Bridging Business & Buildings: A Master Planning Approach
Introduction Anna Thurston, MS, FMP Vice President of Facility Consulting, FM Solutions As Vice President of Facility Consulting, Anna Thurston has overall responsibility for the formulation and execution of strategic facilities plans through the application of behavioral science, performance-based metrics, and the application of technology. With a Bachelor of Science in Planning and a Master’s in Construction Management with a focus on Facilities Management, Anna brings a background in analytical and systems-based research to the FM Solutions team. Her research includes geographic analysis of environmental and societal linkages in developing regions of Nepal, as well as performance-based measurement of sustainability in low-budget environments throughout the desert Southwest of Arizona.
Master Planning Approach & Process
Why Create a Master Plan? Space = Money Accurately forecast / Manage capital and operational cost Ability to make informed decisions Optimize existing assets Minimize risk / increase safety Consolidate/enhance organizational services Create business case for facilities projects and donor funding Highest costs for most firms: Personnel, infrastructure maintenance & enhancement, energy
Business Needs Building Needs Traditional Planning Approach Tactical Action Plan
Integrated Planning Approach Reliability Maintenance Plans & Strategies Mandates & Policy INTEGRATED NEEDS Headcount Fluctuation Space Utilization Technology Security Top Down BUSINESS NEEDS BUILDING NEEDS Strategic Action Plan
VISION NEEDS Traditional Client Engagement Executive 30,000 Feet Top Down Management 10,000 Feet Bottom Up Frontline 5,000 Feet NEEDS
Comprehensive Knowledge of Client’s Business Integrated Client Engagement VISION 30,000 Feet 10,000 Feet 5,000 Feet Comprehensive Knowledge of Client’s Business Executive Management Frontline NEEDS ALIGNMENT OF VISION & NEEDS
Phase 1 Investigation & Discovery
Define Success Criteria Start With the End in Mind What is Success? Setting Targets / Expectations of the Organization What is the Right Level of Funding? Develop Mission, Goals and Guiding Principles Ensure Alignment with Organizational Values, Strategies & Initiatives Stakeholder Collaboration / Buy-In Understand Organizational Culture & Decision Making Process
Develop Performance Metrics Measurement Defendable Credible “Benchmarkable” Communication Educate & Engage Your Audience Up Front Create a Common Language Have Transparent Dialogue With Leadership & Key Stakeholders
Facility Condition Index (FCI) Value of Deferred Maintenance Facility Replacement Value FCI =
FCI Summary example
RISK Building Tier Classification Risk Prioritization Mission Critical Business Critical Tier 2 Support Tier 3
FCI Targets by Building Tier 5% - 10% 10% - 15% 15% - 20% Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Example Building
Funding Vs. FCI
Industry Comparison
Space Utilization Measure and benchmark against: GSF Planning Targets / Benchmarks Measure and benchmark against: Facility Management Round Table (FMRT) Industry Specific Benchmarks Space Category Planning Targets 250 - 350 GSF/Person 450 - 550 GSF/Person Administrative Space Service Space
Space Benchmarking Underutilization Overutilization TARGET: 250 to 350 GSF/FTO Overutilization
Operational Benchmarking Utilities, Maintenance, & Custodial Costs/GSF
Phase 2 Scenario Development
Range of Facility Options
Phase 3 Action Plan & Future Vision
Scenario Evaluation
Implementation & Maintenance
Master Plan Maintenance Keys to maintaining a successful facilities master plan: Ownership Leadership participation and support Documented implementation process Budget forecasting Space forecasting Ongoing staff/program engagement
Keys to Ongoing Success Planning is a Ongoing Cycle Develop a Process for Plans to Evolve with Changing Business Needs Information Management Develop Strategy Upfront as to How Information Will be Managed and Maintained Simple is Better Corporate Alignment Always be Able to Communicate How the Plan is Actively Supporting Ongoing Corporate Strategies and Initiatives Know your CFO Stay in the Know Regarding Organizational Finances and Play to Your Advantage Execution Must be Able to Deliver on Plan Effectively
“Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it.” - Simon Sinek