Com-ITU/CEPT - January 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark Digital Object Architecture (DOA) DONA Foundation and ITU Information session Com-ITU/CEPT - January 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
DOA – Presence, Applications & Use Global presence Over 1,000 services built on DOA, in 75 countries, on 6 continents. Today top-level DOA global root servers receive avg. 200 million resolution requests per month. Assigned namespaces (“prefix”) +16,000.
DOA – Presence, Applications & Use Users | Countries US Library of Congress | United States of America China Internet Network Information Center | China Office of Publications of the European Community | European Community Computing & IT Competence Center for Max Planck Society| Germany Entertainment ID Registry | United States of America DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center) | United States of America CAL (Copyright Agency Ltd. - Australia)| Australia MEDRA (Multilingual European DOI Registration Agency) | Europe Office of Publications of the European Community (OPOCE) | European Community German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) | Germany OECD Publications | France National Agricultural Library/USDA| United States of America Australian Dept. of Education, Science, and Training (DEST) - PILIN project etc. | Australia
DOA – An open architecture Vendor-independent Open source (free of charge) Non-proprietary system Based on official and/or popular standards (e.g. Digital Object Interface Protocol as described in Recommendation ITU-T X.1255) or protocols Allows all vendors to create add-on products that increase system’s: flexibility, functionality, interoperability, potential use, and useful life. An open architecture which enables the users to customize and extend a system's capabilities to suit individual requirements. An environment which enables different technologies to interoperate.
DOA Features & Benefits Interoperability of heterogeneous systems - The Digital Object Architecture can be built around existing systems. Enormous scale - the DOA can process billions of handle records. The DOA makes this enormous data oversight extremely cost efficient and easy to facilitate. Multilingual support of all types of languages and scripts. Quality of information - Information becomes a digital object and therefore is resilient and persistent versa broken links of URLs. Integrity & privacy of data - each Handle record has a public/private key function for digital signature.
DOA in ITU - User experience Before DOA integration After DOA integration User User Handle ID resolution……… ITU resources: Documentum, MS SQL Server DBs, ftp, MS SharePoint, etc. ITU resources: Documentum, MS SQL Server DBs, ftp, MS SharePoint, etc.
Solution using DOA framework Timeline overview 2013 ITU-T Test signals,+40 digital objects ITU-T Recommendations supporting 6 languages and various format, +84 000 digital objects 2014 Q1-2 Patent statements, +2 000 digital objects ITU-T active working groups ITU Library persistent identifiers to digital documents ITU history portal web pages ITU-T SGs persistent links (e.g. SG 15 liaison statements, Work programme, …) 2014 Q3-4 List of persistent identifiers for web pages and documents related to the Study Groups ITU-T Formal description resolution system,+1500 digital objects 2015 ITU-T Recommendations multilingual search tool ITU-T Recommendations and selected handbooks DVD-ROM with persistent links ITU Publications persistent identifiers
Solution using DOA framework ITU Library and archives Past challenges: Need persistent identifier for its digitized documents Need persistent identifier for web pages Registered under prefix “11.1004/020.1000/” Web pages and digitized documents are associated with a persistent identifier, such as: ITU conferences collection webpage International Telegraph Conference (Paris, 1865)
Leveraging DOA framework for new features Powerful search tool – PART 1/2 ITU-T Recommendations search tool: Index metadata in six languages Room for tagging Recommendations Prototype
ITU and DOA Milestones Project Document for MoU signed MP GHR (MPA) Testbed Agreement Adoption of first international standard for DOA – ITU-T X.1255 September 2013 Project Document for MoU signed May 2011 ITU-DONA Foundation signed Amendment 1 to GHR Agreement for Prefix 11 September 2015 CNRI-DONA Foundation signed transition agreement 30 May 2014 DONA Foundation established January 2014 ITU-DONA Foundation signed Master Framework Agreement June 2014 ITU-CNRI signed Service Agreement for Prefix 11 February 2013 ITU-CNRI signed MoU August 2008 2008 2013 2014 2015 1= CNRI allocated experimental Prefix 11 to ITU 2= Local Handle Server set up in ITU 3= ITU-CNRI MoU Project Document 4= In-house development (proof of concept integration DOA) From 2009-2015 Sessions of Council, all reports by ITU SecGen to Council on Internet had a separate section on the DOA. Many other reports/presentations on DOA were made to CWG-Internet 1= Handle Bridge developed: system to assign globally unique persistent identifiers 2= Assigned +200k persistent unique identifiers to ITU-T resources and ITU History Portal. 3= Deploy a new server architecture to support the DOA services and applications 4= Autonomous Naming Authorities setup for each Sector and General Secretariat 5= Setup MPA testbed environment
ITU and DONA FOUNDATION DONA Foundation Secretariat Intellectual property (License Rights) for ITU Public policy issues Multi primary administrator Outreach efforts with the DONA Foundation Reconstitution event Global identification resource