Energy Reserves extra glucose converted to starch called glycogen (stored) excess carbs are stored as fat
Vitamins, Minerals, and Water-8.2 OLLCHS Health Mrs. Paggi Nutrition Vitamins, Minerals, and Water-8.2 OLLCHS Health Mrs. Paggi
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements If a person does not get enough of a specific nutrient, a nutrient deficiency can occur. People who eat a wide variety of healthy foods, however, seldom suffer from this. Vitamin and mineral supplements, are not usually necessary if your diet is well balanced An excess of vitamins and minerals may damage your health.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements If you want to boost your intake of a particular vitamin or mineral, first consider how to meet your needs by making small adjustments to your diet. Ex.- If you need to increase calcium, consider eating yogurt as a snack, or drinking milk with dinner instead of soda.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements If you do take a vitamin or mineral supplement, take one that meets, but does not exceed your needs. BEWARE OF MEGADOSING Fat soluble vitamins- the excess amounts would be stored in body fat Water-soluble vitamins- the excess amount would be excreted
Fat Soluble Vitamins dissolve in fatty materials Vitamin A, D, E, and K vegetable oils, liver, and eggs can be stored by the body the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins by the digestive system is enhanced by dietary fats (good fats in diet) some indigestible fat substitutes that are used in low-fat or low-calorie products can prevent the absorption of these vitamins (Page 203 text)
Water-Soluble Vitamins Vitamin C & All B Vitamins Found in fruits, vegetables, and other sources Cannot be stored by the body Important to eat foods that supply them every day Page 204 in text
Vitamins nutrients that are made by living things required only in small amounts assist many chemical reactions in the body Vitamin K helps your blood clot when you get a cut or scrape body is able to make vitamins your skin manufactures vitamin D when exposed to sunlight most vitamins MUST be supplied in the food you eat DO NOT directly provide you with energy or the raw materials of which your cells are made of.
Vitamin C & Colds Taking large amounts of vitamin C can help prevent colds True or False? Recent studies have shown high daily doses of vitamin C do NOT prevent colds, but might have minimal effect on reducing the severity of colds Since Vitamin C is water soluble, extra amounts of it are excreted from the body, which mean it is wasted. Taking vitamin C supplements will not help prevent colds
Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by normal aging process as well as certain cancer types Vitamin C & E are most powerful Vitamin C Vitamin E Citrus fruits vegetable oils strawberries whole grains broccoli seeds tomatoes nuts potatoes peanut butter
Water About 65% of your body is water You do not get energy from this nutrient directly, but it is essential for all life processes, including the production of energy
Water and Homeostasis Homeostasis- is the process of maintaining a steady state inside your body.
What roles does water play in homeostasis? When you become overheated, your body excretes perspiration, which cools your body. Thus, water regulates body temperature. Water contains dissolved substances called electrolytes that regulate many processes in your cells. For example, your nervous system and muscular systems depend on electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.
Preventing dehydration Very heavy perspiration can result in dehydration, a serious reduction in the body’s water content. When the body becomes dehydrated, it loses important electrolytes along with the water. Symptoms include: weakness, rapid breathing, and a weak heartbeat
How much water? Everyday you need at least ten 8 ounce cups of water if you are a female 14 to 18 years old. (80 oz) Males 14 to 19 need 14 cups of water (112 oz) This water can be in the form of foods that contain a lot of water such as fruits and vegetables. Drinks that contain caffeine- coffee, tea, and sodas- may not be good sources This is because caffeine increases the amount of water your body excretes.
Water v. sports drinks You should drink about 2 cups of fluid 2 hours before exercise. During- take a drink about every 15 mins Are sports drinks necessary? If you exercise for 60 mins or less- NO If you exceed 60 mins, a sports drink that contains carbs may be beneficial However, sports drinks with electrolytes are not necessary unless you exercise for 5 or more hours.
Living Lean Don’t count calories, make the calories count! Don’t count calories, make the calories count!
My Supertracker
Guidelines for Healthful Eating Chapter 8.3
The Dietary Guidelines The Dietary Guidelines provide information on how to make smart food choices, balance food intake with physical activity, get the most nutrition out of the calories you consume, and handle food safely.
Balance Food and Physical Activity Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness The Dietary Guidelines recommend that teenagers be active for 60 minutes most days.
Get the most out of your calories Choose foods that are nutrient-dense.- contains lots of vitamins and minerals relative to the number of calories. These foods are low in saturated fat, trans fat, added sugar, and salt. Ex- Lean meats, fish, poultry, legumes, fruit, nuts Limit your intake of sweet snacks and sodas (Contain lots of sugar and few useful nutrients)
Get the most out of your calories Most people eat too much sodium and not enough potassium. (eat more fruits and veggies) To reduce your sodium intake, limit salty snacks, pickled food, lunch meats, and canned soups
Handle food safely Part of good nutrition is using safe procedures to prepare, handle, and store food you eat. Keep your hands and surfaces that come into contact with food clean Separate raw and cooked foods Cook meat, poultry, and fish to safe internal temperatures If food is perishable, chill it right away Thaw food in the refrigerator, not on the counter
MyPlate- Myplate- diagrams the 5 foods you need to eat regularly Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, and Protein
MyPlate Balancing calories- always a good idea to avoid oversized portions Foods to increase and reduce- half of your plate fruits and vegetables, at least half of your grains should be whole grains, and that you switch to fat free or low fat milk. Reduce those that are high in sodium. You should drink water instead of sugary drinks
Using the food guidelines Moderation!!! Meals breakfast- don't skip choose whole grain cereals, low fat milk or yogurt, and fruit , limit pastries, eggs, and bacon. Lunch- focus on whole grains, fruits , and vegetables. Use mustard or ketchup instead of mayo, try low fat cheese on something like pizza Dinner- trim excess fats from meats. Instead of fried meats or fish, try them grilled. Limit butter.
Using the food guidelines Snacks- high nutrient density Try satisfying sweet tooth with fruits Make it a whole wheat bagel instead of a doughnut When you go tot he movies choose unbuttered popcorn Eating out. Substitute low fat milk, water, or fruit juice for shakes and soft drinks Select the salad bar in place of fries or onion rings. But go easy on dressings, cheese, bacon bits, and croutons. Choose a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a burger.