French Immersion Program Central Okanagan Public Schools Parent Registration Information Welcome everyone to this information meeting. Wendy
WHY LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE MATTERS? Here is what our teachers say… Creates opportunities and experiences to grow and develop personally and socially. Further develops empathy and acceptance. Contributes to students’ understanding of heritages and cultures, and therefore personal identities. Contributes to lifelong learning and brain development. • Natural way to learn a second language • Children who begin second language before age 7 more likely to have flawless accent • Children enjoy speaking French • Bilingual child has advantages when developing literacy skills • Expands child’s opportunities • Opens a new world • Your child is growing up in a global community. Your child’s reality when he/she hits the job market will be one where being bilingual or even tri-lingual will not only be an asset, it will be a necessity to communicate within a global community
WHY LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE MATTERS? Here is what our teachers say…. To spark curiosity & foster the joy of learning languages. To develop a peripheral cultural vision. To create new brain pathways. To enrich children's lives and thinking by creating meaningful connections. • Natural way to learn a second language • Children who begin second language before age 7 more likely to have flawless accent • Children enjoy speaking French • Bilingual child has advantages when developing literacy skills • Expands child’s opportunities • Opens a new world • Your child is growing up in a global community. Your child’s reality when he/she hits the job market will be one where being bilingual or even tri-lingual will not only be an asset, it will be a necessity to communicate within a global community
WHY LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE MATTERS? Here is what our teachers say…. Improves our children’s futures by increasing their brain development and learning potential. Improves our children’s social future by expanding their world views, open-mindedness and connectedness with others. Promotes meaningful global citizenship with authentic cultural, intellectual, and geographic adventures. Expands sense of self in relation to the world. • Natural way to learn a second language • Children who begin second language before age 7 more likely to have flawless accent • Children enjoy speaking French • Bilingual child has advantages when developing literacy skills • Expands child’s opportunities • Opens a new world • Your child is growing up in a global community. Your child’s reality when he/she hits the job market will be one where being bilingual or even tri-lingual will not only be an asset, it will be a necessity to communicate within a global community
Gen will explain.
ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS in the Central Okanagan Public Schools offering French Immersion (Kindergarten to Grade 6) École Glenmore Elementary School École Casorso Elementary School École George Pringle Elementary School École Peter Greer Elementary School École Belgo Elementary School École Dorothea Walker Elementary School Wendy
FRENCH TO ENGLISH INSTRUCTION First three years of instruction (K to Grade 2) aim to have 100 % of instruction in French Grade 3 to Grade 6 aim is 80% French Instruction with 20% English Language Arts Grade 7 to 12 – please refer to school websites Marie
MIDDLE/ SECONDARY SCHOOLS in the Central Okanagan Public Schools offering French Immersion Middle (Grades 7 to 9) K.L .O. Middle School - Dr. Knox Middle School Secondary ( Grades 10 to 12) - Kelowna Secondary School Wendy- with new changes
Will my child’s English skills suffer? Research indicates that second language learners transfer their literacy skills to English. Provincial assessment confirms student achievement in English as well. FI students’ scores are comparable and in some cases higher in non-French subjects. Gen -After initial lag at the outset, French Immersion students soon catch up after grade 3 Provincial assessment confirms student achievement in English as well. Research indicates that second language learners transfer their literacy skills to English.
Is French Immersion for all children? Research indicates that all children will succeed if given support. Marie- supports available in the school for all children. • Children in French Immersion reflect our diverse community in this district. • Research indicates that all children will succeed if given support. • Only children with auditory problems will have difficulty learning a second language.
School and Home Communication Teachers are bilingual and can communicate in both French and English and come from a range of French speaking backgrounds. Report cards are in English. School newsletters are in English. School District communication is in English. Gen
Would my child have a different curriculum to follow? Teachers teach the same learning outcomes as outlined by the British Columbia Ministry of Education for each grade level and subject area. Gen • Teachers teach the same learning outcomes as outlined in the ministry IRP’s for each grade level and subject area. • French Immersion curriculum is the same as English except for Français Langue. • The difference is that all other subjects are taught in French.
How can I help when I don’t speak French? Encouragement is what is most important. Continue supporting your child in English with daily reading & writing. Establish good communication with your child’s teacher. Have your child talk to you about his/her work and what they are doing at school. Learn French with your child. Have him/her teach you some words. Marie Encouragement is most important Continue supporting your child in English with daily reading & writing Establish good communication with your child’s teacher Have your child talk to you about his/her work and what they are doing at school Learn French with your child. Have him/her teach you some words.
How can I promote or support my child’s learning of French? Having a positive attitude towards learning French. Developing a strong base in your child’s first language is the best way to support your child. Marie Have a positive attitude towards French and promote it by: • together, reading French labels on products • watching a DVD in French • watching French TV stations: channels 7 (CBC) French, 106 (TVA) French Montreal, 107 (TV5) Europe • purchasing French books at book sales or on internet • volunteering in your child’s classroom • becoming a member of (CPF) Canadian Parents for French
Transportation French Immersion is a program of choice. If your neighbourhood school offers the French Immersion program, transportation is available for eligible riders. Transportation is a parent responsibility for students registered in a French Immersion School outside their neighbourhood school boundary area. Parents often carpool, and students utilize city bus routes. Wendy
How do I Register? On-line registration begins February 6, 2017 and closes Friday, March 17, 2017. The on-line registration advertisement will appear in the Daily Courier, Capital News, Westside Weekly, Peachland View and Lake Country Calendar. Wendy Have fun and celebrate the French Immersion experience with your child !
Helpful websites A great resource for families involved in French Immersion- Canadian Parents for French rce=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiT3YTy3 d3RAhUS-mM KHT7vDZQQFggwMAc& &usg=AFQjCNE5baMnYyUyORH5zkoB26hA4l1EIg&bvm =bv.145063293,d.cGc For information about BC curriculum training/k-12/teach/curriculum