Neutrino Physics with IceCube IceCube Design, Status and Recent Results IceCube Potential* Astrophysics Particle Physics Neutrino properties Atmospheric neutrinos VEP, VLI WIMPs Monopoles, Exotica Beyond IceCube Low energy core Ultrahigh energy radio/acoustic extensions *See AMANDA talk by B. Baret for more concrete evidence of IceCube’s potential D. Cowen/Penn State
The IceCube Collaboration University of Alaska, Anchorage University of California, Berkeley University of California, Irvine Clark-Atlanta University University of Delaware / Bartol Research Institute University of Kansas Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Laboratory University of Maryland Pennsylvania State University Southern University and A&M College University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, River Falls RWTH Aachen DESY, Zeuthen Universität Dortmund MPIfK Heidelberg Humboldt Universität, Berlin Universität Mainz BUGH Wuppertal Stockholms Universitet Uppsala Universitet Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université Libre de Bruxelles Universiteit Gent Université de Mons-Hainaut Chiba University University of Canterbury, Christchurch Universiteit Utrecht Oxford University South Pole University D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube & AMANDA Site and Design 2 DOMs in each of 160 IceTop tanks two tanks deployed atop each string station runway 60 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) on each of 70+ strings strings 125 m apart DOMs 17 m apart in z on string 1450m-2450m below surface ~1km3 physical volume, ~1 GTon D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Construction Status 1320 DOMs on 22 strings ~0.25km3 physical volume surround AMANDA 677 OMs deployed 1994-2000 104 DOMs in 52 IceTop tanks AMANDA IceCube currently instrumented IceTop Digital Optical Module (DOM) cartoon photo D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Construction Status Year: Strings 2005: 1 2006: 8 2007: 13 (12 planned) 2008: 14 2009: 14 2010: 14 2011: 11+ AMANDA 01/ 2000 78 74 73 72 67 66 65 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/05 58 59 57 56 50 49 48 47 46 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/06 39 40 38 30 29 IceTop station only 2006 21 IceCube string and IceTop station 02/07 D. Cowen/Penn State
How IceCube and AMANDA Work Neutrino interacts in or near the detector Imparts energy to charged particle(s) Charged particle(s) emit Cherenkov light directly, and by imparting energy to other charged particles Cherenkov light detected by PMTs in modules in the detection medium AMANDA OMs: analog signals, digitized on surface IceCube DOMs: digitization in situ, bits to surface Trigger: >Nmodules hit in Dt AMANDA: tighter spacing IceCube: quieter modules, local coincidence—more flexible trigger Joint event triggering/building implemented this year Filter: select events for satellite transfer north D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Data Taking Status Physics data taking since May 23, 2007 We are running shifts (remotely) Approaching 96% live time Should get above 99% very soon Event rate is ~600Hz, acquiring 180 GB/day, over one billion events recorded so far Detector performance is excellent 98.5% of deployed DOMs are commissioned and delivering physics data 1000 DOM-years of live time accumulated thus far 2 sensors failed after commissioning estimated survival rate after 15 years: 97% +1.5/-3.5% Fundamental parameters meet or exceed design specifications. Examples: individual DOM timing multi-string timing in situ LED flashers etc. D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Data Quality Assurance Example: Use in situ remotely-controllable LEDs and downward-going muons to check relative DOM timing DOMs have individual free-running clocks clocks must be calibrated to within several ns to allow us to reconstruct events figure shows example of how this works with LEDs Timing excellent on all new DOMs Dt Timing stable over >1 year period D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Results Atmospheric neutrino “test beam” Upward going atmospheric nm-induced muon sample extracted from 2006 data Note: only had 9 strings in 2006 Zenith Azimuth (upgoing) (horiz.) Residual 10% bkgd. near horizon Saw 234 events on expectation of 25580 Reference: arXiv:0705.1781v1 (accepted by PRD) D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Results Other analyses nearing fruition: Search for Extremely High Energy Neutrinos One Year IceCube Point Source Analysis Please see B. Baret’s talk on AMANDA (this conference) and IceCube’s contributions to ICRC 2007 for these and many other IceCube/IceTop/AMANDA results D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Astrophysics Potential Neutrinos from cosmic accelerators Strong circumstantial evidence that sources of high energy photons are hadronic accelerators* Detecting neutrinos from cosmological source(s) would be ironclad evidence p + p(g) p’s g’s and n’s May point way to understanding origin of, and acceleration mechanism for, detected ultrahigh energy (E>~1020eV) cosmic rays Possible “bottom up” astrophysical accelerator sources of UHE neutrinos (En>~TeV): GRBs, SNe, AGN “Point source” analyses Can enhance potential to discover neutrinos from transient sources with “target of opportunity” and “optical follow-up” techniques See plenary session talk by E. Bernardini Look also for UHE neutrino signals from diffuse sources *E.g., HESS observation of SN remnant RX J1713.7-3946; arXiv:astro-ph/0611813 D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Particle Physics Potential soft decay spectrum hard decay spectrum hard soft AMANDA limit IC22+A limit (anticipated) WIMPs (a “top down” source of UHE neutrinos) can be trapped in gravitational potential wells, annihilate, create neutrinos earth core, solar core, galactic center complementary to direct detection technique Violation of Equivalence Principle (VEP), Violation of Lorentz Invariance (VLI) Results in measurable departures from standard neutrino oscillation expectations linear energy dependence of oscillation frequency IceCube will do >10x better than AMANDA-II result* Monopoles Slow-moving, bright Exotica Closely spaced upgoing track pairs (SUSY staus) *presented at ICRC 2007 D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube & Atmospheric n Oscillations En (GeV) nm survival probability Dm2 = 2.4e-3 eV2 vertically upward nm Atmospheric neutrino oscillations Difficult: need “low” threshold E<50 GeV may be able to reach E<30 GeV with vertical muons denser 17m spacing in z-dimension muon travels ~5 m/GeV need at least 5 DOMs: 68 m Em,min = 68/4 = 17 GeV (En,min = ~25 GeV) IceCube is implementing specialized low-energy trigger Look at mup/mdown as a function of m track length and maybe use initial creation shower to further refine measurement of E Related idea discussed in Albuquerque and Smoot, PRD.64.053008 issues: kinematic n-m angle ~flat inelasticity (y) distribution cosmic ray muon background if successful, this would be highest energy measurement of neutrino oscillations a low energy sub-array within IceCube would do a better job at this Initial IceCube study to be presented at TeV Astro Conference in August (Venice, Italy) 4x17m m nm D. Cowen/Penn State
Tau Neutrinos At E > ~100 TeV, nt background-free source of cosmological neutrinos no nt from atmospheric neutrinos oscillation effect negligible at these energies “prompt” nt from charm decay small only cosmological sources can give nt Starting with ne:nm:nt::1:2:0 at source, end up with 1:1:1 at earth due to oscillations Also: pointing resolution of nm energy resolution of ne large acceptance rich set of signatures allows systematic crosschecks tau travels long distances (50m per PeV) tau has many decay channels Finally… …the total sample of nt is…4* *DONUT Collaboration, arXiv:hep-ex/0012035 D. Cowen/Penn State
Tau Neutrino Signatures D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube n Flavor Separation 550 GeV ne 14 TeV ne 100 PeV ne downgoing m (data) 9.5 PeV nt double bang 77 PeV nt lollipop
IceCube n Flavor Separation nt full flavor ID ne Neutrino flavor ne (supernovæ) showers vs. tracks nm 6 9 12 15 18 21 Log(E/eV) D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube & Fundamental Neutrino Properties New n or source properties distort expected 1:1:1 neutrino flavor ratio Source Flavor Ratio Neutrino Physics Detected Flavor Ratio Assumptions/Comments References 1:2:0 Standard vacuum oscillations 1:1:1 0:1:0 4:7:7 Muon damped sources Rachen & Meszaros astro-ph/9802280; Kashti & Waxman arXiv:astro-ph/0507599v4 n decay (normal hierarchy) 6:1:1 Ue3=0; Complete decay. Current limits on n decay are weak. No initial flavor ratio can give either 6:1:1 or 0:1:1. Beacom et al. arXiv:hep-ph/0211305 n decay (inverted hierarchy) 0:1:1 pure anti-ne 5:2:2 Neutron accelerator Anchordoqui et al., arXiv:astro-ph/0311002v3 1:2:0 and 0:1:0 CP violation Complicated, but flavor ID critical Q13 not too small; DQ12 and DQ23 reduced; 10% error on flux. Optimistic… Blum, Nir and Waxman arXiv:0706.2070v1 Incomplete list! Incomplete list! D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Extensions Low Energy (En > ~10 GeV) AMANDA closely coupled operation with IceCube coincident triggering joint event building combined event filtering and reconstruction New core (just playing around with the idea…) deploy additional strings of DOMs in close-pack array deep in center of IceCube lower energy threshold, lower background deeper, veto, specialized trigger D. Cowen/Penn State
IceCube Extensions High energy (E > ~10 PeV) Acoustic Radio SPATS 06/07 deployed 3 strings (@7 stages) Radio AURA 06/07 deployed 3 clusters (@4 dipoles) Acoustic string stage being deployed (No children were co-deployed with dipoles this season) Radio cluster being deployed A possible future hybrid array D. Cowen/Penn State
Conclusions IceCube is functioning well with ~¼km3 fiducial volume deployed Began physics data taking ~1 month ago Mother Nature willing, IceCube will study fundamental neutrino properties tau neutrinos, n oscillations, n decay, Q13,.. …And it can do other interesting particle physics and astrophysics WIMPs, monopoles, other exotica neutrinos from GRBs, AGN, SNe,… Planning and R&D for low and high energy extensions are underway D. Cowen/Penn State
What Happens to Neutrinos Afterwards McMurdo Station, Antarctica D. Cowen/Penn State