TGC L1 Trigger On-Line Monitoring Tel Aviv University: E. Etzion, Y. Benhammou, N. Hod, O. Ben-Ami, Y. Silver Weizmann Institute: L. Levinson D. Lellouch, O. Silbert September 30, 2017
Status, May 2009 Unified with TGC DAQ software and configurations. Working modules are: -- 4 GNAM segments (OverView, HitProfile, pTthreshold, TriggerProfile). -- 3 DQMF segments (GlobalChamber, Timing, SubsectorOccupancies). DQMF algorithms are not yet fine-tuned. DQA↔DB interaction is in preparation, see next slides. Histograms: ~2000 for SHIFT, ~200 for EXPERT, see next slides. These numbers are not static. Documentation for the shifter / expert is in preparation. September 30, 2017
Another GNAM segment for TGC-Efficiency is in preparation. Code and xml(s) are installed and checked under tdaq-02-00-01 in: -- /det/muon/standalone/sw/tdaq-02-00-01/detectors/muons/installed/ -- /det/muon/standalone/databases/tdaq-02-00-01/muons/segments/TGC/ (GNAM/,DQMF/,OHP/) All tested in TGC-Standalone and ready to be copied in the combined area together with all TGC DAQ software and xml(s). Another GNAM segment for TGC-Efficiency is in preparation. Using Jumbo-packets (for large events) – not yet fully tested. will be ready before the coming cosmic run. New “13 sectors” structure require many modifications in decode and in QDA tests. In process… Several new dqm algorithms for DQMF segments. Some are relative algo’s - where we don’t have good references yet. New tombox (soon…) September 30, 2017
DQA ↔ DB interactions Java Viewer IS TGC DB GNAM Histo’s DQMF COOL DQMD Data from DQMF will not go directly to the TGC ORACLE DB / COOL. Instead, it will be stored in IS (as arrays, in a global numbering scheme). Then it will be pooled from there by a special (TGC-DAQ) tool to be translated (to the chamber level) and registered in the ORACLE DB. From the ORACLE DB it will be sent to COOL along with other TGC info. The information to register to the IS, and then to the DB is (for now): -- chamber status (“on” / “off”), -- number of dead / hot channels in the chamber (#dead, #hot), -- chamber timing performance (#prevBC, #centBC, #nextBC). September 30, 2017
Histograms (HitProfile, ohpNexus) September 30, 2017
Histograms (HitProfile, ohpNexus) September 30, 2017
Histograms (HitProfile, DQMD) September 30, 2017
Histograms (GlobalChamber, DQMD) September 30, 2017
Histograms (GlobalChamber, DQMD) September 30, 2017
Histograms (Timing, DQMD) September 30, 2017
Histograms (HitProfile, ohpNexus & DQMD) September 30, 2017
Histograms (HitProfile, ohpNexus & DQMD) September 30, 2017
Histograms (some EXPERT histos, ohpNexus) September 30, 2017