Journalizing Transactions Chapter 3 Journalizing Transactions
Recording Transactions and the General Journal 3.1 Recording Transactions and the General Journal
Journals and Journalizing T-Accounts and accounting equation do not match with amount of transactions & accounts Journal- A form for recording transactions in chronological order Journalizing- Recording transactions in a journal Use journal best for business needs-record entries everyday Journals and Journalizing
In a Journal… Accuracy Chronological Order-By Date Entry-Information for each transaction recorded in a journal Double-Entry Recording- Recording of debit and credit parts of a transaction In a Journal…
Business paper from which info is obtained for a journal entry Concept: Objective Evidence-source document for every transaction Source Documents
Check- A business form ordering a bank to pay cash from a bank account Check ALWAYS used for “paid cash” Invoice – A form describing the goods or services sold, the quantity, the price, and the terms of sale Sales Invoice-used for recording a sale on account- sales ticket or sales slip Source Documents
Source Documents Receipt-written acknowledgement for cash received Memorandum-Brief message is written to describe a transaction Calculator tapes labeled with T and date Source Documents
Date Debit Credit Source Document Journal Entries
Staring a New Journal Page 3.4 Staring a New Journal Page
If do not have 2 spaces at bottom of page; start new journal page Write new page number at top of new journal page
Correcting Errors in Journal Entries If entry already journalized-draw lines through incorrect parts Journalize collect entry If only numbers wrong; draw line through numbers and write above Correcting Errors in Journal Entries