach: Three Key Foci Policy Funding EFSLMP Approach Practice
EFSLMP Core State TA / Training – Key Areas of Foci Provider Transformation DSP Capacity Building in Effective Practices School-to-Work Transition Employer Engagement Strategies
EFSLMP Investments in Pennsylvania: Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Vision Quest: Marsha Threlkeld TA / Training: Jeannine Pavlak Rachel Pollock Corey Smith
EFSLMP Investments in Pennsylvania: Key Elements of FY2015 TA Plan TA / Training - Provider Transformation Leadership Bootcamp 33 providers applied; 16 accepted 2-day intensive training Provider teams included CEOs, CFOs, Program Directors, Board members 1:1 TA / Training 4 of the 16
EFSLMP Investments in Pennsylvania: Key Elements of FY2015 TA Plan Vision Quest Draft Local Agreement to Support Best Practices in School to Individual Competitive Integrated Employment PA Community of Practice Webinars June 27: Social Security Work Incentives/Financial Literacy 438 attendees August 15: Life Beyond Work To register:
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) On July 22, 2014, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 6/21/2016
Key Points in WIOA for VR Increases Services to Youth/Students with Disabilities Supports Employer Engagement Emphasizes Competitive Integrated Employment Limitations on Use of Subminimum Wage (Section 511) Sets expectations for Interagency Collaboration- Education, ID, Workforce Development Introduces the new term Pre- employment Transition Services This significantly expands the role of the Vocational Rehabilitation Agency in the transition process Requires State VR agencies to set aside at least 15 percent of their Federal VR program funds to provide pre-employment transition services to assist students with disabilities make the transition from secondary school to postsecondary education programs and competitive integrated employment. Allows State VR agencies to prioritize serving students with disabilities. 6/21/2016
Transition Pre-employment Transition Services 5 Required Activities including: Job Exploration Counseling Work-Based Learning Experiences (WBLE) Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in Comprehensive Transition (CTP) or Post-Secondary Educations Programs Workplace Readiness Training Instruction in Self Advocacy, which may include Peer Mentoring Implementation of Pre-Employment Transition Services Expanding OVR’s abilities to provide and fund services for students with disabilities Cannot supplant services that are the LEA’s responsibility under IDEA Looking to create new opportunities and/or expand existing programs through: New Service Definitions and Provider Agreements Group Services: Workplace Readiness, Self-Advocacy, Independent Living Skills Training Individual Services: Job Shadowing and Work-Based Learning Services Innovation & Expansion (I & E Grants) Interagency Agreements OVR Interagency Agreements Requires contract between two public entities (OVR & LEA). Requires partner agency to provide 21.3% of budget in state funds/match. Allows OVR to draw down additional funds (78.7%) from its federal partner, Rehabilitation Services Administration. Must create new, or expand existing, VR services to meet unmet needs of students with disabilities. Create something that does not exist. Expand capacity of something already in existence. Cannot supplant services that are deemed the responsibility of the LEA under IDEA. Jointly developed direction of program; LEA employees and supervises staff. 6/21/2016
Section 511 Section 511 of WIOA went into effect on July 22nd, 2016. Students must be provided PETS under WIOA and transition services under IDEA before entering subminimum wage Students must be provided counseling and referral services after entering subminimum wage
Section 511 Neither an LEA or SEA may enter into a contract or other arrangement with an entity (i.e., an employer, contractor, or subcontractor holding a 14c certificate) for the purpose of operating a program for a youth under which work is compensated at a subminimum wage. (Authority: Section 511(b)(2) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29 U.S.C. 794g(b)(2))
DHS - Office of Developmental Programs Plan Data Employment questions during ISP monitoring; HCSIS-based Provider survey Interagency Collaboration Easier access to case info for shared customers MOU Local employment coalitions Training and Information Sharing Supports Coordinator Webinars Regional, inter-system, in-person training PADES, Everyday Lives, Transition Conference Works For Me website Regulations, Rules and Waivers
DHS - Office of Developmental Programs Plan Waiver Service Definitions (for 7/1/17 renewal) Stakeholder-driven process 40-member employment workgroup & ISAC Day service stakeholders process & ISAC Employment Changes to existing definitions New definitions Concept for new “Community Participation” definition Flexibility for individuals, families and providers Time spent in facility Facility size for new and existing No final decisions yet; estimated timeline for formal public comment period - October 2016
OVR/ODP Funding Memorandum of Understanding Collaborative effort - additional resources for OVR to develop additional capacity for people with ID and/or autism 500k in state ODP funds matches an additional $1.8million in federal VR funds ($2.3m total annually) At least one new VR counselor in each of the 15 district offices dedicated to ID and autism Local, in-person inter-system training More of what’s working; new innovation and expansion? (Jobs For All, Project Search, ACES, P.E.T.S., Discovery/Customized Employment) Public awareness and outreach? Local employment coalitions? Reevaluate annually & redirect resources to what’s needed
Pennsylvania Resources Pennsylvania Post-Secondary Transition Website: Career Education and Work Standards Toolkit Works for Me website Office of Dispute Resolution Pennsylvania Training & Technical Assistance Network
How can YOU Get Involved in Employment First Systems Change? Tell us what’s happening in your community Register to access free TA / Training via the ODEP National EFSLMP Community of Practice Register to access free TA / Training via the PA EFSLMP Community of Practice
Additional Resources: National LEAD Center 5-year national technical assistance center operated through ODEP’s Workforce Systems Policy Division Four Core Areas of Focus: Policy Communications Innovations & Demonstrations Training & TA
Additional Informational Resources: Key Websites Job Accommodations Network: Integrated Employment Toolkit: Customized Employment Competency Model 24
Additional Resources: Engaging Families in Supporting Career Development Briefs: Understanding the New Vision for Career Development: The Role of Family, Helping Youth Develop Soft Skills for Job Success: Tips for Parents and Families, Helping Youth Build Work Skills for Job Success: Tips for Parents and Families, Tapping into the Power of Families: How Families of Youth with Disabilities Can assist in Job Search & Retention,
Contact Devon D. Grant Executive Director Governor’s Cabinet for People with Disabilities 717.783.4287 Diane Cashman Director of Employment PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs 717.783.5755 Stephen H. Suroviec Special Advisor to the Secretary | PA Department of Human Services 717.783.8422