Welcome to presentation on Gender Based Violence ------------------------------- Laila Jesmin Joint Secretary Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Bangladesh.
Constitution of Bangladesh Article 19 The State shall endeavor to ensure equality of opportunity to all citizens. Article 27 All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection. Article 28 (2) Women shall have equal rights with men in all spheres of the State and of public life. Article 29 (2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of, any employment or office in the service of the Republic
International Commitments Colombo Plan 1950 Convention on the Elimination of All Form of Discrimination Against Women 1979 Convention on Rights of Children 1989 Beijing Platform for Action 1995 Istanbul Plan of Action (2011-2020) Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030)
7 Five Year Plan (2016-2020) Gender Vision: A country where men and women will have equal opportunities and rights and women will be recognized as equal contributors in economic, social and political development. 7FYP Target: Gender equality Gender Parity Index in tertiary education to be raised from current 0.70 to 1.0. The ratio of literate female to male for age group 20-24 to be raised to 100% from the current 86%. Encourage female enrolment in technical and vocational education Reduce and maintain the current income inequality of 0.45
Objectives of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs ( MOWCA) To establish rights of Women & Children through Women Empowerment and mainstreaming them in development. Strategic Objectives: Ensure social security of women and children Protection of women and Children & safeguard their rights Achieve Gender Equity Empowerment of Women And Children
Function’s of MOWCA Prevention of Violence Against Women & Children Conservation of social and legal rights of Women & Children Creation of employment opportunity for women Coordination and monitoring different activities of Women development undertaken by different ministries ( Through WID Focal point). Develop National Women development policy and Child Development policy and implementation.
Acts Child marriage restraint Act,2017 Women & Children Repression Prevention Act, 2000 Legal Aid Services Act, 2000 Mobile Court Act,2009 Domestic Violence (Prevention and protection) Act, 2010 Acid crime Prevention ( Amended) Act, 2010 Human Trafficking (Deterrence and suppression) Act, 2012 Children Act, 2013 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Act, 2014
Policies National Women Development policy 1997 National Education policy 2010 National Child labor Elimination policy 2010 National Children policy 2011
Action Plans National Plan of Action to implement National Women Development policy 1997. National Action Plan to prevent Violence against Women and Children, 2013 – 2025. National Action Plan for combating Human Trafficking , 2015 – 2017.
London Girl’s Summit 22 July 2014 We commit to eradicate by 2021 under 15 child marriages as well as reduce by a third 15-18 age group child marriages in Bangladesh, and we aspire to end child marriage in Bangladesh by 2041 Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Rehabilitation and Legal Aid for Women Victims Violence against Women Prevention cell in divisional head quarters. Temporary shelter for women victims of violence where they can stay up to six months with two children below 12 years. A Legal Aid Cell established to support victims of violence. Safe custody for Women & Children prisoners
Prevention of Women oppression 8 One stop crisis centers established in Public Medical College Hospitals. 40 One stop crisis cells at district general hospitals and 20 One stop crisis cells at upazila health complex to provide services for women and children victims. National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory 7 Divisional DNA Screening Laboratoriea 8 victim support centers established in divisional headquarters.
Services of One-Stop Crisis Centre Medical Treatment Forensic DNA Test Social Reintegration Police Assistance OCC Clients Safe Custody/ Shelter Home Legal Support Rehabilitation Social Welfare Services Psychosocial Counseling
National toll free 24 hours helpline 109 for women and children victims of violence. National Trauma Counseling Centre provides psychosocial counseling to the women children victims. National Database on Violence Against Women and Children has been established.
Institutional Mechanism National Coordination committee to prevent women and children trafficking . Acid cases monitoring cell has been formed. Acid victims support fund developed. Established 54 Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal across the country.
Regional Initiatives South Asian Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC ) Five thematic areas of SAIEVAC Child Marriage Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Child Labour Corporal Punishment Trafficking
Mobile Apps : Joy Provides Instant Support to the Women and Children victims of violence National Helpline Centre (109) Deputy Commissioner of Police SP at District level Nearest Police Station FnF (3) SMS Necessary Step taken Rescue the victim and lodge case Supports and Services provided Follow up
Conclusion Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) is working as the lead Ministry for development of women and children, Under the instruction and guidelines of “National Council for Women and Children Development (NCWCD)” a 50 members platform is led by Hon’ble Prime Minister,