Change Partner Meeting #1 Workday@Yale March 21, 2017
Agenda Welcome & Overview Workday Roles Key Changes from Current to Future State & Demo Purchase Requisition Expense Report (EMS) Processing Q & A Next Steps
Learn about the Changes Learn their assigned areas of the system Change Network Roles Before Go-Live “Focus on Readiness” After Go-Live “Support Users” Supporter Listener Change Partners feedback and communications channel between their business unit and the Change Management team Serve as a Liaison Direct Users to Help Resources Ambassador of Change Learn about the Changes Early Adapter Coach Provide User Support Participate in this Community of Practice Serve as a Liaison Local Workday Gurus community of users who can provide business process support as a part of their current role Learn their assigned areas of the system Change Partners serve as a communications channel between their business units and the Change Management team. Your primary responsibilities before go-live is to prepare your areas for Workday. As an ambassador of change you will learn about the Workday changes, share that information with people in your area. And once the system is live, your role changes to sharing information you receive from colleagues about Workday with Change management. You will also help to direct users to the appropriate help resources. Local Workday Gurus are a community of users who can provide business process support as a part of their current role. They will have an early opportunity to get into Workday and to learn about their assigned areas of the system. After Workday is live, they will provide local users with help support, participate in this Community of Practice by knowledge sharing and to share feedback you receive from your colleagues and faculty with the change management team. Test the System Lead User Training
Why Workday? Make it easier to get work done Simplify and standardize processes Make it easier to get work done and harder to make mistakes Minimize administrative work for faculty, students and staff Lower operating costs and improve effectiveness Provide accurate, trusted, and timely reporting
Timeline 2017 2018 Financials Go-Live Training Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sept Oct-Dec Financials Go-Live Training User Testing Post Go-Live Support (including YSS, ESC, ITS Help Desk) Weekly Updates, Supervisor Updates, Information Sessions Functionality updates occur in March and September, as indicated by the “workday” logo. We are communicating with users in a variety of ways: through our weekly update to LA’s, OM’s, Change Network, Executive Sponsors, Impacted Systems Community Members, and Workday Program Members. If this group isn’t receiving this communication, their supervisors/Change Partners are receiving it and will provide updates at their in-house meetings. Additionally, the Workday Program is hosting information sessions, like this one, to inform users. We will be testing the system to ensure users can fulfill business processes in Workday (and to ensure our training materials are accurate and our support centers have adequate supporting documentation). Post Go-Live support will be offered for 4 months after July 3, to ensure the community is prepared to use Workday. We are actively planning activities needed for the transition period. Finally, we continually optimize to improve the tool. This is an ongoing process. Prepare for Go-Live HR/Payroll/Academic Optimization Financials Optimization
Prerequisite Foundational Core Concepts <Course Name> Prerequisite Foundational Core Concepts Online Videos Financials Overview (5 minutes) Chart of Accounts (COA) Overview (7 minutes) Introduction to Worktags (5 minutes) Reporting Overview (5 minutes) Core Concepts Software as a Service Configuration vs. Customization Tenant Supervisory Organizations Roles Business Process Employee Self Service Delegation Inbox These concepts were introduced to the LWGs in February. Additional resources are available at <ILT_Course Name>
Roles Workday@Yale
Workday Roles: Who Does What Are assigned to Positions Determine function in a business process (i.e. initiate, approve, etc.) Determine what you can see and do in Workday Provide access to data within the assigned cost center If you can’t see or do something in Workday, it is because you might not have the right Workday roles. POSITIONS A Position is the “seat” that a specific Worker occupies A Position does not refer to a job title May be assigned one or many Workday roles Workers are hired into Positions and inherit the Workday role(s) of the Position
Examples of Roles Needed for Business Functions When our Department needs to… Required Workday Role is... Buy something (SciQuest)? Requisitioner Approve all purchases, Invoices, Cash Advances, and ER's that are <$1K? Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K Submit an expense (EMS)? Employee (Self Service)
Purchase Requisition Workday@Yale
How do I requisition goods and services? W O R K D A Y R O L E S START END In SciQuest Uses Create Purchase Requisition REQUESTOR Yale community member identifies need for goods or services REQUISITIONER Uses “Create Requisition” business process in Workday Determines if requested item is in SciQuest COST CENTER P2P APPROVER(S) Reviews/approves transaction Who reviews depends on size of the transaction ADDITIONAL APPROVALS Environmental Health & Safety (some spend categories) Procurement (transactions over $10,000) SUPPLIER Workday creates purchase order with supplier and posts commitment to account charged Supplier delivers goods or services Not in SciQuest Uses Create Purchase Requisition: Non-Catalog Item
Create Requisition – Key Changes <Course Name> Create Requisition – Key Changes In Workday the initiator is the person entering the requisition; the Requester is the person spending the money Requisition is initiated in Workday and integrates with SciQuest SciQuest remains strictly for the catalogs and the shopping cart creation Return your Shopping Cart from SciQuest to your Workday requisition for final Checkout The Workday requisition will carry: Ship-To Address Additional Information Attachments Line Defaults (Charging instructions) Approval workflow <ILT_Course Name>
Create Requisition – Key Changes <Course Name> Create Requisition – Key Changes Charging instructions that will be used frequently may be captured using a Workday requisition Worktag template For initial go-live the current state self approval functionality will be suspended Requisitions by student employees or charging a grant account will always require approval In Workday additional approvers can be added from a list of specific Workday role-holders [JLT} We have sunset the use of the term “VIP” <ILT_Course Name>
Create Requisition – Requisition Types <Course Name> Create Requisition – Requisition Types Type Description Standard goods and services requisition Regular goods and services are the primary type. Services requisition will specify an extended dollar amount with no quantity. Standard goods and services requisition / requires invoice review Regular goods and services are the primary type. Services requisition will specify an extended dollar amount with no quantity. Department requires review. (Formerly Non-PO Invoices) Purchasing assistance required e.g. Sourcing, contract review, professional consulting services agreement Purchasing assistance required / requires invoice review e.g. Sourcing, contract review, professional consulting services agreement. Department requires review. (Formerly Non-PO Invoices) Capital Equipment Moveable equipment All 5 Requisition types are new but straightforward allowing the Business Offices to see the invoice before payment Will come through for approval. We want to minizme Oks to Pay <ILT_Course Name>
DEMO Create Requisition Requisition Worktag Template <Course Name> Create Requisition DEMO Requisition Worktag Template SciQuest Catalog Requisition <ILT_Course Name>
Expense Report Workday@Yale
Expense Report – Key Changes <Course Name> Expense Report – Key Changes Expense Management System (EMS) is being retired Receipts, if required, are attached directly to the Expense Report (no more faxing) either at the line level or at the header of the expense report. The YSS role has changed: Departments who use YSS for expense reports entry will now input information directly into Workday instead of via an email transmittal form. YSS will review the expense report directly in Workday Messages to employees regarding their expenses will appear in their Workday Inbox and Notifications. Email will no longer be used. Requestors (spenders) will certify only their expense reports including out-of-pocket expenses and/or personal expenses charged to their P-Card. <ILT_Course Name>
Expense Report – Key Changes (continued) <Course Name> Expense Report – Key Changes (continued) The Workday Mobile App is available to photograph receipts, submit expenses and certify your own expense report. Expense report approvers can take action via their Workday Inbox which is also available in the Workday Mobile App. Spenders may continue to transmit images of their receipts to their preparers via email. Charges are now designated by expense item. A line memo is required only on personal charges. Current employees had their existing payment elections converted when Workday HCM went live in July 2015. New employees are required to make an election during onboarding. <ILT_Course Name>
Expense Report – Key Changes (continued) <Course Name> Expense Report – Key Changes (continued) Delegations will be available for Workday Expense reporting. Current state Self-Assigned Assistants will be converted prior to Go-Live as Workday Delegates. A delegation process is under development by which distributed departments may request delegations on behalf of employees. After Go-Live, employees may request delegation of their expense report preparation. <ILT_Course Name>
Mobile Expenses Capabilities
Create Expense Reports <Course Name> Expense Report DEMO Create Expense Reports <ILT_Course Name>
<Course Name> Some Key Takeaways Concepts and information presented today may change as Yale continues to improve the configuration of Workday Roles govern what you can do and see in Workday For initial go-live the current state self approval functionality will be suspended Requisitions by student employees or charging a grant account will always require approval Charging instructions that will be used frequently may be captured using a Workday requisition Worktag template Expense Management System (EMS) is being retired Existing delegations will be pre-loaded into Workday <ILT_Course Name>
Instructor-Led Training Coaching/Clinic Session Training Guide Instructor-Led Training Coaching/Clinic Session Quick Guide (QG) Auditorium Session Web Simulation Web-Based Training Training will be offered from May through July in a variety of ways—depending on topic areas, ensuring you are fully prepared for the transition to Workday. This includes: clinics available after go-live for hands-on support, auditorium sessions, Instructor-led training, and web-based training options. To ensure we’re providing you with accurate training materials, we’re testing them in User Acceptance Testing (taking place April through May), namely Quick Guides, to ensure they accurately capture our business processes and the Workday tool. More info to follow…
Support You will have support! Local Workday Guru’s are embedded in your department provides access to quick guides, web-based training, and additional supporting documentation Yale Shared Services (YSS) will provide tier-one helpdesk support through the Finance Support Center (FSC) Heightened support will be provided from July through October Your first option for support will be your Local Workday Guru and training materials found on the web (e.g. Quick Guides, Web-based training, etc.) YSS will be providing the ‘front-door’ for Finance support through their Finance Support Center (FSC) Calls will be answered and addressed as quickly as possible and escalated as needed Hyper-care support will be provided from July – October This means if the call center is unable to answer a question, there will be a team of people ‘behind’ them to help get you the answer you need quickly More specific details to follow
Questions and Discussion Workday@Yale
Please complete the short anonymous survey <Course Name> Session Feedback Tell us what you think!! Please complete the short anonymous survey that will be emailed within the next 24 hours. To download a copy of today’s presentation, please visit the Change Network website. <ILT_Course Name>
Next Steps Become an ambassador of change <Course Name> Next Steps Become an ambassador of change Work closely with your lead administrator to better understand who needs to know about the changes that were shared in this meeting Take some time to understand the Prerequisite Foundational Core Concepts and encourage staff in your area to learn about these topics Grow your network and take some time to meet other Change Partners Tentative topics for next session (April 4) User Acceptance Testing April 17 – May 19 Testers who are selected will be notified soon End User Training begins May 22 (tentative) Revisit the session objective -be comfortable with change <ILT_Course Name>