Healthcare Problems in Vietnam By: Phu Nguyen Project: Persuasion Effect Project
Introduction We all know the important of Healthcare to our life. Healthcare help people become healthier and living longer. Healthy people make the world become better. Healthy children are smarter and more active than the unhealthy children. Having a healthy life is important to everyone of us. Therefore we need to have a good healthcare, a healthcare that can help us overcome ours sickness. We need to have a healthcare that we can trust in, a healthcare that can help us healthier but not worst. I have do a research on healthcare in Vietnam, and I found out the bad thing about healthcare in Vietnam. The corruption government, lack of education, a low income country, and overload in hospital, or healthcare center have led to a terrible healthcare systems in Vietnam.
The effect of Education The education system are emphasize about the general knowledge but less attention in others skill such as initiative, self-confidence and the ability to think logical. Therefore the doctors and nursing who graduated from the school in Vietnam are work mechanically. They work with patient in a way that patient feel uncomfortable. It make the patient un-trust on the healthcare centers, and make them decided to self-treatment. The education sector are “corrupt”. Many doctors and nursing who work in healthcare flied are not actually been through an education process. Many of them buying a fake bachelor’s degree or associate's degree that have their name in it. And the result come out many patient have died unreasonable. The straining program of becoming nursing or doctor is in a short-time. A practice nursing or practice doctors who doesn’t have enough education and training can work at a position that required lot of experience. The reason for this is because by doing this the healthcare clinic can save the money that they would have to pay for the actual doctors.
The Effect of Corruption Government A lot of Vietnamese Citizens who doesn’t have a health insurance. “The Vietnamese government currently only invest 0.9% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on the healthcare system. This only serves, roughly, 30% of the population. Thus, most Vietnamese citizens have to pay for private healthcare visits themselves.” Lot of Healthcare centers are violating to the law by many ways but the government doesn’t really care what’s happening. Lot of case that the patient died unreasonable, the patient ask the government for help to find the truth but it almost always end up with the answer that there is not their responsibilities.
The effect of low income. One of the worst issue of healthcare in Vietnam is the rich are receiving better healthcare than the poor. “Self -treatment was more common among the poor (31%) than among the rich (14.5%). For public providers, people in the highest quintile used DHC, P/CH more often than those in the lowest quintile. Similarly, for the perceived seriousness of an illness, the rich more regularly reported their illness to be less critical (can work and miss work) than the poor. A more serious illness (confined to bed) was reported significantly more often (40% vs. 24%) by those in the lowest quintile than by those in the highest quintile” (Thuan). Healthcare in Vietnam are dividing to two types of healthcare, one called “Normal Healthcare” and one called “VIP”. “Normal Healthcare” is mean receiving treatment through insurance process, paying to the hospital by using health insurance. “VIP Healthcare” is mean receiving treatment without using insurance, paying to the hospital using patient’s money directly and also paying extra money. For instance, people who paying more money are the one who getting treatment first.
Effect of Low Income (continue) There is the same doctor, same examination room, the difference is the amount of money. The reason healthcare centers dividing their customer into two types of customer is because they want to make more money by asking patient to use their “VIP Healthcare”. If someone is using insurance to pay for their treatment, the Healthcare Center would have to charge for the exact money that the insurance willing to pay for, they can’t charge higher than the actual cost. On other hand, the Healthcare Center can charge as much as they want to the people who pay by their own money
Overload in Hospital and Healthcare Center. Vietnam is a country that having a worse issue about having lot of patient but there are not enough room. “The Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital is an example since it has a total of 600 beds but has to accept 1,500 – 1,700 in- patients, meaning that two or three patients share a bed. Some even lie under the bed.”(Tuoi Tre). Almost all the hospital in Vietnam are overload. Patient lie all around the hallway. At the hospital for young child, 3 to 4 child have to share one bed, the family member has to fight for a place under the bed so their children have a place to lie on. The overload hospital has cause the infections increasing, some of the patient suffer more disease because the spread of illness between patient to others people. While there are more and more hotels, restaurant, and others entertainments are building up, no one really cares about improving healthcare.
How to fix? We should fix this problem by provide the low-income the opportunities to have a health insurance, and treat them the same as the higher income. We should change our education system. The government need to pay money to improve school environment, offer more opportunities for the students to practice their learning before letting them work in an environment that required lot of experience and practice. The government should keep track on the corruption issues, they need to make sure that the corruption is not happening anywhere. The government should build more hospital so that the overload hospital is not continue to happen. Together we should make our healthcare become better.
The End
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