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Presentation transcript:

The CONDITIONAL Tense LEARNING OBJECTIVES: This powerpoint will teach you how: To form the Conditional tense To use the Conditional tense To improve the quality of your work with Conditional sentences

WOULD DO The CONDITIONAL Tense The Conditional tense is used to talk about what you: WOULD DO

Infinitive + set of endings = Conditional Tense The CONDITIONAL Tense Foundation All you need is: + the infinitive set of endings You can think of it as a formula like you use in Maths: Infinitive + set of endings = Conditional Tense

The CONDITIONAL Tense What is an INFINITIVE? An infinitive is a particular form of the verb (meaning To……… e.g. Jouer = To play) An infinitive is the verb you will find in the dictionary An infinitive must end in –ER, -RE or -IR

ER IR RE JOUER FINIR VENDRE The CONDITIONAL Tense Examples = To play = To finish = To sell

To the infinitive you add a special ending for ‘je’ JOUERAIS I would play Je FINIRAIS I would finish Je VENDRAIS I would sell Note that with ‘RE’ verbs, you must take off the ‘E’ from the infinitive before adding an ending.

infinitive + set of endings = Conditional Tense The CONDITIONAL Tense infinitive + set of endings = Conditional Tense Je préparerais le dîner I would prepare dinner J’étudierais le français I would study French J’arriverais en retard I would arrive late Je jouerais au hockey I would play hockey J’écouterais de la musique I would listen to music J’irais au collège I would go to school Je vendrais mon portable I would sell my mobile Je finirais les devoirs I would finish my homework

You may have noticed that not all verbs follow this pattern You may have noticed that not all verbs follow this pattern. There are IRREGULARS. This means that with some verbs you can’t just take the INFINITIVE. With some verbs there is a special stem to which you add the same endings. Eg. aller = to go But in the CONDITIONAL tense the stem is ‘ir-’ & then you add your endings: J’irais = I would go

KEY IRREGULARS Infinitive Conditional Aller to go Avoir to have Être to be Faire to do Pouvoir to be able to Conditional J’irais I would go J’aurais I would have Je serais I would be Je ferais I would do Je pourrais I would be able to

1 The CONDITIONAL Tense IMPROVE YOUR WORK Sentence Openers There are three ways to improve your Conditional sentences : 1 Sentence Openers Start with one of the following: Avec beaucoup d’argent Si j’avais l’argent Si j’avais le temps Si j’étais riche With a lot of money If I had the money If I had the time If I were rich

The CONDITIONAL Tense Examples So, let’s put together a SENTENCE OPENER with some key verbs to improve our Conditional sentences Examples Avec beaucoup d’argent J’irais en Amérique With a lot of money I would go to America Si j’avais l’argent J’achèterais une maison If I had the money I would buy a house Si j’avais le temps J’étudierais un peu plus If I had the time I would study a bit more Si j’étais riche Je ferais un tour du monde If I were rich I would go round the world

2 The CONDITIONAL Tense IMPROVE YOUR WORK TALK ABOUT A DIFFERENT PERSON Talk about somebody else (your sister, your friend, etc) by changing the verb ending You will need to take the INFINITIVE and add a DIFFERENT ENDING

The CONDITIONAL Tense Higher To gain more marks, you need to be able to talk about other people. This means the endings will change. JOUER – TO PLAY Je jouerais I would play Tu jouerais You (sing) would play Il / elle / on jouerait He / she / one would play Nous jouerions We would play Vous joueriez You (pl) would play Il / elles joueraient They would play

The CONDITIONAL Tense Examples il irait So, let’s change the person to improve our Conditional sentences. Take care with the changes. Examples il irait Avec beaucoup d’argent J’irais en Amérique With a lot of money he would go to America elle achèterait Si elle avait l’argent J’achèterais une maison If she had the money she would buy a house tu étudierais Si tu avais le temps J’étudierais un peu plus If you had the time you would study a bit more ils feront S’ils étaient riches Je ferais un tour du monde If they were rich they would go round the world


The CONDITIONAL Tense IMPROVE YOUR LANGUAGE PARCE QUE CE SERAIT Si j’avais l’argent, je visiterais tous les pays du monde parce que ce serait extraordinaire If I had the money, I would visit all the countries of the world because it would be amazing Si j’avais le temps, je ferais la cuisine à la maison parce que ce serait plus sain If I had the time, I would do the cooking at home because it would be healthier

+ + 1 2 3 The CONDITIONAL Tense Can you put this all together? Sentence opener Different person Say why To make a HIGHER LEVEL sentence

The CONDITIONAL Tense Higher 2 Different person Higher 3 Why 1 opener Si elle était riche, elle donnerait beaucoup d’argent aux associations caritatives parce que ce serait une très bonne chose pour la société. If she were rich, she would give a lot of money to charity because it would be a good thing for society.

REMEMBER!! The CONDITIONAL Tense Once you have learnt this tense, you can use it to talk about ANY GCSE topic: LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs See the next slide for examples of INFINITIVES on all these GCSE topics

-ais -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient Remember to take the infinitive & add the endings. -ais -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient manger sain faire plus d’exercice ne me disputer pas avec mon frère m’entendre bien avec ma soeur acheter une jupe regarder la télévision aller à Rome en Italie visiter le Colisée fêter Noël recevoir des cadeaux éteindre plus la lumière recycler les bouteilles étudier plus ne porter pas de bijoux être comptable chercher un travail irregular irregular irregular irregular

How much have you remembered ? The CONDITIONAL Tense QUICK QUIZ How much have you remembered ?

The CONDITIONAL Tense LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices Je mangerais plus sain I would eat more healthily Je ferais plus d’exercice Irregular I would do more exercise Je ne me disputerais pas avec mon frère I would not argue with my brother Je m’entendrais bien avec ma soeur I would get on well with my sister

The CONDITIONAL Tense 2. LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays J’achèterais une jupe I would buy a skirt Je regarderais la télévision I would watch TV J‘irais à Rome en Italie Irregular I would go to Rome in Italy Je visiterais le Colisée I would visit the Colosseum

The CONDITIONAL Tense 3. HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment Je fêterais Noël I would celebrate Christmas Je recevrais des cadeaux Irregular I would receive some presents J’éteindrais plus la lumière I would turn off the light more Je recyclerais les bouteilles I would recycle bottles

The CONDITIONAL Tense J’étudierais plus Je ne porterais pas de bijoux 4. WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs J’étudierais plus I would study more Je ne porterais pas de bijoux I would not wear jewellery Je serais comptable I would be an accountant Je chercherais un travail I would look for a job

The CONDITIONAL Tense Now it’s YOUR turn

POSITIVE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES NEGATIVE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES The CONDITIONAL Tense POSITIVE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Je ferais un tour du monde J’achèterais une grande maison J’irais en Australie J’étudierais plus OPENERS Si j’avais le temps Si j’avais l’argent Si j’étais riche Si j’étais jeune NEGATIVE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Je ne porterais pas de bijoux Je ne me disputerais pas avec mon frère Je n’ enverrais pas de textos Je ne parlerais pas dans ma classe super génial cool intéressant passionnant gentil poli parce que ce serait How many of your own sentences can you make using the following tables to help you?