Week 5 Overview Suffix/Prefix Test After test complete page 43 in syllabus Review homework-oral practice Chapter 5-pages 72-92-lecture Term project (DUE WEEK 16) Getting ready for body structure test- use pages 9, 43, and 55 in the syllabus Homework
Distal Superior Lateral Ventral Anterior Superficial Parietal Worksheet-Body Structure Answers Pg. 43- syllabus- oral practice Distal Superior Lateral Ventral Anterior Superficial Parietal
1. brain - cranial 2. heart - thoracic 3. lungs - thoracic 4. intestine - abdominopelvic 5. stomach - abdominopelvic 6. spinal cord - spinal
RUQ, RLQ, LUQ, LLQ 1. sagittal: 2. coronal/frontal: right and left sides 2. coronal/frontal: anterior and posterior 3. horizontal/transverse: superior and inferior RUQ, RLQ, LUQ, LLQ
Integumentary Outline Introduction Function Protection Sensory Receptor Temperature regulation Waste excretion Vitamin D synthesis
Anatomy of the Skin Derm, Dermat, Cutane Layers Epidermis - upon the skin Dermis - true skin Subcutaneous - under the skin
Appendages of the skin Hair - pilo, tricho Nails - onycho, unguo Glands - adeno Sweat - Sudoriferous Oil - Sebaceous
Pathology of the Integumentary System Primary Skin lesions Macule- a small, flat, distinct colored area of skin
Papule - a papule is a skin lesion that is small, solid, and raised. Nodule - a solid, raised bump larger than a papule
Vesicle - a small, elevated lesion filled with clear fluid Bulla - a large, fluid-filled blister on the skin or mucous membrane Pustule - a small, raised, pus-containing surface lesion.
Wheal - a welt; an elevation on the skin that may itch or burn, often characteristic of an allergic reaction Scales - dead skin cells that look like flakes or dry skin
Secondary Skin Lesions Scabs- the crust like surface of a healing skin lesion Scar- Cicatrix Scar Tissue- Keloid Tissue Incision - surgical cut, smooth Abrasion- a scrape Laceration- a jagged cut Contusion- a bruise Hematoma - a large bruise or collection of blood under the skin Ulcers- a deep open sore or break in the skin
Skin Problems due to exposure First Degree Burn Red skin, sunburn, painful, epidermis
Second Degree Burn Blisters, very painful, epidermis and dermis
Third Degree Burn Charred, no pain, epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, critical burn
Frostbite - damage to the skin and underlying tissues caused by extreme cold Superficial - closer to the surface Deep - internal
Pathology and related terms of the integumentary system Decubitus Ulcer - bed sore Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin Ecchymosis - bruise Eczema - chronic (long-lasting) disease that affects the skin
Hirsutism - abnormal growth of hair Impetigo - a skin infection that is generally caused by one of two bacteria: streptococcus, staphylococcus Petechia - tiny hemorrhagic spots Gangrene - death of tissue Benign - non-cancerous
Pallor - pale Pediculosis - lice Psoriasis - a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation Scabies - infectious disease caused by the itch mite Urticaria - hives Wart - skin growth caused by a virus.
Dermatosis - abnormal skin condition Alopecia - baldness Malignant - cancerous Erythema - red skin Cellulitis - inflammation of connective tissue Cyanosis - condition of blueness Nevus - birthmark, mole Onychomalacia - softening of the nails
Diaphoresis - abnormal sweating due to shock Hidrosis - abnormal sweating Melanoma - black tumor; A very aggressive type of skin cancer Metastasize - spreading
Diagnostic Procedures Mammography – recording of a breast Biopsy – excision of tissue/fluid for pathological study
Surgical Procedures Lumpectomy- removal of a lump Mastectomy- removal of a breast Autograft/Skin Graft- self skin grafting- donor Liposuction- removal of fat through suctioning
Laboratory Procedures Tuberculin test- test for tuberculosis (TB) Patch and Scratch testing- allergy testing
Medications Astringents - drying agents Antipruritic - against itching Anti-inflammatory - against inflammation Keratolytics - loosen dry skin Sun block/sun screen - filter UV rays
Abbreviations Bx - biopsy SC/SQ - subcutaneous UNG - Ointment DECUB - Decubitus ulcer SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus FS - frozen section
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM ELEMENTS (use with your textbook for CD-Rom) ELEMENT MEANING adip/o, lip/o, steat/o fat cutane/o, dermat/o, derm/o skin cyan/o blue erythr/o red hidr/o sweat hydr/o water leuk/o white melan/o black onych/o nail pil/o, trich/o hair scler/o hardening xer/o dry xanth/o yellow -cyte cell
ELEMENT MEANING -emia blood -logist specialist in the study of -malacia softening -oma tumor -pathy disease -phagia swallow, eat auto- self epi- above, upon sub- under, below
Medical Terminology Project Guidelines- page 49 Disease Report- Guidelines Plagiarism Caution Creative Writing Visual Project/Hands on Project
Examples Creative writing story Poster Creative game Apron, pillow, t-shirt etc.
Review for Quiz Two- page 55 List the four main body cavities Name the three body planes and give their anatomical divisions Tell the abbreviations used when dividing the abdominopelvic region into quadrants List the organs found in these quadrants
List the four main body cavities: Abdominopelvic Thoracic Spinal Cranial Name three body planes and tell how they divide the body 1. Midsagittal- equal right and left sides 2. Transverse/horizontal- superior and inferior 3. Frontal/coronal- anterior and posterior Tell the abbreviations used when dividing up the abdominopelvic cavity 1. RUQ- liver and gall bladder 2. RLQ- appendix and female reproduction 3. LUQ- stomach, pancreas, and spleen 4. LLQ- sigmoid colon and female reproduction
Define the following: Sinistro- cirrho- endo- dextro- psuedo- Antero- epi- abduction- adduction- laparo- Inferior- ventral superior dorsal distal Caudal inter- latero- proximal cephal Infra- ambi- medi- anterior posterior
Sinistr/o - to the left Anter/o - front Inferior - towards the feet Caudal - tail Infra – below Cirrh/o = yellow Epi - above, upon Ventral - belly side, front Inter - between Ambi - both sides Endo - within, inside Abduction - movement away from the midline Superior - towards the head Later/o - sidez Medi - middle Dextr/o - to the right
Adduction- movement towards the midline Dorsal- back Proximal- closer to the point of reference Anterior- front Pseudo- false Lapar- abdomen Distal- away from the point of reference Cephal- head Posterior- back
What is physiology? What is anatomy? REVIEW ABBREVIATION SET ONE-PG.9 Know the levels of organization Keep studying your suffixes and prefixes
What is physiology? The study of body function What is anatomy? The study of body structure Review Abbreviation set one- page nine in the syllabus Know the levels of organization cells, tissue, organs, systems, organism
CBC- complete blood count Page 9- syllabus Stat- immediately UA- urinalysis p.r.n.- as needed ABG- arterial blood gases bid- two times a day tid- three times a day h.s.- hour of sleep/bed time Q, q- every p- after pc- after meals ac- before meals c- with s- without a- before ADL- activities of daily living
Homework Study for body structure test, pages 9, 43, 55 in syllabus Complete pages 93-104 (book) Interactive CD Complete pages 50-54 (syllabus) Read pages 106-131 (book)