Trends and Topics related to the LGBTQ Community Fayetteville State University Brent Lewis Director of Cultural Programs & Safe Zone Office
Introductions Name Gender Pronouns
Learning Outcomes The learner will have greater knowledge and skills related to social norms and trends The learner will have increased knowledge about institutional and community resources The learner will have improved academic performance and higher academic achievement
Activity Pull a slip….
Trends and Topics Safe Spaces Gender Pronouns Inclusion Campus Resources Community Advocacy Restrooms Gender Identity HBCUs LGBT People of Color
LGBTQ…what? L = Lesbian G = Gay B = Bisexual T = Transgender Q = Queer or Questioning
Gender Identity vs Sexual Orientation Big Distinction! Gender identity/expression and sexuality are not inextricably linked Do not assume one’s sexuality is related to their gender expression terminology-and-definitions
LGBT Students of Color May feel they have to lead double lives (out with LGBT people, not out with people of color) May feel pressured to “choose” which of their identities is most central to them May feel their sexuality is invisible because others only see their race May experience discrimination from other people of color based on religion May “speak a different language” in terms of identity terminology May experience overlapping forms of discrimination and harassment (homophobia, racism, sexism, classism, etc.) May resist coming out because they fear the loss of community or family support
Issues Faced by Trans* Individuals Facing assumptions about sexual orientation Receiving access to businesses and services Obtaining knowledgeable/welcoming health care Having to educate everyone around them Finding and keeping jobs Using public restrooms Housing Documentation Safety Names and pronouns Many trans folks exert a lot of emotional energy worrying about whether or not people “read” their gender as they wish to be read Trans folks are asked to leave restaurants for making other customers feel uncomfortable, turned away from hospitals/doctor’s offices because people don’t want to treat them or want them seen in their waiting room Let folks know that there is a list of gender-neutral restrooms online (13 academic buildings w/o them) Most medical providers are not knowledgeable about trans health issues and most are not “trans friendly” Most violence against GLBTQ people is directed at trans individuals
HBCUs… 2002 – gay student beat with a baseball bat in shower at Morehouse University 2002 – gay male attacked by members of the Howard University marching band 2006 – lesbian fired from Morehouse after supervisor sees email from her significant other 2009 – Morehouse bans clothing “usually worn by women” 2011 – openly gay band member beat to death by peers at Florida A&M
The Current State of HBCU’s… Only 20% of HBCU’s have LGBTQ organizations Only 3 HBCU’s have LGBTQ Resource Centers (Bowie State University, North Carolina Central University, & Fayetteville State University) 2 of 2012’s Top 10 HBCU Successes were related to LGBTQ Initiatives We CAN be a part of this change! Remember: HBCU’s were founded to provide EQUALITY in education!
Inclusive Language People’s immediate experiences differ from one another based on previous experiences Our language choices have the power to hurt and exclude others and to damage relationships Consciously changing our language can contribute to social change
Strategies for inclusivity… Allow for diversity in how people refer to themselves If you use inclusive language, truly try to represent everyone Encourage people to speak for themselves Words can hurt, but they can also convey understanding and respect
Activity Based on your letter (on the slip) L, G, B, or T .. Form groups. Each group will discuss: If you were a ____ student attending FSU, what do you think your lived experience would be like? Is the community welcoming? What are we doing well? What can we improve? What topics do we need more discussion about relating to your letter?
Community Resources Equality NC- Advocacy Organization LGBT Center of Raleigh LGBTQ Center of Durham Campus Pride- Charlotte Human Rights Campaign- Washington, DC National Black Justice Coalition- Washington, DC
Fayetteville State University: LGBT Campus Resources Safe Zone Office – Student Center- Suite 127, Director, Brent Lewis, 910- 672-2307, Follow the Safe Zone office on Facebook at Fayetteville State University Safe Zone office Website: Club FLAME- Advisor- Dr. Emily Lenning; Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; 910-672-2274, , 333 Lauretta Taylor
Questions?? Don’t ever hesitate to contact me… Brent E. Lewis Director of Cultural Programs & Safe Zone Office Office: (910) 672-2307