IDENTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION OF ANIMALS IN LITHUANIA 2017 Agricultural Production and Food Industry Departament Animal husbandry division Aleksandra Voicechovska
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Number of bovine
Number of cowe
Number of equide animals
Export of animals
I&R of animals European Commission > Food Safety > Animals > Identification > Bovine Animals > Bovine Animals - Member States Information: Competent authority setting up rules on farm animal identification and registration: Ministry of Agriculture Authority responsible for central farmed animal database, issuing of bovine and horse passport, and receiving returned bovine passports Government establishment Agriculture Information and Rural Business Centre Control authority: State Food and Veterinary Service
I&R of animals Animal species The EU legal regulation Identification Bovine Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 Individual. Two conventional ears tags in both ears. From 18 July 2019 one conventional ears tag in one ear and one electronical ear tag in another. Passport – movements to European Union countries and to third countries. Ovine, caprine Regulation 21/2004 Two conventional ear tags in both ears. From 31 December 2009 – movements to EU countries mandatory (obligatory) electronical ear tags. Equine 504/2008 by 2016 01 01 2015/262 Microchip (ligamentum nuche). Equine animals identification documents. Pigs Directive 2008/71 Herd number, with an ear tag or tattoo before animals leave holdings of birth. Breeding pigs – individual and herd number.
Legal acts of the ministry: I&R of animals Legal acts of the ministry: Veterinary Law; Register of farm animals; Farm Animal identification and registration Procedure; Bovine animals passport rules; Equine animals identification document issuance and usage rules; Cattle, sheep, goats, ear tagging, equine microchips, scanners and labeling software, supplier assessment regulations Pig ear tag and labeling equipment suppliers assessment provision
I&R system Participants: I&R of animals I&R system Participants: Keepers Marking providers (private veterinarian) Suppliers of Identification tools and equipment Ministry of Agriculture SFVS AIRBC Animal breeding organizations Slaughterhouses ABP handlers
I&R measures: I&R of animals central data base – FAR; conventional ear tag end electronical measures (electronical ear tag, bolus, microchip); holding register – GAŽ-1, GAŽ -2 (paper form and electronical); bovine passport, equine animal identification document.
I&R of animals in Farm animal register (FAR) AIRBC CDB-FAR SFVS or Slaughterhouses Keeper
I&R of animals Obligatory registration of animals Registration of movement (off-movement, from a holding, on-movement (to a holding), birth and death (slaughterhouses) Bovine 7 days Ovine, caprine Within 6 months from birth, but no later than before leaving the holdings. In order to state aid - labeled sheep within 1 month from birth. Equine From 1 January 2016 to be identified within 12 months from birth, but no later than before leaving the holdings. Pigs - the first month at least once a quarter registered number of pigs. At least one time during the first month of a quarter to report a number of pigs
I&R of animals The Lithuanian requirements for bovine ear tags All bovine animals are ear tagged with ear tags consisting of two parts into each ear: the width not less than 55 mm; the height not less than 45 mm; the height of numbers and letters not less than 5 mm and of the five last numbers- not less than 20 mm; the form: in every part of an ear tag the short name of Agriculture information and rural business Centre is indicated (ŽŪIKVC), and the individual number of bovine, which consists of country code in accordance with ISO 3166 (LT) and eight numbers written in two lines (total identification number of bovine consists of 14 symbols: 2 letters and 12 numbers and barcode. Gap between LT letters and 8 numbers is filled with zeros.
I&R of animals Identification of Ovine and Caprine I&R of animals Identification of Ovine and Caprine The Lithuanian requirements for ovine and caprine ear tags All ovine and caprine animals are ear tagged with ear tags consisting of two parts into each ear: - the width not less than 30 mm; - the height not less than 30 mm; - the height of numbers and letters not less than 5 mm. - in every part of an ear tag the short name of Agriculture information and rural business Centre is indicated (ŽŪIKVC), and the individual number of ovine/caprine, which consists of country code in accordance with ISO 3166 (LT) and 6 numbers (total identification number of ovine/caprine consists of 12 symbols).
I&R of animals If the ovine/caprine is transported to other EU member state, they are also identified by one round eartag (width 24-32 mm), height of numbers and letters not less than 5 mm. In every part of an eartag the short name of Agriculture information and rural business Centre is indicated (ŽŪIKVC), and the individual number of ovine/caprine, which consists of country code in accordance with ISO 3166 (LT) and 6 numbers (total identification number of ovine/caprine consists of 12 symbols). One part of the ear tag must be with microchip (corresponds ISO 11784 and works HDX or FDX-B), readable with microchip reader, which corresponds to ISO 11785.
AIRBC provides number ranges for the approved suppliers. I&R of animals Ear tag and labeling equipment suppliers approved by the order of the minister are published in the AIRBC website. AIRBC provides number ranges for the approved suppliers.
I&R of animals Potential suppliers provide to the Ministry of the following: application; valid copy of the certificate of manufacturer ISO 9001 of ear tag and (or) chip and reader; a document certifying that the tags are checked by the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) tests; a document confirming that the supplier has a laser reproduction equipment of lost ear tags in Lithuania; Seeking to provide subcutaneous microchips for the equine animals, documents listed in points 7.4-7.5 are not submitted, but the document on the chip operating HDX or FDX-B technology, complied with ISO 11784 and readers complied with the ISO 11785 standards approved by the ICAR research laboratories must be submitted; a document certifying that the labeling equipment (pliers) is compatible to attach ear tags.
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