MAC Update WECC 2018 Budget Review Grace Anderson MAC Budget Work Group Chair March 7, 2017
Work Group Members Rob Kondziolka, Class 1 Russ Noble Class 2 Gary Tarplee Class 3 Michele Beck Class 4 Grace Anderson Class 5 Diana Wilson International
Work Group Activities (1) MAC Chair identifies Work Group (WG) members Draft budget and program briefing February 24 Staff posts draft 2018 budget overview February 28 WG members review materials; identify major issues and questions
Work Group Activities (2) WG conference call with Jim Robb 2/28 Draft initial observations prepared WG meeting refine initial observations (3/2) WG members (through chair) present to FAC (3/7) Chair presents first WG Report to MAC (3/7)
Highlights: 2018 Proposed Budget Draft 2018 budget is a $644,000 (2.4%) increase over 2017: 2018 Proposed Budget $27,441,000 2017 Approved Budget $26,797,000 Key Assumptions: LSE Assessment increases 1% Major electric/natural gas interface project Addition of three new FTE Reserves used in 2017 replenished in 2018
Summary: Proposed 2018 Budget (1) 2017 Approved Budget $26,797,000 + 3% Merit increase, labor float , 3 new positions 642 + Increased travel requirements due to CIP V5 and CIP-014 137 + One-time Gas/Electric Interdependence Study 750 - RAS Modeling, BCCS alternatives, GMD (800) - Net decrease in Board compensation (47) + Other net changes (38) 2018 Proposed Budget $27,441,000 2.4% Reference Slides 14-19 detail Major Drivers by Program (Jillian Lessner materials).
Summary: Proposed 2018 Budget (2) Five WECC Operational Programs: FTE Changes 2017 vs 2018 Reliability Standards 3.0 3.0 0.0 Compliance and Organization Registration and Cert. 55.0 59.0 4.0* Training and Education 2.0 1.3 (0.7) Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis 36.0 38.0 2.0** Situation Awareness and Infrastructure Security 1.0 1.0 0.0 *Three positions and associated work moved from Corporate Services; one new FTE **Two new FTE.
Workgroup: Initial Observations Efficient Realignment of Existing Resources: Support realigning resources and for looking at ways to reallocate staff time to areas of greater need; focus on strategic priorities; elimination of duplication. Assessment Stabilization Policy: Encouraged to see it being implemented and achieving success in avoiding large fluctuations in the assessments; preferable to some would be vigilance in keeping assessment level constant. Documentation of Need for Expanded FTE: Proposing a permanent increase of over $600,000 (3% merit adjustment and 3 new FTE) requires more justification. Merit Salary Increase Necessity and Comparability: Request better explanation of how comparability is established and in what way the overall WECC compensation package compares to Canadian and western utility entities and other REs. Formation of RAC/Creation of ADS: The promises of efficiency made merging TEPPC and PCC into a new Reliability Assessment Committee are not realized, nor are there efficiencies of merging data sets into one Anchor Data Set (ADS). We request improved documentation of efficiencies realized by the PCC/TEPPC merger and the impacts on the 2017 and 2018 budget; and, commitment to track ADR and RAC costs.
Workgroup: Initial Observations Scope and Approval of Electricity/Gas-Electric Interface Study: The scope and cost of this proposed project merits continues scrutiny with focus on an explicit approval process, finding data for analysis that can result in defensible, quantitative conclusions, and evaluating solutions to potential reliability challenges. Consistency with Strategic Plan Initiative: A cross-check is needed to confirm all 2018 items in the Strategic Plan WECC 2017-2020 Operating Plan are funded in 2018 budget. 2017 and 2018 Expenditures and Board Reserve Policy: Understanding of reserves drawdown in 2017 and replenishment in 2018 merits preparation of a reserves “summary sheet.” Schedule: The schedule allows only ten working days for individual member entities to file written comments (BP and B posted May 1/ comments May 12). MAC files comments May 19. Overall Budget Increase: The overall proposed increase of 2.4% is larger than expected. The team is hopeful that further evaluation and refinement by WECC leadership will identify ways to minimize increases and articulate a stronger justification for those needed.
2018 Budget Milestones (1) Nov. 2 2016 ERO / RE budget kickoff meeting Feb. 15: WECC Exec Team reviews department drafts Feb 23: Summary materials provide to MAC WG Feb. 24: Staff briefing for MAC WG Feb. 28: MAC WG call with WECC CEO Jim Robb March: MAC members identify issues April 3: WECC submits NEL request to Bas April 19: MAC Monthly Call: review draft comments
2018 Budget Milestones (2) May 1: Draft 1 of 2018 BP&B posted to website May 4, 5, 10: WECC BP&B Webinars (member input) May 12: Stakeholder Comments due on draft BP&B May 17: MAC considers approval of WG Comments May 19: MAC submits final Comments to WECC
2018 Budget Milestones (3) May 25: NERC webinar on NERC, Regional Entity and ERO Enterprise 2018 NERC BP&B June 6: WECC staff submits final WECC BP&B to FAC for final review with stakeholder comments June 20 - 21: WECC Board Approval of 2018 BP&B July 6: Final 2018 budget submittal due to NERC, with list of LSEs and NEL data Aug - Nov: NERC and FERC review and approval.
Reference Slides Major Drivers: 2017 to 2018 Proposed Budget CMEP and RAPA: Activities and FTE
Major Drivers: Proposed Budget (1) Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis Personnel Expenses: Two new positions – a Project Coordinator and a Project Manager to help plan, execute, and close out projects to free up engineering talent and enable them to focus on the more technical requirements of their roles. Personnel Expenses: 3% merit increase and continued refinement of labor float percentages. Consulting and Contracts: Elimination of 2017 one-time projects and the addition of new 2018 one-time projects such as the Gas/Electric Interdependence Study. Office Costs: Elimination of license fees for NatureServe’s wildlife database.
Major Drivers: Proposed Budget (2) Compliance and Organization Registration and Certification Personnel Expenses: Transfer of 3 FTEs from Corporate Services due to 2017 reorganization and to more appropriately align costs with scope of work – 1 FTE transferred from Executive and 2 FTEs transferred from Business Services who are now fully dedicated to registration. Personnel Expenses: One new position – Compliance Risk Analyst with expertise in internal controls. Personnel Expenses: 3% merit increase and continued refinement of labor float percentages. Travel: Increased audits/site visits related to CIP V5 and CIP-014.
Major Drivers: Proposed Budget (3) Corporate Services Personnel Expenses: Transfer of 3 FTEs to Compliance Transfer of 0.7 FTE from Training and Education Personnel Expenses: 3% merit increase and refinement of labor float Conference Calls: Budget moved to and centralized in Corporate Services Office Costs: New membership in National Association of Corporate Directors and increased fees for forensic capabilities and threat monitoring services in Information Technology Professional Services: New Board Director compensation structure and lower insurance premiums and outside legal fees
Major Drivers: Proposed Budget (4) Reliability Standards No major changes Situation Awareness and Infrastructure Security Training and Education Personnel Expenses: Transfer of 0.7 FTE to Corporate Services due to 2017 reorganization and to more appropriately align costs with scope of work Meeting Expenses: Greater anticipated attendance at compliance workshops Non-Statutory (WREGIS) Personnel Expenses: 3% merit increase
CMEP Activities and FTE
RAPA Activities and FTE