Today, we will hear from system leaders working together to advance student success across the nation Moderator: Nancy Zimpher, NASH Chair and Chancellor.


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Redesigning Math Pathways: A NASH Priority

Today, we will hear from system leaders working together to advance student success across the nation Moderator: Nancy Zimpher, NASH Chair and Chancellor State University of New York Presenters: Jo Boughman, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs University System of Maryland Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges State University of New York Randy Schulte, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academics Tennessee Board of Regents Nancy Shapiro, Associate Vice Chancellor 2016 | National Association of System Heads

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Funding support from the Gates Foundation & SUNY The Campus Spread PROGRESS: Triple # of students in one academic year: 750 to 2,500 students On-boarding : - 10 colleges in 2016-17 - 10 colleges in 2017-18 Funding support from the Gates Foundation & SUNY Always keep about this distance between text and the edge of slides and other content. Faculty Driven SUNY/Carnegie-Infrastructure Campus Involvement 2 pilot campuses 1 scale-up campus (Rockland) 10 campuses added 16 Explorer Campuses 28 Total Campuses

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If you have questions, please contact Rebecca Martin Thank You! If you have questions, please contact Rebecca Martin Rebecca Martin