Rebuild Committee – Group 2 April 9, 2017 Report
Background Greenbelt location No city water or sewage services “C” facility therefore redevelopment required for license renewal Current license expires 2025 Block 41 – Secondary Plan to be finalized in near future
Kirby Weston KD Pine Valley Teston
Greenbelt KD was built prior to the Greenbelt and Vaughan planning initiatives The property is in the Greenbelt and the entrance portion belongs to Toronto Region Conservation Authority Difficult to get lands out of Greenbelt designation without money and political connections
Discussions with City of Vaughan Current land use does not match Vaughan Official Plan zoning Block 41- Teston to Kirby, Weston to Pine Valley anticipated to have mixed residential, commercial, schools, green and community space, local bus service Locals have concerns about water supply and expropriation of greenbelt areas
New Build Requirements Official Plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment Site plan approval Environmental studies Meeting with all city departments involved to review requirements to get building permit - $1,000 Building permit has expiration date Process would take 12-18 months
Developers Block 41 will be developed when current projects nearing completion and Greenbelt boundaries solidified Developers are require to fund “do good projects” Landowners Lobby Group membership consists mainly of developers
KD Teston Weston Pine Valley
Resources Needed Political support for Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments Contacts with Developers Support from LHIN and MOH<C Latvian Community support Time and Money
Central LHIN Twenty B & C Homes need to redevelop. Some will become extinct Central LHIN does not want to lose LTC beds because it is one of the fastest growing regions MOH insists that cross LHIN movement of beds will ultimately be the Ministry decision
Funding Entering a Capital Development Funding Agreement required in order to get approval for redevelopment Approval is dependent on proof of financing, permits, partnerships, sustainability, past performance Not-for-profits receive $250,000 grant MOH<C pays per diem on a monthly basis for 25 years, when operations commence
Funding cont’ Adjustments to funding per diem include: Size of Home up to 97 beds =$1.50 97- 160 beds= $0.75 $3.50 increase per diem for 60% basic accommodation An $1.00 increase per diem if built to silver LEED level, (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Designs)
Funding cont’ Not-for-profits must sell to not-for-profits Movement of beds within and across LHINs is anticipated Cost to build is about $180,000 - $240,000 per bed
Construction Budget Assumptions Total # of beds 128 beds (4 pods with 32 res.) Gross floor area 83,200 (650 sq. ft /bed) Construction budget $25,600,000 ($200,000 x 128) Funding per diem $16.65 per diem (25 yrs) Total Ministry funding $19,447,200 (over 25 years) One time grant $250,000 28 beds $980,000 ($35,000 per bed) Land $0 Difference between MOH funding plus grant and construction budget plus cost of beds=$7,132,800
Projected Development Costs Item $ Construction Costs 19,712,000 Fixtures, Equipment 1,166,832 Consultants/Project Manager 1,555,776 Develop. Fees & Permits 388,944 Miscellaneous /Admin 194,472 Financing Costs 972,360 Other Project Costs 194,472 Total $24,184,856
Funding cont’ Ministry Funding Available over 25 years + grant $19,697,200 Project Budget $24,184,856 Cost of 28 beds $980,000 Total $25,156,856 Assumption 35% equity required We Need $8,808,000