PUBLIC COMPUTER SAFETY Image source: A Melbourne Athenaeum Library Cybersafety Information Guide Image source:
Risks using public computers Public computers are found in libraries, internet cafes and other public environments. There are various risks when using public computers: Other people may gain access to your personal information. Strangers may use your identity online through login details. Private or confidential documents may be copied. You have no way to tell who was using the computer before you and who will use it after you. All of these risks can be minimised by following a few simple precautions.
Staying safe Never save any of your personal documents on to a public computer. If you do need to save a personal document using a public computer, bring your own USB stick and save directly on to it. Be aware of your surroundings. Is anyone watching you over your shoulder? Don’t leave information displayed on the computer screen if you’re leaving it unattended. Don’t move away from the computer while you are logged into any online accounts.
Mobile devices If you’re using a public wireless network (WiFi) there may be security risks involved. Your activity could be tracked so don’t display personal/financial information when using public WiFi. Make sure you are running up to date antivirus and antispyware software and firewall to help protect your computer and personal information. Don’t rely on security measures any WiFi network you don’t manage yourself claims to have. Image source: Image source:
Financial transactions Avoid entering credit card and personal banking information when using a public computer. Financial transactions are best carried out on a private computer. Image source: Image source:
Staying safe Don’t save usernames or passwords when logging into an account on a public computer and always remember to log out of any accounts you access.
Staying safe – Firefox After you’ve finished browsing the internet, clear the browser information so that the next person cannot see your online activity. FIREFOX Click this icon in the top right corner of the screen to access the ‘History’ settings which allow you to ‘Clear Recent History’
Staying safe – Internet Explorer Click this icon in the top right corner of the screen to access ‘Internet options’ which allow you to delete ‘Browsing history’
Staying safe – Chrome CHROME Click this icon in the top right corner of the screen to access the ‘History’ settings which allow you to ‘Clear all browsing data’
Thank you Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. If you have any further queries please don’t hesitate to ask library staff. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.