JICA's Efforts for REDD+ initiative


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Presentation transcript:

JICA's Efforts for REDD+ initiative April 16th, 2015 Yuki OKADA Forestry & Nature Conservation Group, Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency

JICA’s Role in Official Development Assistance Technical Cooperation -Technical Cooperation Project -Dispatch of Experts -Training Courses -Volunteer Program -Youth Invitation Program -Grassroots Cooperation -Emergency Disaster Relief Grants Bi- lateral O D A Loan Grant Aid Japanese ODA can divide into two ways. One is Bilateral cooperation and the other is multilateral. Multilateral way is to contribute to international organization, such as UN or World Bank. As for Bilateral cooperation, Our business consists of Grant Aid and Japanese Yen Loan. Technical cooperation can be classified as Grant Aid. Not only simple grant but also capacity development through dispatch of experts and training program , is important . Contribution to International Organization Multi- lateral

5.7 million ha of protected areas JICA’s Forests/Nature Conservation Technical cooperation Grant Aid Yen Loan $271 million for 145 projects $102 million for 18 projects $ 2,188 million for 32 projects (in 2004-2013, Yen-base. Exchange rate: 1 USD = 120 JPN) which conserved 12.1 million ha of forests 5.7 million ha of protected areas There are other agricultural and water resource management projects by JICA also contributing to biodiversity conservation. This figure shows the previous amount and number of the project by each schemes for forest or nature conservation sector. Almost amount of Yen loan was mainly implemented in India. By the project under these three schemes, JICA contributed to conserve twelve million ha of forest and six million ha of protected area, approximately.

JICA’s Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020 in the Nature Conservation Sector JICA designed “Strategic plan from 2015 to 2020 in the nature conservation sector” at the end of last year. So let me explain the plan briefly.

UNFCCC UNCCD UNCBD Goal & Strategic Objectives Overall Goal of JICA Harmonization between Nature Conservation and Human Activities Four Strategic Objectives of JICA Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/ Buffer Zones The overall goal of JICA is “Harmonization between Nature Conservation and Human Activities”. Under the goal, we put four Strategic objectives. Sustainable Forest management against climate change, Ecosystem based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR), Sustainable use of Natural Resources to improve livelihoods of vulnerable community, and Biodiversity Conservation through Management of protected areas or buffer zones. As the related global initiative, there are UNFCCC, UNCCD, and UNCBD. under UNFCCC, there are 2 countermeasures, which are Mitigation and Adaption. REDD+ is for Mitigation, Eco-DRR is for Adaptation. Three International Agenda UNFCCC UNCCD UNCBD Mitigation Adaptation +RAMSAR etc. 5

Objectives & Approach Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones To strengthen “Readiness of REDD+ (MRV, Pilot activity etc.)” in tropical countries To collaborate with private sector in carbon business & CSR To improve livelihood activities in vulnerable community of Arid or Semi-arid countries thorough sustainable manner. For Sustainable Forest Management, our approach is mainly two ways: To strengthen “Readiness of REDD+ in tropical countries To collaborate with private sector in carbon business & Corporate Social Responsibility To introduce appropriate methodology to mitigate Natural Disaster (Watershed Management, Costal Protection) To introduce mechanism such as PES(Payment for Eco-System) To improve management of Protected Area and Buffer zone through collaborative management To introduce mechanism such as PES

Expected Outcome toward 2020 (1) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Indicator ●REDD+ Readiness Support in 11 countries (Forest Inventory for 4,500,000 km2) ●REDD+ Policy Support in 3 countries ●REDD+ Plan for 750,000 km2 (75 million Mt-CO2/year) ●5 Pilot REDD+ Projects with Private Sector ●Capacity Development for 1,000 People ●Achieve Target of “Japan Public-Private Platform for REDD+” We also set the indicators; REDD+ Readiness Support, Policy Support, Establish REDD+ plan, pilot project, capacity development, and “Japan Public-Private Platform for REDD+” I will explain this platform later.

Expected Outcome toward 2020 (2) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Indicator ●Watershed Management through JFM (200,000 km2 /4 countries) ●Utilization of Japan’s Remote Sensing Technology for Forest Fire Management (1,900,000 km2/2 cases) ●Development of Conservation Forest for aspect of Resilience (100,000 km2) ●Capacity Development for 1,000 People There are also indicators on other three objectives. But Let me skip for time constraint.

Expected Outcome toward 2020 (3) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Indicator ●Expansion of Cooperation in Desert Areas (3 countries/300,000 people) ●Community Development Support in vulnerable areas (8 countries/340,000 people) ●Certification Acquisition of Forest or Forest Product and Commercialization (3 cases)

Expected Outcome toward 2020 (4) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Indicator ●Establish Champion Model in each Region considering diversity (9 Countries) ●Assisting expansion of Protection Area(10,000 km2) -Achieve AICHI Target (CBD COP10) -Registration of RAMSAR/MAB(UNESCO) ●Establish Regional Cooperation Model (3 Cases) ●Capacity Development for 2,000 People

Priority Region / Countries Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Priority Program Asia-Pacific Asia (Vulnerable Area) Sahel/Sahara Region Focal Country Africa (Central & South Africa) Latin America (Watershed Management) Other Vulnerable Countries Latin America These Priority Program are involved the areas or countries which are now during implementation, but also focusing on providing assistance hereinafter. Private sector much interested in as the part of CSR activity in Asia-Pacific Region, so we would like to strengthen the public-private partnership and we sharing the best practices. In Africa region, we are focusing on the multilateral cooperation with Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) or Southern African Development Community (SADC). In Amazon, we proceed monitoring or control of illegal logging and dissemination to other Latin America countries. Amazon

<tentative estimation> Component & Budget Technical Cooperation 330 million USD Grant Aid 50 million USD Yen Loan 580 million USD Budget(2014-2020): 960 million USD <tentative estimation> Major Component Policy Support Capacity Building Awareness / Advocacy Research / Development Livelihood Improvement Networking This amount of the budget is necessary amount to achieve the previously mentioned targets. So will have to try to secure the budget not only in JICA but also in the Government of Japan.

JICA’s Cooperation for REDD+ Initiative Then Let me introduce our cooperation for REDD+ initiative.

Categories of REDD+ Projects 1. Policy & institutional reform + capacity development 2. Measurement of forest resources (RELs/MRV) Satellite image analysis & ground truth 3. Research Carbon dynamics Regarding REDD+ project, it is categorized four categories, policy & institutional reform plus capacity development, measurement of forest resources, research, and demonstration activities on project sites. 4. Demonstration activities on sites Zoning & demarcation, participatory forest- and land management, patrol, livelihood improvement, etc.

Biodiversity conservation Livelihood improvement Key principle for addressing REDD+ Important primarily for addressing Climate Change, but maximizing multiple benefits through REDD+ is no less important than Climate Change. Water supply Ecotourism Through these cooperation, primarily importance is for addressing climate change, but maximizing multiple benefits through REDD+ is no less important than climate change, such us biodiversity conservation, water supply, development of ecotourism, erosion control, or livelihood improvement. Biodiversity conservation Livelihood improvement Erosion control

Major areas of cooperation (1) Addressing underlying causes and drivers of deforestation & forest degradation, such as forest fires, inappropriate land-use patterns and unsustainable forest management. Land use planning (Timor-Leste) Forest fire control (Indonesia) SMF, e.g. combat IL (Brazil) We’re also addressing underlying causes and drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.. Poverty alleviation (Laos)

Major areas of cooperation (2) Establishing robust and transparent MRV system. ALOS/PALSAR for forest monitoring (Indonesia) Training on Forest Monitoring (incl. South-South Cooperation) (Asia, Latin America, Africa) We are also supporting to establish MRV system with utilizing ALOS which was launched by Japan. Last year, ALOS-2 was launched. We proceed to utilise its high resolution remote sensing data and PALSAR for forest monitoring. Facility & Equipment (Forest information management center) (Laos) 17

Major areas of cooperation (3) Enhancing research & development capacity Upscale Carbon Dynamics from Plot to Regional-scale Biomass Allometry For Major Eco- regions Carbon Mapping of Amazonian Forest canopy gap C Dynamics along Gradients of Topography & Disturbance Forest Carbon Inventory Carbon Dynamics of Amazonian Forests (Brazil) Wild fire & Carbon management in Peat-forests (Indonesia) We are also trying to enhance research and development capacities.

Issues and Challenges More coordination with donors and international organisation necessary for co-financing and avoiding duplication More coordination with several government departments related to REDD+ in a country Introducing advanced technology such as remote sensing and GIS database for forest monitoring (MRV) and setting RELs More responsibilities for us to involve community for appropriate manner as well as for community to conserve forest Securing Fund for REDD+ Implementation, particularly up-front resources [Potential of Financial Resource] - Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM; Japanese Government) - Global Climate Fund (GCF; UN) - Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF; World Bank) These are the major issues and challenges for REDD+ project. It is required more coordination with donors and international organization for co-financing and avoiding duplication. Some of the countries divided to several departments related to REDD+, so coordination in the government is required. To proceed REDD+ activities, sophisticated technology and community involvement are also needed. As the final point, for REDD+ implementation, securing fund, particularly up-front resources is quite important. As you know, REDD+ under UNFCCC is basically result-based payment, therefore it is necessary securing the financial resources. There are some of potential financial resources, like JCM by Japanese government, GCF by UN, FCPF by world bank. In addition, Yen-loan by JICA is also one of the financial resources.

What is Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) ? • Japanese government is promoting the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) as a potential mitigation measure. • The JCM facilitates diffusion of leading low carbon technologies, products, systems, services, and infrastructure as well as implementation of mitigation actions, and contributes to sustainable development of developing countries. (Quoted from Website of Ministry of Environment of Japan) • 12 countries which have signed bilateral documents for the JCM: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Palau, Cambodia and Mexico (as of March 2015) Let me explain about JCM briefly. Under JCM scheme, Japan-leading low carbon technologies will be introduced to developing countries, while MRV methodologies will be developed under bilateral framework, then carbon credit occurred by the project will be used to achieve Japan’s emission reduction target. At present, 12 countries signed bilateral document. I understand Japan is negotiating India’s participation currently. Under JCM scheme, REDD+ is currently demonstration stage, and methodology’s guideline will be finalised soon. * REDD+ is currently demonstration stage. Meanwhile, the Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology for REDD+ will be finalized soon.

JCM Demonstration for REDD+ On 2014, REDD+ demonstration studies were implemented three countries, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Indonesia by Japanese Government. Japanese government is going to proceed demonstration study in few countries this year also. (Quoted from Website of Ministry of Environment of Japan)

JICA’s Technical Cooperation for REDD+ Country Status Period REDD+ Policy Support Forest Monitoring REDD+ Readiness Support Project Purpose Indonesia On-going 2013-2016 ○ × ○ (S+P) REDD+ Implementation mechanism is developed in West and Central Kalimantan. Lao PDR 2015-2020 ○ (N) Capacity for SFM is strengthened through incorporation of REDD+ into the sector strategy and improved forest resource information Vietnam National capacity for sustainable natural resource management is enhanced. Cambodia 2011-2016 ○ (P) Capacity of related stakeholders is strengthened for smooth implementation of REDD+ strategy and policy. Papua New Guinea 2014-2019 Capacity of the PNGFA to continuously update forest information and to fully operationalize and utilize PNG-FRIMS for promoting sustainable forest management and for addressing climate change is enhanced. Brazil In preparation Details are under consideration (countermeasures for illegal logging by remote sensing with REDD+ readiness support ). Peru 2015-2019 The capacity of the target groups for forest conservation and REDD+ is strengthened. Gabon 2012-2017 Forest resources monitoring is appropriately conducted based on the operation plan for the national forest inventory system. DRC ○ (S) △ Mozambique 2013-2018 (○) Forest resource monitoring is regularly and appropriately conducted conducted based on the operation plan of the Forest Resource Information Platform. Botswana The state of forests in the country is accurately updated through regular monitoring utilizing the national forest monitoring system. Kenya (Approved by Japanese Government, but details are under consideration.) This is the project’s list of JICA’ technical cooperation for REDD+. Today, I would like to some of the projects, particularly focused on up-front resource. Today, I’m also distributing the JICA’s booklet focused on REDD+ activities. It would be grateful to help your understanding. Note 1) N: National level, S: Sub-national level, P: Project level. 2) Bilateral Cooperation only. 3) As of March 2015.

Example of REDD+ Cooperation (1) (Cambodia) Project for Facilitating the Implementation of REDD+ Strategy and Policy Duration: 2011.06.01 - 2016.05.31 (5 years) C/P: - Forestry Administration and Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Ministry of Environment etc. Activities: Support National REDD+ Roadmap in cooperation with UN-REDD, World Bank (FCPF) & NGO (1) REDD+ readiness process support (2) Support for establishment/implementation of REDD+ National Strategy (3) REDD+ pilot site support (4) Develop GHG inventory, MRV, RELs [Examples of Sites] First example is in Cambodia, “Project for Facilitating the Implementation of REDD+ Strategy and Policy” The project purpose is “Capacity of Related stakeholders is strengthened for smooth implementation of REDD+ strategy and policy”. JICA supports establishment of National REDD+ strategy, pilot site activities, and takes a leading role of coordination with REDD+ activities among international donors or NGOs also. Patrol in forest Controlling illegal logging Meeting with indigenous people

Example of REDD+ Cooperation (2) (Vietnam) Project for Sustainable Forest Management in the Northwest Watershed Area Duration: 2010.08.15-2015.08.14 (5 years) C/P:  Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Dien Bien Province Activities: (1) Establish/Implement forest conservation and livelihood development plan with community/extension officer (alternative for slash-and-burn farming) (2) Forest conservation activities (patrol, afforestation etc.) (3) Forest monitoring with remote sensing data (4) Establish Provincial REDD+ Action Plan (PRAP) Schedule: Location Dien Bien Province 2010 ・・・2012 2013 2014 2015・・・                   ・・2020 Forest Conservation Activities in Pilot Villages (51 villages) - Develop activities in entire Province - Enhance PRAP to neighboring Provinces (Yen loan +TCP (P)) Establishment of PRAP Second example is in Vietnam, “Project for Sustainable Forest Management in the Northwest Watershed Area” The project purpose is Participatory forest management and livelihood development are mutually sustained in the pilot sites, using approaches also applicable to other areas. Major Activities are Establishment of Provincial REDD+ action plan (PRAP) and Forest conservation and livelihood development activities in Pilot villages, as an alternative for slash-and-burn farming. PRAP is 1st Provincial-level plan in Vietnam by JICA technical cooperation. Trial by Japanese Company On-going Project Slash & burn farming Afforestation Patrol in forest

JICA-Private Sector Partnership Example of REDD+ Cooperation (2) (Vietnam) JICA-Private Sector Partnership Partnership agreement signed in July 2013 onwards with three Japanese companies. Partnership Agreements Technical Assistance Sumitomo Forestry REDD+ Pilot Implementation in Dien Bien Province ASKUL JICA Yanmar In Vietnam, three Japanese companies signed partnership agreements with JICA to participate in a part of the project. As private companies did not have a window and experience in implementing the REDD+ activities in the field or villages, JICA could provide local and technical support in these aspect, while private companies provided the implementation budget. The budget was provided through a implementing partner in Viet Nam. Implementation Budget Implementation Budget VN Implementation Partner This covers a part of the project target sites.

Livelihood Improvement Catchment Area/Biodiversity conservation Example of REDD+ Cooperation (2) (Vietnam) PRAP Livelihood Improvement ■ Dien Bien Province  ・Area: 956,590 ha  ・Population: 440 thousand  ・Forest Area: 339,825 ha  ・Cause of Deforestation: - 90% is of slash & burn farming expansion ●Forest patrol by rangers/villagers   (Forest Conservation or Restoration) ●Afforestation ●Livelihood improvement activities (Support for livestock/agriculture) ●Forest monitoring system on Sub-national level <Capital Demand: Approx. 70 million USD> (2013-2020) Provincial REDD+ Action Plan (PRAP) based on National Plan 1st PRAP in Vietnam (by JICA TCP) (2014.05) Budget by Vietnamese Gov. Existing Service + Forest Conservation & Development Fund (already established) REDD+ Fund (Provincial-level) (not established yet) Payment for Forest Environment Service Catchment Area/Biodiversity conservation + Next Phase is under consideration (include other provinces) Currently, Vietnam and JICA are discussing Next phase project. To secure the capital demand for implementation of PRAP, we will proceed to utilize Payment for Forest Environment Service, which is already established in Vietnam. In addition, JICA also try to utilize the financial resources of Yen Loan and JCM-REDD+. Yen Loan (JICA-3): JICA Yen Loan + Subsidy by MoE From Japanese Private Sector JCM-REDD + JICA TCP (on-going) Next Phase had been approved Getting Carbon Credit Reduction of GHG Emission

Example of REDD+ Cooperation (3) (Lao PDR) Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ Support Project Duration: 2015-2020 (P) (5 years) C/P: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Luang Prabang Province Purpose: Capacity for Sustainable Forest Management is strengthened through incorporation of REDD+ into the sector strategy and improved forest resource information. Activities: (1) Central Government’s policy / sector coordination support (2) Support for national forest monitoring system (3) Support for National REDD+ policies/JCM-REDD+ (4) REDD+ readiness support in Luang Prabang province Third example is in Lao PDR, “Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ Support Project” which is discussing on the detail of Nest Phase. The Project purpose is “Capacity for Sustainable Forest Management is strengthened through incorporation of REDD+ into the sector strategy and improved forest resource information”. Be based on previous assistance, JICA will support not only Central government policy and national forest monitoring system, but also REDD+ readiness support in Luang Prabang province.

* Pre-condition for UNFCCC result-based payment Example of REDD+ Cooperation (3) (Lao-PDR) National REDD+ Roadmap (Plan) JICA’s scope * Pre-condition for UNFCCC result-based payment 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021~ ▲NC3 ▲NC3? ▲BUR? ▲2020.10 End of JICA project       Phase I (readiness)   ・・・・・  Phase II (demonstration)   ・・・・・   Phase III (full-scale) ・・・・・ Institutional arrangement and capacity building Sub-national *National REDD+ Strategy Post-2020 framework Transition to full implementation at national scale Result-based payment Driver analysis and identify PaMs *Develop FREL/FRL (RS, NFI) *Operate and modify Develop and test NFMS *MRV1 Modify Develop and test SIS *Operate and modify This is drafted plan of REDD+ Roadmap. On the National level, JICA will assist Institutional arrangement and capacity building, and establishment of National REDD+ strategy. While on the Sub-national level, Sub-national/Project -level demonstrations will be proceeded. JICA also pursue external financial resources or opportunities for result-based payment. Develop BSM Provincial REDD+ capacity building in Luang Prabang Sub-national/Project -level demonstrations External financial resources for implementation (e.g. FIP, other donor supports) Opportunities for result-based payment (e.g. FCPF-CF, GCF)

Example of REDD+ Cooperation (4) (Peru) The Project of Capacity Development for Forest Conservation and REDD+ Mechanisms Period: 2015- (P) (4 years) C/P: MINAM (Ministry of Environment) Purpose:  The Capacity of target groups for forest conservation and REDD+ is strengthened. Expected outputs: 1) Methodology of MINAM for forest conservation and REDD+ is enhanced. 2) Forest monitoring and mapping capacity is strengthened. 3) Pilot activities to promote forest conservation are implemented. 4) Institutional capacities to promote forest conservation is improved. Target Regions: San Martin, Lambayeque and Ucayali Departments Final example is in Peru, “The Project of Capacity Development for Forest Conservation and REDD+ Mechanisms” which is also discussing the detail of Nest Phase. The Project purpose is “The Capacity of target groups for forest conservation and REDD+ is strengthened”. As expecting output, forest conservation and REDD+ methodology, Forest monitoring and mapping capacity, pilot activities, and institutional capacity. We’re targeting three regions in Peru. 2007 (by JAXA)

Example of REDD+ Cooperation (4) (Peru) Some key issues Develop near real-time Forest Monitoring System Potential use of ALOS-2 for detecting deforestation Meet a wide variety of local needs for forest resource management Proposed options by GoP are, wood production, NTFP, agroforestry and ecotourism Enhance the capacity of local governments Understanding of different stages of decentralization between Regions Coordinate with other relevant initiatives Need for common platform There are some key issues to promote REDD+ in Peru. Develop near real-time Forest Monitoring System to address illegal logging. Meet a wide variety of local needs for forest resource management. Enhance the capacity of local governments And Coordinate with other relevant initiatives.

Example of REDD+ Cooperation (4) (Peru) Harmonization with Other Program/Projects (Plan) 2015 - 2018 - 2020 - (READINESS STAGE) (IMPLEMENTATION STAGE) (DISTRIBUTION STAGE) Norway / German Fund (up to USD 300 million) Phase I (10 million) Phase II (40 million) Phase III (up to 250 million) FCPF(WB) Result Based Payment UN-REDD REDD+ MINAM R-PP etc. Safeguard Methodology REL/RL REDD+ Activities by the Peruvian Government (National /Sub-National Level) Monitoring Continue… in 7 Regions ≒1,406 Communities (10.8 million ha) In 3 Regions JICA Technical Cooperation is focusing on Forest governance, Forest mapping techniques, capacity development, early warning system and pilot project activities. On the other hand, UN-REDD program and Norway/ German government’s fund will be provided as result based payment, Now Feasibility study is also on-going, so we will utilize Yen-loan as up-front resources to extend activities to other regions. JICA TCP Forest Governance ( REDD+ related activities ) Early Warning System (ALOS2) 4 years (5 million) Forest mapping Technics (for Dry forest, Boundary, Degradation) Pilot Project (for preparation of LA) Capacity Development F/S for JICA Loan Project PIP1: Forest Monitoring System JICA Loan Project (Proposed) Develop Guideline PIP2: Forest Conservation Activities

Japan Public-Private Platform for REDD+ The Purpose of the Platform - to facilitate REDD+ activities that aim to contribute to addressing climate change, conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development, and poverty reduction by conserving forests severely damaged by human activities in developing countries, in collaboration with private companies, private organization, government agencies, and research institutions Our Activities Activities of the platform: - Promotion of understanding of REDD+ - Sharing information and knowledge - Development of win-win business model Activities of participating organizations are: - Working with other stakeholders to contribute to the platform activities - Actively engaged in the activities in the forest conservation including REDD+ in developing countries from the medium- and long-perspective Private Sector: “We have Resources” Japanese Government: “We have JCM” Finally, let me explain “Japan Public-Private Platform for REDD+”. Last November, JICA and Forest and Forest Product Research Institute established the platform, for the purpose of collaboration among three parties. Particularly, Private sector is one of the possible financial resources for forest conservation in the context of the corporate social responsibility. At present, around of private companies and organizations join this platform. So we’re going to promote to understand of REDD+, share the information and knowledge, and develop the business model through this platform JICA: “We have Readiness Experiences” FFPRI: “We have Knowledge”

Thank you for your attention! JICA Inclusive and Dynamic Development