Most valuable creation of God HUMAN BODY
Human Body gets 3types of Illness Accidental Diseases Disorders Human body is made up of 60 trillion cells.
Accidents – Allopathic Diseases – Reduction of immune power Best Solutions . Accidents – Allopathic Diseases – Reduction of immune power Disorders – Dis order of cells *Diseases n Disorders permanently can be cured by Naturopath.
99% of all pharmaceutical drugs do not heal or Cure 99% of all pharmaceutical drugs do not heal or Cure. They merely hide or “MASK” symptoms which leaves the causative factors intact.
Our Cell has the inbuilt ability, to heal itself if provided proper nutrition, environment and exercise. This is known as the natural immune system OR immunity As per Naturopathy principles, It is the natural body resistance (immunity) that overcomes the health problem. Medication supplements the nutrition deficiency and thus strengthen the natural immunity..
Natures Gift to Mankind for Health & Wellness WHEATGRASS
WHEATGRASS is hailed by dieticians as: ‘Panacea on Earth’
Wheatgrass Works at cellular level Cells require nutrition (vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, etc) to maintain their proper functioning. Wheatgrass powder supplies all the nutrients. Hence it promotes health & healing
Works at cellular Level It supports our CELL in 3 ways Provides COMPLETE NUTRITONAL FOOD Acts as FOOD SUPPLENEMT and HEALER(CURE)
100 g Wheatgrass Powder = 23 kg vegetables in nutrition Wheatgrass Powder is a Naturally Balanced rich source of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Enzymes, Chlorophyll and Dietary Fibre. Wheatgrass has the amazing ability to concentrate maximum nutrients from the soil.
DIETERARY FIBRE CHLOROPHYLL The molecular structure of Chlorophyll bears a close resemblance to ‘Hemin’ contained in human blood. It is therefore quickly absorbed in the blood “ GREEN BLOOD” ……….Dr Ann Wigmore DIETERARY FIBRE WHEATGRASS Powder is high in dietary fiber and thus helps control Blood Sugar Level, Cholesterol Level, prevents & combat Constipation and Cancer.
Benefits of Wheatgrass powder Helps in blood purification & to balance Hemoglobin level. Helps resolve digestion problems such as Constipation ,Acidity, Piles, Colitis, Ulcers, etc. Acts as a very effective energizer. Natural antioxidant & health rejuvenation product suitable to all age groups. Helps overcome skin disorders & improve skin & muscle tone.
Helps combat diseases such as Cancer, Asthma, BP, Menstrual problems, Paralysis, Leukemia, Arthritis, Insomnia, etc. Insomnia, Eye Problems, Acne (pimples ), kidney disorder,etc… Highly effective for weight loss and weight gain. Paste of Wheatgrass Powder with milk applied like a face pack helps overcome skin problems such as Acne, Black / White heads, freckles, skin tan / burn, etc. And the list goes on…………
Directions for use Dr.Nature’s Wheatgrass Powder is available in 100 g packing required for a month. Consume minimum 1 Tsp (about 3 g) with 250ml of luke warm water per day and increase as per body acceptance. Do not have any food for half an hour before and after consumption. A few drops of honey may be added to enhance taste. You can feel the result after 40 days of regular usage .
For best results First three days one spoon (3g) , fourth day onwards twice per day and 11th day onwards 6 Spoons/ thrice a day with warm water and empty stomach. For better absorption do not have any food for half an hour before and after taking wheat grass powder Follow diet plans as in product manual. (Product & all literatures available through our distributors).
Positive results are experienced For Many …………… With in 15 days For 25% …………… In 30 Days For 50% …………… In 90 Days For 98% …………….. In 180 Days
Quality Factors For Wheat or Wheatgrass – North India cultivation land and Cliamates are suitable. Utilising top four inches of the Grass . Protecting crop from UV – rays through Net Shade Houses. Once utilised land will not be utilised upto 45 days. Ultimate factor is Cultivating in the supervision of Dr.Chandrakant. Always can get fresh stock only.
Utilize every opportunity and succeed in life proceeds from Self Confidence. Self Confidence can be achieved from succeeding in small goals. So , Crystallize your Goals as Short , Middle and Long Term . Pay your attention on Short Goals , easily you can reach to Long Term GOAL.
Use the product Feel the difference Become a Health adviser to your NEAR and dear And Lets create HEALTHY UNIVERSE