Child Labor Knowledge Sharing System
CLKSS Updates Created CLKSS advocacy page designed with more graphical interface
CLKSS Updates Created virtual hosts on the current web server of CLKSS enabling the server to host multiple site. This was done to deploy the advocacy page along with the existing system. The existing system’s domain was changed to and the advocacy page was deployed under to serve as a landing page
CLKSS Updates ILO acquired additional domain name, and BWSC team configured the domain to direct requests from to The idea is to provide short and easy to remember URL
CLKSS Updates Installed SEO optimizer to make it more visible and high result rank to search engines like Google and Yahoo! Forged partnership with St. Scholastica’s College through MOA; supported the school’s Communications Society’s Stop and Shoot photo competition on Batang Malaya/child labor; generated a very high number of donated photos
CLKSS Updates Doubled the number of registered users from approximately 600 users in February 2013 to 1,293 as of August 8, 2013 Doubled the number of friends on CLKSS Facebook account from approximately 500 friends in February 2013 to 1,185 as of 8 August 2013
CLKSS Updates Created YouTube channel for CLKSS related videos specially voices of children for children on CLKSS advocacy page
CLKSS Updates Enhanced the CLKSS brochure