6 Kiss privacy goodbye What is privacy? They know where we are They read our faces Cyber personae Cyber bullying
Privacy and the Law The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, … (4th amendment) 1890 Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren elaborate the right to privacy in the Harvard Law Review. They demanded legal remedies to protect individuals from "too enterprising press, the photographer, or the possessor of any other modern device for rewording or reproducing scenes or sounds.“ This was in response to the use of the new Kodak camera. Louis Brandeis
Attitudes Towards Privacy The state of privacy in America | Pew Research Center Sep 2016 report on people’s views and behaviors related to privacy.
USA Patriot Act "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" October 26, 2001 Patriot Act signed President George W. Bush May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act – It kept in 3 provisions set to expire June 2, 2015 USA Freedom Act replaced Patriot Act USA FREEDOM - Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ending Eavesdropping, Dragnet-collection and Online Monitoring Section 215 of the Patriot Act was amended to stop the National Security Agency from continuing its mass phone data collection program.
USA Freedom Act and Government Surveillance FBI director, Apple CEO talk privacy concerns on "60 Minutes" - CBS .. (2 mins) USA Freedom Act: Will it rein in the surveillance state? (3 mins /\)
2016 FBI vs. Apple Privacy Battle Dec, 2015, terrorist attack in San Bernardino, 14 dead Feb 2016 FBI vs. Apple in court. FBI demanded Apple supply software to unlock the phone Mar 2016 FBI drops case after buying the software elsewhere iPhone 5C, phone used by one of the perpetrators The Apple/FBI Standoff: Privacy Versus National Security – Bloomberg (5 mins)
Britain’s Investigatory Powers Bill So-called ‘Snoopers Charter 2’ passed Nov. 2016 with almost no opposition in parliament Phones must be made less secure allowing government to spy on citizens ISPs must keep user’s browsing records for one year with no opt-out. Edward Snowden: By my read, #SnoopersCharter legitimizes mass surveillance. It is the most intrusive and least accountable surveillance regime in the West. 4 Nov 2015
Internet Service Providers Can Now Sell Your Browsing History (March 2017) How will ISPs collect and sell your browser history? (5 mins Fox News)
Does Privacy Matter? Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters (21 min Ted talk /\) Inside the Panopticon Prison (2 mins /\)
Google History Google maps timeline records and stores your location history when your location setting is on. DEMO Google History records your Internet searches and YouTube views. DEMO
Facial Recognition How Does Facial Recognition Work? - Brit Lab (7 mins /\) How facial recognition caught a 40-year fugitive (2 mins /\)
Computers Understanding Emotions Rosalind Picard Reading Emotions Through Affective Computing (5 mins /\) Affectiva - Rana El Kaliouby keynote: "The Power of Emotions..." (10 mins /\) We Know How You Feel - The New Yorker Jan 19, 2015 Issue
When Your Personal Data is Sold The end of privacy "The Data Brokers: Selling your personal information“ (2014 60 minutes report - 15 mins /\)
Privacy on Social Media If you agree to Facebook's terms and conditions, expect to be transmogrified, horror-movie style, into an unwitting, twitching little guinea pig. TFox-Brewster@forbes.com Jun 29, 2016 Watch John Oliver Dismiss Facebook Privacy Hoax (4 mins /\) EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) - Facebook Privacy - Detailed report on Facebook’s privacy policies and challenges to it such as “Supreme Court Won't Review Privacy Violations by Facebook, Google: ..” Facebook Privacy Issues Are Here to Stay (4 mins /\)
Session Questions - Privacy Make the case for privacy in the Internet age Make the case for openness Are you willing to trade off privacy for security? Are there generational differences in attitudes towards privacy? How does loss of privacy affect political change?