EVENT INVITATION EIANZ Victoria Annual General Meeting When: EIANZ Victoria is delighted to announce that Dr Gillian Sparkes, Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability will be our Guest Speaker at this year’s AGM. Dr Sparkes was appointed as Commissioner in July 2014 and has a long career working with industry, community and government to care for and protect our environment. Dr Sparkes has held senior roles in the Victorian government environment portfolio including as Chair of the Board of Sustainability Victoria and Deputy Secretary Corporate and Business Services for the Department of Sustainability and Environment; and has served as a Director of South Gippsland Water, Chair of the Board Environment Committee and CEO of the Australian Sustainable Industry Research Centre at Monash University. Dr Sparkes holds a PhD in Applied Science (Chemistry), a Masters of Business Administration and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Victorian Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia. When: Time: Where: Thursday, 31 August 2017 5:30 pm WSP Level 15 28 Freshwater Place Southbank VIC 3006
EIANZ Victoria Annual General Meeting The success of EIANZ is largely due to the commitment of time and effort by our volunteers. Who are they? EIANZ Board National and Advisory Committees Students and Early Career Professionals Committees Special Interest Section Committees Divisional Committees which represent 2000 members across Australia and New Zealand Conference Program Organising Committees As we approach this year’s AGM we hope that you might consider nominating for a position on your EIANZ Victorian Division Committee. The committee meets once a month – usually on the first Wednesday and we try and limit the meeting to about 1 hour starting at 5:30 pm. Some of the committee choose to call in and we have teleconference facilities in place for this purpose. We are particularly keen to have regional representation to ensure that we provide the widest possible coverage in terms of members interests and views and to compliment what, during the past year, has been a good mix of gender (about 50:50) across a good age distribution and with a particularly active group of Students and Early Careers practitioners. In the year ahead – which runs from September through to the following August, we have already locked in some great events starting with a Trivia Night in September, a planned event with ISCA (the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia) in October, and a field trip to the MCG to view its sustainability initiatives in November. And we have recently started promoting a May 2018 conference to be held at RACV Creswick (near Ballarat) in collaboration with the Australasian Network for Ecology and Transportation (ANET) for which VIC Roads have come on board as Principal Sponsor. EIANZ provides great networking opportunities across a broad range of industry, government, NGO, and research and academic sectors and your role as a committee member offers further opportunity to engage with like-minded environmental and sustainability professionals. As has been noted elsewhere “… committing to such volunteer effort brings rewards which far exceed the level of input” in terms of both professional and personal satisfaction. Should you wish to discuss what is involved please contact me and I will either address your query directly or put you in touch with another member of our committee. Nomination forms can be downloaded from the EIANZ website. You will need to have a member endorse your nomination but this can be dealt with prior to the AGM if you do not have immediate access to a member to gain their signature. In this instance please just complete the nomination form and forward to me. I will do the rest. I look forward to welcoming you as a member of our 2017/2018 Committee. Martin Juniper martin.juniper@hotmail.com President, EIANZ Victorian Division 0407 412 899