ESP Contact Meeting FY 17
I.M.P.R.O.V.E. New Teacher Effectiveness Instructional Support Mentor Quality Professional Development Reflective Practices Open Communication Valuable Feedback Empowered Educators
STAKEHOLDER ROLES Principal Creates a school-wide culture that embraces support of new teacher induction Provides feedback regularly after classroom observations. Provides opportunities for new teacher success: time with mentor; veteran teacher observations. PD Specialist Provides Levels of Teachers Communicates regularly with ESP Contacts Assesses and tracks ESP participants through the program
STAKEHOLDER ROLES ESP Contact Fosters and supports a culture of peer mentoring at the school. Communicates with PD contact and provides important program information to teachers. Organizes school-based meetings/structures to fully support ESP teacher. Mentor Teacher Establish trusting relationship with teacher. Conducts peer observations, feedback, signatures. Allows teacher to observe them in their classroom.
IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS and ACTION STEPS Sept. 16- September 30 Levels and Course Registration PD Specialists inform ESP Contacts of Level 1-3 teachers and those who have not completed data collection tool. PD Specialists and ESP contacts inform teachers to register for ESP Level 1 or Level 2 on e learning management. Teachers, Mentors, ESP Contacts register for ESP course on e learning on 9/26!! By September 30 Google Document Share PD Specialist share google folder for new teacher and mentor lists. ESP contact prepare list of new teachers and mentors By October 15 Mentor Lists All teachers and mentor teachers added to google form.
ESP PROGRAM COMPLETION ESP Levels TEACHER LEVEL MENTOR REQUIREMENTS ESP PROGRAM COMPLETION Level 1 Teachers with temporary certificates and are new to teaching. Required Teachers must be paired with a mentor committed to assisting them through their program. (REVIEW STATEMENT OF ELIGIBILITY WITH TEACHER) Teachers must complete all 3 Cycles of the ESP program, provide evidence of completion, and have signed competency verification form at the end of the program. Level 2 Teachers with professional certificate with less than 1 year or NO public school experience (primarily graduates of education programs) Teachers must be paired with a mentor committed to assisting them through their program Teachers must complete all 3 Cycles of the ESP program, provide evidence of completion. Teachers will receive in-service points for completion. Level 3 Teachers with professional certificate and three or more years of experience from another state or district. Not Required Teachers should be paired with a buddy or mentor who can assist them with questions and transitioning to Palm Beach County. ESP Contacts should determine the level of support needed based on classroom observation. If Level 3 teacher requests additional support they can participate in ESP. ESP Contacts may ask you about the levels of their teachers. Please discuss the levels with them or direct them to the ESP webpage where this visual is also available.
Cycle 1 Learn Cycle 2 Link Cycle 3 Lead ESP Cycles of Learning Cycle 1 Learn Online Learning Reflection/Peer Observations Job Embedded Choice/PDCP Collaborative Support Self-Study/PDCP Individual Implementation Cycle 2 Link Cycle 3 Lead
Cycle 1: LEARN Cycle 2: LINK Cycle 3:LEAD reading, videos, reflection Online learning Initial Peer Observations Feedback Cycle 2: LINK Side-by-side development of classroom environment plan, choice of strategy implementation with mentor, PDCP task(s) Continuous Peer Observation w/Feedback PLC Agenda and Reflection Cycle 3:LEAD Training Implementation with Reflection, Strategy Implementation with Reflection, PGP reflection, PDCP task(s) I-Observation Analysis Final Peer Observations
IMPORTANT TEACHER LEARNING INFORMATION During September 30-December 1 Teacher Learning Cycles 1-3Learning Environment (FEAP 2 Only) Complete all portion of the Learning Environment Cycles 1-3 The Learning Environment (FEAP 2) via e learning and link to e campus. Teachers complete online learning and upload or respond to activities into e campus. PD Specialists assess and track progress. Mentors conduct peer observations. ESP contacts support teachers and mentors. PD Specialist and ESP contacts remind teachers to upload to e learning by December 1. By December 1 (suggested) Teacher Evidence Upload Teachers upload certificate of completion for the Learning Environment on e-learning. Cycle 1 and 2 opens for the remaining FEAPS through e learning/ecampus.
In-Service Points Level 1 0 Completion Required Level 2 Teachers 60 Completion of Program Mentor Teachers 30 Signatures on Activities Google Form from PD Specialist ESP Contacts 20 Google Form from PD Specialist