Energetická náročnost budov
Vladimír Dobeš, Pavel Ruzicka ENVIROS Ltd. PRESOURCE – Work Package 3 EDIT VALUE TOOL INTERNAL TRAINING Graz 4/11/13 Vladimír Dobeš, Pavel Ruzicka ENVIROS Ltd.
Partners involvement Responsible partner WP3: ENVIROS Designing EDIT: ENVIROS, ENEA, STENUM, UBA Training and pilot implementation: ENEA, ENVIROS, ProAkademia, STENUM
Goals to become acquainted with the draft EDIT tool methodology get an internal feedback on the methodology and related materials test first "condensed" version of the EDIT tool training
Planned outputs Overall feedback for improvement of the EDIT training (both content and methods) Remarks and suggestions to EDIT methodology and training materials Suggestions for future training and roles of the core team members Plan for next steps
1. Introduction into EDIT Value tool Eco-Innovation Diagnosis and Implementation Tool for Increase of Enterprise Value
RE is influenced by all levels of the management pyramid RESOURCE EFFICIENCY (RE) is related to material and energy flows at the physical level of a business (processes and products) RE is influenced by all levels of the management pyramid PRODUCTS PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS Management Pyramid
Management Pyramid and examples of RE instruments Ecodesign, Design for Sustainability Environmental labelling, Product Service System PRODUCTS BAT – Best Available Techniques EMA – Environmental Management Accounting M&T – Monitoring and Targeting CPA – Cleaner Production Assessment PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMS, EMS, TQM STRATEGY Social Responsibility Voluntary Agreements External communication VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS Management Pyramid and examples of RE instruments
Problems of existing approaches and diagnosis tools PRODUCTS PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS Tool driven (either specific tool or an „ideal enterprise“) Selective (only some levels of a business are adressed) Qualitative
Challenge To develop Eco-Innovation Diagnosis and Implementation Tool which will be: Driven by the potential for improvement Complex (addressing all levels of a business) Quantitative So that it will lead to an optimal increase of Enterprise Value within existing framework conditions and with limited resources available
2. Overview of EDIT methodology Three basic steps: 1) Potentials - identification of areas with potential for improvement 2) Applications - Allocation of possisble applications (instruments) for intervention / improvement 3) Action Plan - Feasibility of applications (instruments) and innovations identified (cost benefit analysis, possible sources of funding)
Step No. 1: Identifying potentials 1.4 RE / SCP aspects assessment 1.3 life cycle analysis RE / SCP Aspects Assessment is performed independently from the existing applications (tools and instruments) PRODUCTS PROCESSES 1.2 energy and material flows analysis MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND AIMS 1.1 stakeholder analysis STAKEHOLDERS Step No. 1: Identifying potentials
Step No. 1: Determination of Areas for Improvement RE / SCP Aspects Assessment Areas for Improvements PRODUCTS PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND AIMS STAKEHOLDERS Step No. 1: Determination of Areas for Improvement
Step No. 2: Allocation of Applications RE / SCP Aspects Assessment Areas for Improvements Application X PRODUCTS Application A PROCESSES Application B MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY Application X Application X VISION AND AIMS Application X Application C STAKEHOLDERS Step No. 2: Allocation of Applications
Step No. 3: Action Plan Project idea Estimation of potential savings Estimation of implementation costs and requirements Cost benefit analysis Development of a final project proposal PRODUCTS Application A PROCESSES Application B MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND AIMS STAKEHOLDERS Step No. 3: Action Plan
3. Going through the methodology on a case study
STAKEHOLDERS INTERESTS Step 1 – Potentials 1.4 All possible RE / SCP aspects STRATEGY VISION AND OBJECTIVES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTION PRODUCTS STAKEHOLDERS INTERESTS 1.3 Life cycle analysis 1.2 Energy and material flows analysis 1.1 Stakeholder analysis
Analysing strategic opportunities and risks PRODUCTS 1.1 Stakeholder Analysis PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS Analysing strategic opportunities and risks
Management of material and energy flows within production process 1.2 Input – output analysis PRODUCTS PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS Management of material and energy flows within production process
Indication of potentials within the fife cycle 1.3 Life Cycle Analysis PRODUCTS PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS Indication of potentials within the fife cycle
Step 1.3 – Life Cycle Analysis Inputs/outputs Pre-manufacturing Production Distribution Use End of life Energy x x x xx Materials x land Toxic materials Water Social impact ?
Analysis of management systems is part of 1.4 PRODUCTS PROCESSES Analysis of management systems is part of 1.4 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGY VISION AND GOALS STAKEHOLDERS
Identification of potentials Process Product Input – output Planning next steps – priority flows Planning next steps – priority flows / stages Estimating potential for priority flows Analysing product composition Walk through Benchmarking Indicative analysis of historical data (MT Calculator) Sum up
Evaluation of all potential aspects within 1.4 Number of aspect Title of aspect NA Absence Preparation Integration Proaction WEIGHT First level of addressing aspect – there is no any action Enterprise is preparing an action to address given aspect Enterprise address given aspect on a standard basis Enterprise address given aspect in proactive way A B C 1 2 3 4 Source Source of information for evaluating the aspect Remark Any more detailed specification needed APPLICATIONS List of intervention tools suitable for given aspect High importance (A,B) + high potential (1-3 - low level of addressing aspect) = aspects with possible potential for further investigation
STAKEHOLDERS INTERESTS Output of step 1: Determination of areas with possible potential for improvement STRATEGY VISION AND OBJECTIVES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTION PRODUCTS STAKEHOLDERS INTERESTS Aspects with improvement potential
Step 2 – The most representative applications STRATEGY Social Responsibility, external reporting, Enterprise Strategy (Business Model, Business Plan) SYSTEMS Environment Management System, Energy Management System, Integrated Management System PRODUCTION Cleaner Production Assessment, Energy Audit, Environmental Management Accounting, Monitoring and Targeting (as part of Monitoring and Verification), Technology Transfer PRODUCTS Ecodesign, Environmental labeling including Environmental Product Declaration, LCA + Footprinting, Product Service System
Step 3 –Action Plan Feasibility and plan: Basic information and purpose Benefits including quantifiable effects and their monitoring Implementation and costs Links to other applications Barriers and their overcoming Sources of funding Tasks and time schedule