Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment Operator An industry recognized certificate program designed specifically for anyone interested in increasing their skill set and advance their knowledge in the SAGD Industry. This program consists of: 7 online courses specific to De-Oiling and Water Treatment for Heavy Thermal Oil that provides an in depth understanding of the SAGD process from the well pads to the BFW tank. Potable and Wastewater Systems Management certificate course online Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage oil is separated from the water once it is pumped to the surface
Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment Operator Water Process Treatment Operator courses: WPTO101 – Overview of the Thermal Heavy Oil Industry WPTO102 – Phase Separation and Oil Treatment WPTO103 – The De-Oiling Process WPTO104 – Water Sources, Qualities and Recycle Requirements WPTO105 – Lime Softening WPTO106 – Ion Exchange WPTO107 – Oil Sands Regulating and Reporting Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage course details available on the program webpage
Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment Operator WWWO101 - Potable and Wastewater Systems Management Certificate: Provides an introduction to the field of potable water treatment, potable water distribution, wastewater collection and wastewater treatment. Five module course is approved as Mandatory Entry Level Training for new operators by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP). Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage course details available on the program webpage
For more information or to apply CALL TOLL FREE: 1-866-623-5551 SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment SAGD De-oiling and Water Treatment Operator Why take SAGD DaWT: 2 Recognized Certifications Conveniently offered online Cost efficient Maintain your employment while you train For more information or to apply CALL TOLL FREE: 1-866-623-5551