Welcome to the new 16:9 VCU PowerPoint template! Please use the following guidelines for creating your presentation. 1. Choose a cover style. All masters can be viewed in the New Slide and Layout drop down menus. 2. Use section slides to separate content 3. Choose a slide style for the body of your presentation. Both themes come with one and two column layouts. When using the photo cover above, customize your background using “Slide Background” in the Format menu.
Power point slide masters Why use a slide master? Reformatting slides is easier A single change propagates to all slides in deck Changing themes is seamless Easy to swap between designs Properly created masters can be installed directly into powerpoint! A properly designed slide master will smoothly integrate with “New slide” and the keystroke “control-M” for adding new slides quickly and easily A properly designed slide master with integrate cleanly with VB scripts to automatically craft branded presentations.
Power point slide masters What’s in a slide master This template is properly formatted! Microsoft internally hardwires specific names to specific formats Starting with a blank template ensures all the necessary slides are in a design To see what’s going on - click “View” | “Slide master” to see what’s going on in this deck Note the items down the left side of the screen – these are master layouts and master slides. Changing a master slide will change all the slides that use the master in the original presentation
Saving the slide master as your BLANK Saving the slide master as your BLANK.POTX - creating VCU branded PPT every time! PowerPoint 2013 Unlike earlier versions, PowerPoint 2013 no longer automatically takes you to the correct folder when you choose to save as template. Instead, you have to take it firmly by the hand and lead it there. Open a template file or a presentation based on the template you want to use as your default, then. Choose File | Save As. Click Computer then click Browse. Choose PowerPoint Template (*.potx) in the Save as type: dropdown list box. PowerPoint automatically takes you to C:\Users\[YourUserName]\Documents\Custom Office Templates. Which isn't what we want. So ... Browse to C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates instead. Substitute your user name for [YourUserName]. Name the file Blank (or Blank.potx) and click Save. Try it out: Choose File | New and choose the new Default Theme to make sure PowerPoint uses your new template (yep, PPT wants to call it Theme, but it's a template). For a more detailed explanation, see How to set a default template in PowerPoint 2013 on Echosvoice.com.
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