Chapter 15: Offshoring and supply chains Charles van Marrewijk International Trade Chapter 15: Offshoring and supply chains
15.2 the hard-disk drive value chain
Japan USA Taiwan Hong Kong Mexico China Philippines Indonesia Thailand Cover, Disk, Screw, Seal, Ramp, Top Clamp, Latch, Plate Case, Label, Filter PCBA, Suspension Japan 15.3 hard disk drive supply chain in Thailand Disk, Head, Suspension USA Top Clamp Taiwan Filter Cap Hong Kong Head Mexico PCBA, Carriage, HGA, Base, Head, Suspension China Damping Plate, Coil Support, PCBA Philippines Suspension, VCM, PCBA Indonesia Thailand Spindle motor, Base, Carriage, Flex cable, Pivot Singapore Cover, Screw, Pivot, PC ADP, Disc Seal, VCM, Top cover, PCBA, HGA, HAS Base, Pivot, Spacer, VCM, Base Card, Top Clamp, Disk Malaysia
15.4 global trade flows and value-added over gross trade ratio, 1995-2009 gross trade flows (value added / gross) ratio in per cent, right-hand scale value added trade flows
15.5 value-added trade; per cent of gross export, 2009 bubbles proportional to per cent of gross exports in respective year
15.6 vertical FDI decision process America Headquarter services America China manufacturing manufacturing compare total costs
15.7 characterization of main vertical FDI regimes capital vertical multinationals Factor Price Equalization no vertical multinationals vertical multinationals labour
15.8 stage offshoring and wage inequality
15.9 firm heterogeneity and vertical FDI multinational domestic exit
15.10 domestic and foreign sourcing in Spain density domestic sourcing foreign sourcing firm productivity
15.11 backward and forward linkages in value-added trade gross exports 100% RIM; re-imported, 1% America Sector 1 America Sector 2 America Sector 3 DDC 46% IDC 29% FVA 24% border direct indirect foreign border China Sector 1 China Sector 3 domestic value added 76% backward linkages FNL 27% INT 49% final intermediate forward linkages
15.12 domestic value added as share of gross exports (%), 2011 bubbles proportional to per cent of gross exports
15.13 backward and forward linkages, 2011 bubbles proportional to per cent of gross exports
15.14 sum of backward and forward linkages in 1995 and 2011 bubbles proportional to per cent of gross exports in respective year
15.15 global average Grubel-Lloyd index, per 3-digit sector at 5-digit level, % bubbles proportional to per cent of global trade flows
15.16 Grubel-Lloyd index per country; trade-weighted average, 5 digit level bubbles proportional to per cent of population
15.17 Grubel-Lloyd index by income group; trade-weighted, 5 digit level
15.18 organizational sorting in Spain foreign outsourcing density domestic integration domestic outsourcing foreign integration firm productivity