Harun Cicek, Serkan Ates , Yacoub Hijazeen & Mohamed Rifaee Introducing and disseminating forage and grain based CA systems in Jordan Harun Cicek, Serkan Ates , Yacoub Hijazeen & Mohamed Rifaee Consortium Research Program on Dryland Systems (CRP DS) ICARDA – NCARE Technical Meeting for Tafilah-Salamieh Action Site (Jordan sites) Ayass Hotel, Amman September 21-22, 2014
Conservation Agriculture (CA) and forage activities Activity Locations Station/site Area (ha) 2013 Target area (ha) 2014 CA– alley cropping Meharb , Majdiyah, Irak Farmers’ fields 1 2 CA - agronomic research trials Mushaqar, Khaldiyah, and Maru Research station 5 Demonstration trials Karak/Mazar Madaba/Mushagar 6 30
Forage activities in Jordan Productivity of drought tolerant forage legumes and cereals under different tillage systems (2013-2016) The forage seeds originating from Tel Hadya and sown in Ramtha Station (due to availability of the water) for multiplication in November 2013. A long-term trial will be established at Mushaqar station in autumn 2014 to investigate the performance of various forage legumes in different tillage systems and their impact on the subsequent cereal crop.
Forage crops procured from various sources or multiplied in Ramtha station in Jordan
Evaluation and management of alternative forage cereals under saline conditions (2013-2015) A total of 10 barley varieties originating from Tel Hadya and Jordan were sown in December 2013 to evaluate their dual purpose potentials under saline conditions (Khalidiyah station). The first year data is under process. The second year of the experiment will be established in mid-October 2014. Forage legume-cereal rotations under no till and conventional tillage systems in saline conditions (2013-2015) Integrated experiment to measure the forage production, of triticale or berseem clover under no till or conventional tillage system under saline conditions (Khalidiyah station)
Khaldiyah forage/CA experiment Second cut First cut
Mushaqar station CA experiments Crop rotation under CA and conventional tillage Barley, vetch, lentil Time of sowing Lentil and wheat at early, normal and late seeding Trials are in first year and were on tilled land, therefore no CA vs. Conv data.
Maru station CA experiments Crop rotation under CA and conventional tillage Lentil and wheat Time of sowing wheat and vetch at early, normal and late seeding Data analysis underway
Al Karak governorate farmer demonstrations (2013-2014)
Repairing Syrian ICARDA no-till seeder at Al Ghweer station Repearing Syrian ICARDA no-till seeder at Al Ghweer station Repairing Syrian ICARDA no-till seeder at Al Ghweer station
Karak region stubble (soil?) grazing
Coming up! CRP Dryland System and FAO RNE Water Scarcity Initiative ICARDA-FAO Joined Activities in the Framework of CRP Dryland Systems and The Near East and North Africa’s Water Scarcity Initiative In Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia
Coming up! Repaired and new seeders New farmers (20-30 farmers, 1 ha each) InshaAllah rain Motivated team Great crops!
Some selected farmers for 2014-15