9th Grade Programming Class of 2021
Goals Goals for programming season: Students will make course selections necessary for graduation and to meet their goals for after high school (e.g. to meet college requirements) Students will make course selections that do not get changed Goals for today: Students will learn about CVHS, graduation and college requirements Students will learn about classes for 9th grade Students will learn dates and deadlines for submitting course selections
CVHS: What Every Freshman Should Know Students are grouped in 5 houses by last name Each house has 1 secretary, 1 counselor, and 1 assistant principal (AP) CVHS has about 3,000 students There are over 40 clubs to check out… so get involved! You will get to experience LINK CREW!!! Freshmen orientation & workshops in August Link lunches and events throughout the year Finals prep ...all planned by CVHS junior and senior volunteers
CVHS: What Every Freshman Should Know Bell Schedule Monday/Thursday/Friday: Regular Day 8:08AM-3:29PM all classes meet Tuesday/Wednesday: Block Day 8:08AM-2:25PM 3 classes meet per day 0 period 7:05-8:02AM (for select programs/courses) Credits are needed for Graduation Credits are earned at the end of each semester (January & June) Students earn credits by passing classes with D- or better Students need to make up credits if they do not pass a class
CVHS Graduation Requirements One Semester of One Class = 5 Units The minimum grade required to pass a class and earn credit towards graduation is a ‘D-’ Students must complete Integrated Math 1 (or Algebra) Students must complete one year of life science and one year of physical science Students must pass the California High School Exit Exam Many courses use prerequisite grades as a factor in class selection
Post High School Options 4 year college Community college Work / apprenticeship ROP/Vocational/tech school Military
4 year colleges University of California (UC)- 9 campuses California State University (CSU)- 23 campuses Private school/out of state school 2 year colleges Community college- 14 campuses in Bay Area, 112 in California Technical schools
CSU/UC “A-G” Requirements
Freshman Year: What classes do you take? Freshman English CCG (Comparative Cultures & Geography) - 1 semester Health - 1 semester Freshman PE Biology Math (Integrated Math 1 or Integrated Math 2 depending on 8th grade math class) Elective (vocational, world language, art)
World Languages at CVHS
Do you need to take a world language at CVHS? NOT to graduate High School or for junior college/ community college 2 years of the same language for most UC schools 3 consecutive years – Recommended for UC or competitive universities 4 consecutive years – Highly recommended for competitive universities
What is offered? Spanish 1,2,3,4 honors, AP French 1,2,3,4,AP German 1,2,3,4, AP Japanese 1,2,3,4,AP American Sign Language (ASL) 1,2,3,4 ASL Spanish for Heritage speakers 2+3 *AP= advanced placement (College level)
How to decide… There is no “easiest” language; They are all pretty equal in level of difficulty Consider your personal ancestry/family background Where might you want to study or travel? Don’t base your decision on what your friends are taking Base your decision on what YOU want to learn!
Commonly asked questions… Do Freshmen have to take a language? Can I be in a pathway and take a language? Do middle school languages count toward the two year requirement? Can the first year of a language be skipped? What are the options for a student that speaks a language that CVHS does not offer? Do different programs take trips?
Course Selection There are NO guarantees for classes You must list 3 choices for your elective in case your first choice does not work in your schedule or is full Choose classes you plan to stay in all year
CVHS Drop/Add Policy 1) Mandatory changes. These include: Graduation requirement needs (mainly seniors). Changes determined by IEP, 504, or English-language-learner proficiency. Programming errors on the part of the school. Be advised: course placements resulting from student failure to select back-up courses do not fall under this category. Choose back-ups during course selection thoughtfully! Schedule changes needed due to major and unforeseeable personal situations. Mandatory changes are allowed as necessary, with the approval of school administration. 2) Student Proficiency Changes. In this type of change, teacher and student agree that a class is not at the appropriate skill level for the student. It is important to note that this determination can only be made if the student has shown appropriate effort, seeking out academic supports, attempting to complete homework and classwork, and coming to school regularly. Proficiency changes are allowed up to five days after progress reports are mailed (for quarter 1 in the first semester and for quarter 3 in the second semester). These changes are conditional on course availability.
CVHS Drop/Add Policy Changes That Are Not Allowed Students are not able to change courses because of a change of mind in summer or fall. Similarly, preferences for teachers are not allowed. If a student must drop a course outside of the allowed situations outlined above, the student will receive an ‘F’ for the semester.
Course Selection Sheet - Due Feb 23rd PRINT CLEARLY! Last Name First Name ID # Current School Indicate if you are planning to attend a different high school Still complete a course request sheet and online course request just in case!
Course Selection Sheet - Due Feb 23rd If you would like to join a college & career pathway, AVID or Puente, circle the program you want to join. It is not guaranteed. You may select a 1st choice and 2nd choice. Be sure to also include a class for that pathway in your course selections. See the PPG if you are not sure which class to select. DADA & Digital Design: Drama, Art & Digital Design Health and Biotech (HABiT): Health, Bio, Medical fields ICT: Information and Communication Technologies PLTW: Project Lead the Way - Engineering AVID* Puente* *Note: there is an application process for AVID & Puente. See your counselor for more info.
Course Selection Sheet - Due Feb 23rd There are NO guarantees for classes Pick classes you plan to stay in all year List 3 choices for your elective Be sure you only list the amount of classes you plan to take, not more or less Zero period is for pathways, AVID, band, orchestra, & vocal ensemble.
Course Selection Sheet - Due Feb 23rd There are NO guarantees for classes Pick classes you plan to stay in all year List 3 choices for your elective Be sure you only list the amount of classes you plan to take, not more or less Zero period is for pathways, AVID, band, orchestra, & vocal ensemble.
Course Selection Sheet - Elective Choices Elective choices: World language, Visual & Performing Art, Career Tech, AVID
Programming - Things to Note Program Planning Guide is available on the CVHS website under ACADEMICS tab www.cv.k12.ca.us Signatures required for: Math courses higher than Int Math 1 - from your current math teacher World language - from your current English teacher Course selection sheets are due to your English teacher by FEBRUARY 23rd New PPG will be delivered to English classes by next week
Questions? If you have any questions about your schedule for 9th grade, please see your 8th grade counselor
Traditional Day - Monday, Thursday & Friday Start Time End Time Period 0 7:05 am 8:02 am Period 1 8:08 am 9:08 am Period 2 9:14 am 10:14 am Break 10:24 am Period 3 (PA Announcements) 10:30 am 11:36 am 9th Grade -- Period 4 11:42 am 12:42 pm 9th Grade -- Period 5/LUNCH 1:17 pm 10th-12th Grade -- Period 4/LUNCH 12:11 pm 10th-12th Grade -- Period 5 12:17 pm Period 6 1:23 pm 2:23 pm Period 7 2:29 pm 3:29 pm Block Day - Tuesday Start Time End Time Period 0 7:05 am 8:02 am Period 1 8:08 am 9:53 am Break 10:03 am Period 3 10:09 am 11:54 am LUNCH 12:34 pm Period 6 12:40 pm 2:25 pm Block Day - Wednesday Start Time End Time Period 0 7:05 am 8:02 am Period 2 8:08 am 9:53 am Break 10:03 am Period 4/5 10:09 am 11:54 am LUNCH 12:34 pm Period 7 12:40 pm 2:25 pm CVHS Bell Schedule CVHS Bell Schedule