4.01D2 Nutrients, Functions and Sources Part 2 \Created by: Mrs. McCulloch
Water Vitamins Food Pyramid Functions 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Helps build strong bones What is Vitamin D? Helps build strong bones and teeth in children Functions 100
how many ounces of water you What is 2? Take your body weight divided by this number to determine how many ounces of water you should drink every day? Water 100
Helps convert a substance found in the skin to vitamin D What is sunshine? Helps convert a substance found in the skin to vitamin D Vitamins 100
servings of fruits per day What is 2-4? You need this many servings of fruits per day Food Pyramid 100
What is Vitamin K? Helps blood clot Functions 200
good source of water. Carmen What are fruits? This food group is a good source of water. Carmen Miranda thought they made a nice hat, too! Water 200
Helps the liver make prothrombin which helps with What is Vitamin K? Helps the liver make prothrombin which helps with the clotting of blood Vitamins 200
You need this many servings of vegetables per day Food Pyramid 200 What is 3-5? You need this many servings of vegetables per day Food Pyramid 200
What is Vitamin C? Fights infections Functions 300
This can happen when we do not get enough water in a day What is dehydration? This can happen when we do not get enough water in a day Water 300
A deficiency in this can lead to scurvy Vitamins 300 What is Vitamin C? A deficiency in this can lead to scurvy Vitamins 300
servings of protein every day What are 2-3? You need this many servings of protein every day Food Pyramid 300
Provides bulk for digestion What are carbohydrates? Provides bulk for digestion Functions 400
Water does this for our body cells What is lubricate? Water does this for our body cells Water 400
This is found in dark green What is carotene? This is found in dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables and can be converted in to Vitamin A Vitamins 400
servings of dairy every day What are 2-3? You need this many servings of dairy every day Food Pyramid 400
Help make antibodies, enzymes and hormones Functions 500 What is Protein? Help make antibodies, enzymes and hormones Functions 500
Water aids our stomachs in this. What is digestion? Water aids our stomachs in this. Water 500
dizziness, fainting, and serious heart issues, even death What is potassium ? An imbalance in this mineral can cause dizziness, fainting, and serious heart issues, even death Vitamins 500
Not only are meat, poultry, and fish found in the protein What are Nuts, Beans, and Eggs? Not only are meat, poultry, and fish found in the protein section but so are these three other categories of items Food Pyramid 500