HB 4822 Third Grade Reading Summary MISD, jde 11/6/16 MISD, jde 11/6/16
Michigan Department of Education Required to approve valid and reliable reading assessments for use by school districts or public school academies (PSA’s). Approved assessments should include screening and monitoring tools. Legislation list qualifications of early literacy coaches. MISD, jde 11/6/16
School District Intervention 2017-18 School Year Assess the reading skills of K-3 students at least 3 times per school year. The first of these assessments for a school year shall be conducted within the first 30 days. MISD, jde 11/6/16
School District Intervention 2017-18 School Year Any student K-3 identified with a reading deficiency must receive an individual reading improvement plan (IRP) within 30 days of the identification. Parents of students identified with a reading deficiency/early literacy delay must be notified (written notice) and involved in the development of the IRP. MISD, jde 11/6/16
School District Intervention 2017-18 School Year School administrators required to target specific areas of professional development for teachers in grades K-3 based on the reading development needs of the students. Schools should use the early literacy coaches, which are provided through the ISDs and funded through the State School Aid Budget or utilize additional coaches. MISD, jde 11/6/16
School District Intervention 2017-18 School Year For students who exhibit a reading deficiency, school districts/PSA’s shall establish a reading intervention program intended to ensure that students are proficient readers by the end of 3rd grade. Provide parents with a “Read at Home” plan, including training workshops and regular home reading. MISD, jde 11/6/16
School District Intervention 2017-18 School Year Summer Reading camps encouraged – however, not required. MISD, jde 11/6/16
Retention and Notification 2019-2020 School Year A student in 3rd grade shall not be enrolled in 4th grade until he or she; receives a reading score that is less than one grade level behind on the 3rd grade ELA state assessment, demonstrates 3rd grade reading level on an alternative assessement, or demonstrates a 3rd grade reading level through a student portfolio. MISD, jde 11/6/16
Retention and Notification 2019-2020 School Year The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) shall provide The Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) with the 3rd grade assessment scores for every student enrolled in a public school. By June 1st of each year, CEPI will identify students that may not enter fourth grade (based on the assessment) and notify parents by mail. MISD, jde 11/6/16
Good Cause Exemptions 2019-2020 School Year Parents may request a good cause exemption – exemption accepted if the superintendent determines promotion is in the best interest of the student. Students with an IEP or 504 plan. English proficient students who have had less than 3 years of instruction in an ELL program. MISD, jde 11/6/16
Good Cause Exemptions 2019-2020 School Year Students who have received 2 or more years of intensive reading intervention and were previously retained. Students who have not received an appropriate individual reading improvement plan (can be requested by teacher or parent). Supt or his/her designee will review and make determination.
Smart Promotion 2019-2020 School Year Students may also be promoted and granted an exemption if; the pupil is proficient in all subject areas assessed on the 3rd grade assessment other than ELA, or the pupil is proficient in science and social studies as shown through a student portfolio. MISD, jde 11/6/16
Staffing Plan June 2019: If a school district or PSA cannot meet the staffing requirements to satisfy the criteria in the legislation, the school must develop a plan to provide services. Plan must be posted on the school website and describe how the school will meet of the requirements of this Act. MISD, jde 11/6/16
Reporting September 2020 School Districts and PSAs shall submit a retention report to CEPI. The report must include; the number of students retained, and the number of students promoted to 4th grade due to good cause. MISD, jde 11/6/16