The Internet of Things ... Babel


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Presentation transcript:

The Internet of Things ... Babel by Paolo Patierno Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat Messaging & IoT team @ppatierno LinuxDay Napoli 2016

Agenda Perché sono cosi forti: Proprietary vs Open protocols Standard protocol comparison Architecture Implementation & Weight Data transport & Manipulation IoT communication patterns Security

Proprietary protocols Perché sono cosi forti: Difficult to port applications Requires re-coding all applications Difficult to integrate Application level bridge for translating formats Restricted platform support Limited to whatever vendor provides

Open (standard) protocols Perché sono cosi forti: Simple application porting Re-coding is no needed Simple integration Well known messages format Broader platform support Everyone can implement for a platform

Standardization Perché sono cosi forti: HTTP IETF standard (RFC 2616 is HTTP/1.1) CoAP IETF standard (RFC 7252) MQTT 3.1.1 version OASIS and ISO/IEC 20922 AMQP 1.0 version OASIS and ISO/IEC 19464

Implementation & Weight Perché sono cosi forti: HTTP Client more complex (ASCII parser) More bytes to pay on data transfer Connection oriented via TCP CoAP HTTP-like but binary Connection less via UDP Client more simple than HTTP

Implementation & Weight Perché sono cosi forti: MQTT Client simple to develop (spec about 70 pages) Constrained devices (smallest packet 2 bytes) Connection oriented via TCP AMQP Client more complex Full featured Connection oriented via TCP + multiplexing

Data transport & Manipulation Perché sono cosi forti: HTTP & CoAP Content-Type based on MIME MQTT Payload agnostic No data types No metadata Any data format (text, binary, JSON, XML, ...) Peers must agree on serialization/deserialization

Data transport & Manipulation Perché sono cosi forti: AMQP Message Header : system and custom/user properties Body : opaque Metadata Data Type System Peers can use Content-Type and Content-Encoding Filter on properties

IoT Communication Patterns Perché sono cosi forti: Publish/Subscribe Telemetry Notification Request/Reply Command Inquiry

IoT patterns : resources Perché sono cosi forti: HTTP & CoAP REST architecture for CRUD operations on resources URIs + POST, GET, PUT & DELETE method CoAP : a device act as “server”

IoT patterns : resources Perché sono cosi forti: AMQP Address based Publish/Subscribe & Request/Response “for free” Brokered (with “store and forward”) Queues : for point to point and request/response Topics/Subscriptions : for publish/subscribe Routed Routing messages between peers No “store and forward”

Security Perché sono cosi forti: SSL/TLS For authentication and encryption Payload encryption HTTP : basic & digest authentication CoAP : Datagram TLS (DTLS) AMQP : SASL for authentication MQTT : username/password on connection

Conclusions Perché sono cosi forti: Devices How much they are constrained ? Network How much it is reliable ? Message rate How many messages per second ? QoS ? Processing data Do the system need more info on processing ?

Conclusions Perché sono cosi forti:

Resources Perché sono cosi forti: MQTT Eclipse Paho (clients) : Eclipse Mosquitto (servers) : Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (brokers) : AMQP Apache Qpid (clients/brokers) : CoAP Eclipse Californium :