Architectural Works(Interim) Assessment 1.1 Plasterwork – Granolithic Screed/Terrazzo/Cement Sand Screed 1.2Plasterwork - Screeding / Monolithic Screed 1.3Plasterwork - Backing Screed 1.4Plasterwork -Floor/Skirting Tiles
2.1 Brickwork & Blockwork 2.2 Panel WallPartitions:Installation 2.3 Glass BlockPannels 2.4 Masonry 2.5 Plasterwork-Spatterdash 2.6 Plaserwork-Cement Renderingfor Paint Finish 2.7 Plasterwork - Cement Rendering for Tile Finish 2.8 Plaserwork-Lime Plaster on Solid Background 2.9 Plasterwork -Wall Tiles
2.10 Plaster -Mosaic Tiles 2.11 Platerwork -Stone Tiles(Wet fixed) 2.12 Skim Coat 2.13 Pull-off Test to Completed Tiles(Record Check) 2.14 Panel Wall Partitions(Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment) 2.15 Emulsion Paint - Internal/External(Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment) 2.16 Tile Adhesive and Grouting (Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment) 2.17 Panel Wall Partitions(Material -BS Items) (Excluded from PAM assessment)
3.1 Plasterwork -Spatterdash 3.2 Plasterwork –Cement Rendering for Paint Finish 3.3 Plasterwork -Cement Rendering for Tile Finish 3.4 Plasterwork -Stone Tiles (Wet fixed) 3.5 Plasterwork -Wall Tiles/Mosaic Tiles 3.6 Multi-layer Acrylic Paint - with texture coat / without texture coat (Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment)
4.1 Plasterwork-Cement Rendering for Paint Finish 4.2 Skim Coat 5.1 Metalwork-WindowsInstallation(at Insitu Wall/Precast Facade) 5.2 Window Opening 5.3 Aluminum Window(Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment)
6.1 Plumbing -Above Ground (Fresh WaterPipes / FlushWater Pipes) 6.2 Drainage -Above Ground(Soil & WaterPipes/ Rainwater Pipes) 6.3 Drainage –CCTV Surveying(Record Check) 6.4 uPVC Lined Galvanized Steel Pipes & Fittings (Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment) 6.5 uPVC Drainage Pipes and Fittings (Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment)
7.1 Carpentry & Joinery -Sub0frame/ Door frame/Architrave 7.2 Carpentry & Joinery -Doors 7.3 Metalwork - Frame/Grill/Louver/ Railing/Door 7.4 Metalwork -Roller Shutter/Metal Gate 7.5 Metalwork -Market Stall(General/Frame/Signage/Roof Mesh) 7.6 Wooden Doorset(Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment) 7.7 Synthetic Paint(Material) (Excluded from PAM assessment)
8.1 Precast Façade(After HoistingInto Position) 8.2 Precast Staircase 9.1 Waterproofing(For Bathroom/Kitchen) 9.2 Tanking -Asphalt(Record Check) 9.3 Roofing -Asphalt(Record Check) 9.4 ProprietaryProofing(Record Check)
10.1Glazed Balustrade General/Frame/Glazing) 10.2 Glazed Cladding-Internal 10.3 Glazed Cladding-External 10.4 Glazed Shop ront(General/Frame/Signage/Glazing) 10.5 Masonry Cladding-Internal 10.6 Masonry Cladding-External 10.7 Metal Cladding-Internal 10.8 Metal Cladding-External 10.9 Skylight/Curtain Wall (General/Frame/ Glazing/Acrylic)