Unit IV (1450-1750)
The Columbian Exchange Transatlantic transfer Foods Animals Technology People Diseases Ideas? (think Unit V)
Affects of the CE: Old World population (Urban) Commercial interests in cash crops (joint- stock) New World population 95% in first 100 years (J. Diamond)
Two (three) major products Silver & Sugar (& chocolate) Brazil, Central and South America Brazil and Saint Dominque (Central America) Who “owns” what? Who got to the Pacific first? Spanish control of colonies (encomienda system)
Need for labor systems Mi’tah (Mita) Sugar and silver – harsh Pacific access – Spanish “control” of the Pacific Ming China & Ottoman Empires (silver) Spain -> Philippines Global Empires
A “New” Spanish Social Structure “New” peoples of the New World Peninsulares (Spanish from Spain) (Viceroys) Crillos (creoles) – Spanish born in the New World Mestizos (M = E + NA) Mulattos (Mu = E + A) Native Americans
What happens when the indigenous population dies out? What labor system replaces the “old” labor?
The Atlantic System Starts in Africa Old to New kingdoms: Ghana & Mali diminish Trans-Saharan trade – salt & gold West Coast – Slave kingdoms Kongo Trade with Portuguese What was traded?
King Alfonso I Mass conversion to Catholicism Slave trade Portuguese overreach and the fall of Kongo Portuguese -> Ndongo (Angola) Portuguese overreach – again? Queen Nzinga Who wins and why?
The Atlantic System Slave systems in Africa African – kingdoms: Flourish or resist? Portuguese and the Slave system Massive forced migrations from West Africa Europe, Africa, North & South America – difference from 1450 to 1750
Forced or coercive labor systems Native American West African Russian serfdom
The New World Economic reform – banking and the Church Joint-Stock – pooling resources Mass profits from New World – why? New Middle Class Joint-stock and royalty – charter colonies Jamestown Monopolies in trade – Muscovy Company
Mercantilism and the “favorable balance of trade” Goal: Export > Import Competition for colonies Who got screwed? Colonies! Reasons for eventual revolution Cultural and economic
European rivalries Asia and the New World Spanish – Philippines Portuguese – Goa and Asia Dutch versus the Portuguese Dutch control of Spice trade England and France – India France in SE Asia
China and Japan Extreme isolation Which leads us to the…..
Land Empires of the Old World The Gunpowder Empires Ottoman, Safavid, & Mughal Turkey, Iran, & India Sunni, Shia, & Sunni Use of gunpowder
“Great” Names Ottoman Mughal Osmen Bey -> Mehmet II Istanbul & Expansion Selim I (1512) & the Janissaries Suleiman I (Suleyman the Magnificent) Vienna Tamurlane – false start Babur – 1526 -> Delhi Sultanate Unifies sub-continent Islam & Hindu Akbar – 1556-1605 – religious tolerance Result of cooperation -> Shah Jahan
Which one would last? Two developments that brought down the Mughals Aurangzeb Europeans Portugal – da Gama – “Christians and Spices” Coastal dominance by Europeans 1660’s – British dominance of coastal India What event caused Britain’s domination of India? Industrial Revolution Queen Victoria
The Safavids Modern Day Iran Important to note: Shia How far has the chasm between Sunni and Shia reached? Safavid alliances with European nations You are responsible for the Safavids
Ming China and the cause for Isolation 1368 – Mongols get the boot Ming Dynasty – 1369-1644 Strong centralized government Confucian principles Civil Service Exam Goal -> Chinese culture
Zheng He & the Fleet Coast of China to the East coast of Africa Why did China stop? Biggest issue – sluggish economy Goal -> replace paper money with silver Silver from Japan Silver from New World Spanish and the Philippines
“Single-whip” system of economics based on silver Did it work? Yes and no 16th century - Ming in decline Outside influences – Macao (Portugal) Famine and peasant revolts Qing help? 1644 – Qing (Manchu) Dynasty
Gender Issues