Digital recordkeeping and preservation I ER Modelling ARK2100 Digital recordkeeping and preservation I 2016 Thomas Sødring P48-R407 67238287
ER Modelling ER modelling stands for "Entity Relationship" modelling It is used when you want to develop a database that stores data for a specific scenario It can be used to define and resonate about a particular scenario It is a conceptual modelling technique that defines entities (concepts) and relationships between these concepts It is a process used to create a data model for a given problem area
ER Modelling Conceptual data model without reference to any particular technology Not solely used to develop databases, but we look at it for database development Can be used to model the information needs of an organisation or for a given project The end product of a data modelling process is a relational database schema Carried out using a Top-down approach
Why we model A good and correct representation of the data requirements is important so that The database will support desired operations and requests Simplify changes or updates to functionality Remember the database sits underneath the application If the data model is wrong, the application will be wrong Application Database
Why we model Allows us to visualise something that can often be abstract A model gives us a good overview Easier to find mistakes Models can be used as a basis for dialog between the customer / supplier Simplifies implementation Easier to change a model Cheaper to correct errors in a model The model serves as documentation Source:
Why we model The final outcome of the modelling process is a working schema in a DBMS When working with ER-modelling we work with the following Conceptual model Abstract model independent of technology Logical model Logical Database structure implementable in any RDBMS Physical model Database structure in a particular RDBMS
How do we model Starts with an analysis of the scenario you wish to model that leads to various descriptions Declarative - what, not how Precise - clear, agreed opinion Atomic - a statement Consistent - internally and externally Expressible - structured, natural language Unambiguous - no redundancy Process-oriented Source: unsure, many online resources use this
How do we model Very much an iterative process You will probably develop a number of drafts A whiteboard is very useful when you are a beginner Later the draft is finalised in software tools With experience you work directly on your PC Use Professional Development Tools The database structure made directly from the model There are free online programs that can be used* *
How do we model You have to create a description of your scenario You have to think conceptually Often useful to have "janitor" or "chef" to talk to Often when trying to explain a problem to someone who is not technically inclined it triggers new thoughts useful if You lock yourself in a particular train of thought You are not progressing for some reason Very much group work
Characteristics of a good model What are the characteristics of a good conceptual data model It reflects all relevant aspects of the scenario Easily understandable and unambiguous even for people with limited technical ability Can be systematically translated into a logical data model, which forms the basis for an actual implementation
Other resources If you search online, you will see various descriptions of ER-Modelling Some courses are very technical and these are intended for programmers ER-Modelling is an abstraction of a given scenario at a level that can be understood by developers as well end-users This course gives you a foundation to build an understanding from a customer perspective, not a developer perspective
ER versus UML Modern software development may use a Modelling language called UML (Unified Modelling Language) Remember ER-Modelling is from the 70s ER-Modelling has been subsumed into UML ER-Modelling is still important Relational databases have not gone away and understanding how to model for the relational model is still important Especially if you want to try understand an existing database from a preservation perspective
Modern software development Modern software development is undertaken in a more iterative fashion than before with a greater focus on the business logic than database design Application Interface Application Business logic Database Database
What is an entity? An entity represents a conceptual object, not a physical thing “Car” not “VW Golf” or “Toyota Yaris” “Airport” not, “Gardermoen” or “Heathrow” “Building” Not “P48” or “P52” The object can be represented by only one entity An entity must be uniquely identifiable
An entity
The entity name Entity Name
An entity contains attributes Entity Name Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Attribute 5
Entities and Attributes Attributes are used describe something about an entity An entity describing modelling a car could have the following attributes Registration number, chassis number, colour, manufacturer, model An entity describing modelling an airport could have the following attributes Name, International Code, Town, Country
Entity examples Car Airport Building RegistrationNr ChassisNr Colour Manufacturer Model Name Name Location Int Code Address Town Country Postnumber Town
Entities and relations It is important to understand that an entity is implemented as a relation (table) in a schema (database) that entity attributes become attributes (columns) in a relation (table) In many ways the following slides show the conceptual model and physical models together
Entity Example : Car Car RegistrationNr ChassisNr Colour Manufacturer Model RegistrationNr ChassisNr Colour Manufacturer Model LH12984 10946534 Red Volkswagen Golf DK23491 9648573 Blue Toyota Yaris BP12349 5523840 Green Skoda Fabia ZT97495 2643923 White Seat Leon
Entity Example : Airport Name Int Code Town Country Name IntCode Town Gardermoen OSL Oslo Heathrow LHR London Stanstead STN Dublin DUB Country Norway UK IreCountry
Entity Example : Building Name Location Address Postnumber Town Name Location Address Postnumber Town P48 Frydenlund Pilestredet 48 0176 Oslo P52 Pilestredet 52 Fyrhuset Wergelandsv. 27 F5 Falbesgate Falbesgate 5 0170
Relationship types one-to-one one-to-many many-to-one many-to-many Mandatory relationship Optional relationship
What one-to-one means A one-to-one relationship between two tables, Table A and Table B, arises when each row of Table A can only have one related row in Table B Student StudentNr Firstname Surname Surname 12345 Jan Karlson Karlson 23456 Pål Solberg Solberg 34567 Mette Johansen Johansen 45678 Ingrid Aleksandersen Aleksandersen StudentTelephoneNr StudentNr TelephoneNr 12345 76543829 23456 90783298 34567 99456543 45678 45990234
What one-to-one means This is illegal in a one-to-one relationship Student StudentNr Firstname Surname Surname 12345 Jan Karlson Karlson 23456 Pål Solberg Solberg 34567 Mette Johansen Johansen 45678 Ingrid Aleksandersen Aleksandersen StudentTelephoneNr StudentNr TelephoneNr 12345 76543829 12345 90783298 Illegal in a one-to-one relationship 34567 99456543 45678 45990234
What one-to-many means A one-to-many relationship between two tables, Table A and Table B, occurs when each row in Table A can have many related rows in Table B (while each row of Table B has only one related row in Table A) Student StudentNr Firstname Surname Surname 12345 Jan Karlson Karlson 23456 Pål Solberg Solberg 34567 Mette Johansen Johansen 45678 Ingrid Aleksandersen Aleksandersen StudentTelephoneNr StudentNr TelephoneNr 12345 76543829 12345 90783298 34567 99456543 34567 45990234
Mandatory versus Obligatory We commented that there are both mandatory and optional relationships Using the Student/Telephone example Mandatory relationship Every student must have a telephone number Optional relationship Every student can have a telephone number
Many-to-many relationships A many-to-many relationship is problematic for the relational model Can not be implemented in a relational database Primary keys can not be duplicates Within the relational model, it has to be handled A many-to-many relationship typically conceals a hidden entity Handled by identifying and dissolving the original many-to-many into two one-to-many relationships
Remember why we model The final outcome of the modelling process is a working schema in a DBMS When working with ER-modelling we work with the following Conceptual model Abstract model independent of technology Logical model Logical Database structure implementable in any RDBMS Physical model Database structure in a particular RDBMS
From conceptual to logical So given an ER conceptual model, the next stage is to convert it to a logical model This can be done by following a few straight forward steps First we look at a simple example, the Car, Airport and Building entities There are no relationships between these so the logical model is simple
Our entities Car Airport Building RegistrationNr ChassisNr Colour Manufacturer Model Name Name Location Int Code Address Town Country Postnumber Town
Logical model Airport (Name, IntCode, Town, Country) Car (RegistrationNr, ChassisNr, Colour, Manufacturer, Model) Airport (Name, IntCode, Town, Country) Building (Name, Location, Address, Postnumber, Town)
From a logical to a physical model So given an ER logical model, the next stage is to convert it to a physical model This is also pretty straight forward, but dependent on the DBMS you are using We will take a look at our logical models and convert them to a physical implementation in MySQL
From a logical to a physical model CREATE TABLE Car ( RegistrationNr VARCHAR(20), ChassisNr VARCHAR(20), Manufacturer VARCHAR(30), Model VARCHAR(20), Colour VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (RegistrationNr) ) The examples show how the various entities would be implemented in MySQL CREATE TABLE Airport ( Name VARCHAR(20), IntCode CHAR(3), Town VARCHAR(20), Country VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (Name) ) CREATE TABLE Building ( Name VARCHAR(20), Location VARCHAR(30), Address VARCHAR(30), Postnumber VARCHAR(4), Town VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (Name) )
ER Modelling If we go back to our car rental example, we have two related entities Customer CustomerNr Car Firstname RegistrationNr Surname DOB Manufacturer LicenseType Model Telephonenr* Fuel Address Colour Postnumber Town *Telephonenr is a multivalue attribute
Conversion to logical model Entities become relations Many-to-many relationships are converted to two one-to-many relationships Multi-valued attributes are converted to their own relation For one-to-many relationships, foreign keys are inserted on the many side For one-to-one relationships, foreign keys are inserted Identify primary and foreign keys
1. Entities become relations Customer (CustomerNr, Firstname, Surname, DOB, LicenseType, TelephoneNr, Address, Postnumber, Town) Car (RegistrationNr, Manufacturer, Model, Fuel, Colour)
2. Many-to-many relationships are converted to two one-to-many relationships Customer (CustomerNr, Firstname, Surname, DOB, LicenseType, Telephonenr, Address, Postnumber, Town) Car (RegistrationNr, Manufacturer, Model, Fuel, Colour) Rental (FromDate, ToDate, Mileage) Rental FromDate ToDate Mileage Customer CustomerNr Firstname Surname DOB LicenseType Address Postnumber Town Telephonenr* Car RegistrationNr Manufacturer Model Fuel Colour
3. Multi-valued attributes are converted to their own relation Customer (CustomerNr, Firstname, Surname, DOB, LicenseType, Address, Postnumber, Town) Car (RegistrationNr, Manufacturer, Model, Fuel, Colour) Rental (FromDate, ToDate, Mileage) Telephonenr (telephoneNumber) Rental FromDate ToDate Mileage Customer CustomerNr Firstname Surname DOB LicenseType Address Postnumber Town Telephonenr* Car RegistrationNr Manufacturer Model Fuel Colour Telephonenr telephonenr
4. For one-to-many relationships, foreign keys are inserted on the many side Customer (CustomerNr, Firstname, Surname, DOB, LicenseType, Address, Postnumber, Town) Car (RegistrationNr, Manufacturer, Model, Fuel, Colour) Rental (CustomerNr, RegistrationNr, FromDate, ToDate, Mileage) Telephonenr (CustomerNr, telephoneNumber) Rental FromDate ToDate Mileage CustomerNr RegistrationNr Customer CustomerNr Firstname Surname DOB LicenseType Address Postnumber Town Telephonenr* Car RegistrationNr Manufacturer Model Fuel Colour Telephonenr telephonenr CustomerNr
5. For one-to-one relationships, foreign keys are inserted Customer (CustomerNr, Firstname, Surname, DOB, LicenseType, Address, Postnumber, Town) Car (RegistrationNr, Manufacturer, Model, Fuel, Colour) Rental (CustomerNr, RegistrationNr, FromDate, ToDate, Mileage) Telephonenr (CustomerNr, telephoneNumber)
6. Identify primary and foreign keys Customer (CustomerNr, Firstname, Surname, DOB, LicenseType, Address, Postnumber, Town) Car (RegistrationNr, Manufacturer, Model, Fuel, Colour) Rental (CustomerNr*, RegistrationNr*, FromDate, ToDate, Mileage) Telephonenr (CustomerNr*, telephoneNumber)
Remember why we model The final outcome of the modelling process is a working schema in a DBMS When working with ER-modelling we work with the following Conceptual model Abstract model independent of technology Logical model Logical Database structure implementable in any RDBMS Physical model Database structure in a particular RDBMS
From a logical to a physical model So given an ER logical model, the next stage is to convert it to a physical model This is also pretty straight forward, but dependent on the DBMS you are using We will take a look at our Car rental logical model and convert it to a physical implementation in MySQL
From a logical to a physical model CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerNr INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Firstname VARCHAR(30), Surname VARCHAR(30), DOB DATE, LicenseType VARCHAR(10), Address VARCHAR(100), Postnumber VARCHAR(4), Town VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (CustomerNr) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Car ( RegistrationNr VARCHAR(20), Manufacturer VARCHAR(30), Model VARCHAR(20), Fuel VARCHAR(10), Colour VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (RegistrationNr) CREATE TABLE Rental ( CustomerNr INT, FromDate DATE, ToDate DATE, Mileage INT, PRIMARY KEY (CustomerNr, RegistrationNr, FromDate, ToDate), FOREIGN KEY (CustomerNr) REFERENCES Customer (CustomerNr), FOREIGN KEY (RegistrationNr) REFERENCES Car (RegistrationNr) CREATE TABLE Telephonenr ( TelephoneNumber VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (CustomerNr, TelephoneNumber), FOREIGN KEY (CustomerNr) REFERENCES Customer (CustomerNr) The example on the left shows how the car rental schema would be implemented in MySQL
ER modelling and normalisation Thinking back to the disastrous model we had for Car rental when we looked at normalisation It is clear that had we undertaken ER- modelling instead of just using Excel, we would have had a decent model to begin with You should also be able to see that normalisation happens as part of the ER-modelling process Normalising to 2NF may lead to new entities being identified 3NF and above done at the end of ER- modelling process In many ways, they are undertaken in parallel
Another example You have been asked model and develop a database that can be used at a school to keep track of the subjects students take and who teaches the different modules What is the 'system' we want to model? How do we describe it?
Remember Starts with an analysis of the scenario you wish to model that leads to various descriptions Declarative - what, not how Precise - clear, agreed opinion Atomic - a statement Consistent - internally and externally Expressible - structured, natural language Unambiguous - no redundancy Process-oriented Source: unsure, many online resources use this
School database Clarifications Subjects and modules in this case means the same A student may take additional modules A module is taken by many students A module is taught by only one teacher A teacher teaches several modules These are the kind declarative statements you need to agree upon with the client
Identifying entities Define the boundaries for the scenario What are the 'physical' entities? Teacher Student Student Teacher
Identifying entities At the same time you can see that Module is also an entity, even though a Module is not something that is physical Sometimes it can be easy to see the entities that represent something physical but difficult to see the ones that are not physical In this regard ER-modelling is more of an art than just a science Teacher Student Module
School database What about the attributes? A teacher has the following attributes ID, firstname, surname, email address, telephone number A student has the following attributes ID, firstname, surname, email address, semester address, telephone number
Ambiguities There are still ambiguities in the description What is a semester address? Can a student have multiple addresses Often students change address during the semester, what about their home address? Can a module really only be taught by one teacher? The fewer ambiguities you have now, the better the model will be We will give it a go anyway
School conceptual model This conceptual model has the main entities covered But we are missing the attributes In a large model (100's of entities) the attributes could make the model difficult to read Student Module moduleId moduleName Teacher empNr firstname lastname emailAddress address telephoneNumber studentNr firstname lastname emailAddress semesterAddress telephoneNumber
Conversion to logical model Entities become relations Many-to-many relationships are converted to two one-to-many relationships Multi-valued attributes are converted to their own relation For one-to-many relationships, foreign keys are inserted on the many side For one-to-one relationships, foreign keys are inserted Identify primary and foreign keys
1. Entities become relations Student (studentNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, semesterAddress, telephoneNumber) Teacher (empNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, address, telephoneNumber) Module (moduleId, moduleName)
2. Many-to-many relationships are converted to two one-to-many relationships Student (studentNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, semesterAddress, telephoneNumber) Teacher (empNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, address, telephoneNumber) Module (moduleId, moduleName) Enrollment (year) Teacher Student Module Enrollment
4. For one-to-many relationships, foreign keys are inserted on the many side Student (studentNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, semesterAddress, telephoneNumber) Teacher (empNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, address, telephoneNumber) Module (moduleId, moduleName, empNr) Enrollment (studentNr, moduleId, year)
5. For one-to-one relationships, foreign keys are inserted Student (studentNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, semesterAddress, telephoneNumber) Teacher (empNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, address, telephoneNumber) Module (moduleId, moduleName, empNr) Enrollment (studentNr, moduleId, year)
6. Identify primary and foreign keys Student (studentNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, semesterAddress, telephoneNumber) Teacher (empNr, firstname, lastname, emailAddress, address, telephoneNumber) Module (moduleId, moduleName, empNr*) Enrollment (studentNr*, moduleId*, year)
From a logical to a physical model CREATE TABLE Student ( studentNr VARCHAR(10), firstname VARCHAR(30), lastname VARCHAR(30), emailAddress VARCHAR(10), semesterAddress VARCHAR(100), telephoneNumber VARCHAR(4), PRIMARY KEY (studentNr) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Teacher ( empNr VARCHAR(10), address VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (empNr) CREATE TABLE Module ( moduleId CHAR(7), moduleName VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (moduleId), FOREIGN KEY (empNr) REFERENCES Teacher (empNr) CREATE TABLE Enrollment ( moduleId VARCHAR(20), year CHAR(4), PRIMARY KEY (studentNr, moduleId, year), FOREIGN KEY (studentNr) REFERENCES Student (studentNr), FOREIGN KEY (moduleId) REFERENCES Module (moduleId) The example on the left shows how the school schema would be implemented in MySQL
School database solution Enrollment Module studentNr year moduleId moduleId moduleName empId 12345 2012 1 1 Matte 3 12345 2012 2 2 Fysikk 3 12345 2012 5 3 Norsk 1 34567 2012 1 4 Engelsk 2 34567 2012 3 5 Fransk 4 45678 2012 4 45678 2012 5 45678 2012 3 Teacher Student firstname surname empId studentNr firstname surname Surname Thomas Hansen 1 12345 Jan Karlson Karlson Markus Haugen 2 34567 Mette Johansen Johansen Mette Dahl 3 45678 Ingrid Aleksandersen Aleksandersen Hilde Berg 4
Some thoughts The more ambiguous the description, the greater the chance errors will be introduced in the model that the model does not cover the scenario adequately More than likely that many teachers will teach many modules Fixing this once the system has been developed can be expensive Teacher Student Module
Some thoughts Even a small database will likely have many entities, 20-30 entities Also, it his highly likely that this data will be used by other applications Timetable scheduling Payroll Classroom booking Exams A good designer will foresee this and even though the model currently has a limited scope will ensure that the model can easily be adapted
Final example Gerd Berget has an example Cinema database in her book The ER conceptual model is given We will convert the conceptual model to a logical model We go through the 6 steps Finally we convert it the logical model to a physical model
Theater theaterNr capacity Distributor distributorID name address postnr town Contributor personId firstname surname dob deathDate filmId title year length manufacturer Film customerNr Customer
1. Entities become relations Contributor (personId, firstname, surname, dob, deathDate) Film (filmId, title, year, length, manufacturer) Distributor (distributorId, name, address, postnr, town) Customer (customerNr, firstname, surname, address, postnr, town) Theater (theaterNr, capacity)
2. Many-to-many relationships are converted to two one-to-many relationships Contributor (personId, firstname, surname, dob, deathDate) Film (filmId, title, year, length, manufacturer) Distributor (distributorId, name, address, postnr, town) Customer (customerNr, firstname, surname, address, postnr, town) Theater (theaterNr, capacity) Participation (role) Booking (bookingDate, time, amount)
Theater theaterNr capacity Distributor distributorID name address postnr town Contributor personId firstname surname dob deathDate role Participation Booking bookingDate time amount filmId title year length manufacturer Film customerNr Customer
4. For one-to-many relationships, foreign keys are inserted on the many side Contributor (personId, firstname, surname, dob, deathDate) Film (filmId, title, year, length, manufacturer, distributorId) Distributor (distributorId, name, address, postnr, town) Customer (customerNr, firstname, surname, address, postnr, town) Theater (theaterNr, capacity) Participation (filmId, personId, role) Booking (filmId, customerNr, bookingDate, time, amount)
Distributor distributorID name address postnr town Contributor Film filmId personId firstname surname dob deathDate title year length manufacturer Participation distributorID filmId personId role customerNr Customer firstname surname address postnr town Booking bookingId time amount filmId customerNr Theater theaterNr capacity
5. For one-to-one relationships, foreign keys are inserted Contributor (personId, firstname, surname, dob, deathDate) Film (filmId, title, year, length, manufacturer, distributorId) Distributor (distributorId, name, address, postnr, town) Customer (customerNr, firstname, surname, address, postnr, town) Theater (theaterNr, capacity, filmId) Participation (filmId, personId, role) Booking (filmId, customerNr, bookingDate, time, amount)
Distributor distributorID name address postnr town Contributor Film filmId personId firstname surname dob deathDate title year length manufacturer Participation distributorID filmId personId role customerNr Customer firstname surname address postnr town Booking bookingId time amount filmId customerNr Theater theaterNr capacity filmId
6. Identify primary and foreign keys Contributor (personId, firstname, surname, dob, deathDate) Film (filmId, title, year, length, manufacturer, distributorId*) Distributor (distributorId, name, address, postnr, town) Customer (customerNr, firstname, surname, address, postnr, town) Theater (theaterNr, capacity, filmId) Participation (filmId*, personId*, role) Booking (filmId*, customerNr*, bookingDate, time, amount)
Distributor distributorID name address postnr town Contributor Film filmId personId firstname surname dob deathDate title year length manufacturer Participation distributorID filmId personId role customerNr Customer firstname surname address postnr town Booking bookingId time amount filmId customerNr Theater theaterNr capacity filmId
CREATE TABLE Contributor ( personId INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, firstname VARCHAR(30), surname VARCHAR(30), dob DATE, deathDate DATE, PRIMARY KEY (personId) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Theater ( theaterNr INT NOT NULL, capacity INT, filmId INT, PRIMARY KEY (theaterNr), FOREIGN KEY (filmId) REFERENCES Film (filmId) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Distributor ( distributorId INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, address VARCHAR(100), postnr VARCHAR(4), town VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (distributorId) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Participation ( filmId INT, personId INT, role VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (filmId, personId, role), FOREIGN KEY (filmId) REFERENCES Film (filmId), FOREIGN KEY (personId) REFERENCES Contributor (personId) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Film ( filmId INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, tittle VARCHAR(30), year CHAR(4), length INT, manufacturer VARCHAR(30), distributorId INT, PRIMARY KEY (filmId), FOREIGN KEY (distributorId) REFERENCES Distributor (distributorId) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Booking ( filmId INT, customerNr INT, bookingDate DATE, time TIME, amount INT, PRIMARY KEY (filmId, customerNr, bookingDate, time), FOREIGN KEY (filmId) REFERENCES Film (filmId), FOREIGN KEY (customerNr) REFERENCES Customer (customerNr) ) engine = innoDB; CREATE TABLE Customer ( customerNr INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, firstname VARCHAR(30), surname VARCHAR(30), address VARCHAR(100), postnumber VARCHAR(4), town VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (customerNr) ) engine = innoDB;
Recap We have looked at ER-modelling and have seen the three different phases we go through Conceptual, logical and physical Conceptual and logical are most important today, we will do a lot more work on the physical model during the semester You cannot expect to understand ER-modelling after this introduction You learn through practice The process is important
Recap We have seen four various examples Car, Airport, Building Car Rental School Cinema The complexity increases each time, but we always follow the same steps
Recap The process is very individual and based on your knowledge and experience Describe the scenario and refine until necessary granularity has been achieved Using descriptions define entities and relationships between them Identify the attributes of entities Conceptual to logical to physical Larger scenarios will have many iterations and some suggestions that are discarded before a solution is reached Work with small parts of the problem at a time and let your conceptual model evolve Do not try to solve it in one go – iteration!
Finally We have explored The concept of databases The relational model and related issues ER-modelling Conceptual, logical and physical We should now have a basic understanding in how these all hang together Next we explore how to implement a model in the database, insert, update and retrieve data from a database Finally look at how the Noark standard is implemented in a relational database