Welcome! We’re glad you’re here Observer Orientation Introduction Welcome! We’re glad you’re here After covering the orientation information with your sponsor, your job shadow is ready to begin. Please sign the Orientation Checklist so your sponsor can return it to the appropriate facility contact. Thank You 10/1/2017
Observer Orientation Introduction The purpose of the Observer/Job Shadow Program is to provide interested individuals opportunities to explore their health care interests by observing the work of Children’s Hospital and Health System (CHHS) staff. The following presentation is one way to meet the compliance requirement that you complete a CHHS orientation prior to beginning your job shadow. The presentation includes the following topics: Introduction to the Organization, Your Role, and Rules of Conduct Safety Procedures Infection Control Security 10/1/2017
Observer Orientation CHHS Vision At Children’s Hospital and Health System, we strive to give children the best health care. To sustain that vision, we must: Keep children healthy and families satisfied in the communities we serve. Build a worldwide, premier center for pediatric medicine. Become known within the medical community for setting the clinical benchmark for pediatric medicine. 10/1/2017
Observer Orientation CHHS Mission Our mission is to: Provide high quality, comprehensive health Care services to children appropriate for their needs. Provide leadership, experience and expertise as a community, state and regional resource to Advocate the health and well-being of children. Support Research and training activities that increase the knowledge and understanding of the health care needs of children. Be a center for the Education of health care professionals in the care of children. 10/1/2017
Your Role / Rules of Conduct Observer Orientation Your Role / Rules of Conduct Attendance- For those who are observing for more than one day, please contact your sponsor to reschedule if you are unable to arrive for your job shadow because of illness, change in schedule, etc. Dress Code – Students must adhere to CHW Dress Code Policy and Procedure. Clean “business casual” clothes are appropriate. No jeans, shorts, T-shirts, visible piercing (except ears), or clothes that reveal skin other than arms are allowed. Tights or hose must be worn with skirts and no open toed shoes are allowed. 10/1/2017
Your Role / Rules of Conduct Observer Orientation Your Role / Rules of Conduct While observing at a Children’s Hospital and Health System entity: Don’t talk about patients with any unauthorized person in public places. Duplicating of any medical records is not allowed. Handling patient equipment or personal belongings of others is prohibited. 10/1/2017
Observer Orientation Safety Procedures At the main hospital, if you see a situation that puts your safety or the safety of others at risk, you need to: To report an urgent safety related issue to Security Services, Dial 88 from any hospital telephone. To request non-urgent assistance from Security Services, Dial 2552 from any hospital telephone. 10/1/2017
Observer Orientation Safety Procedures When certain emergency conditions occur at the main hospital, they are announced on the overhead speaker. Remember, you should be accompanied by your sponsor at all times. If a condition code is called, look to your sponsor for guidance. You can also refer to your Safety Card. Emergency Condition Announcement Fire “Fire alarm” + location Missing child/person “Missing person” + description Medical gas failure “Medical gas failure” + location reported + gas affected Severe weather watch “The National Weather Service has issued a severe weather watch” + duration Severe weather warning “The National Weather Service has issued a severe weather warning” + duration HCC activation “The Hospital Command Center is being activated” HCC activation + employee pool “Employee pool activation; available staff report to the hospital auditorium” 10/1/2017
Observer Orientation Safety Procedures When certain emergency conditions occur at the main hospital, they are announced on the overhead speaker. Remember, you should be accompanied by your sponsor at all times. If a condition code is called, look to your sponsor for guidance. You can also refer to your Safety Card. Emergency Condition Announcement Bomb threat “Building alert” Active shooter “Active shooter” + location (building, tower, floor, room) Evacuation “Evacuation” + “full or partial” + location Medical Emergency “Code blue” + location External disaster “The external disaster plan is now in effect” Hazardous spill “Hazardous spill” + location Computer downtime “The ____ system is down; please use downtime procedures” 10/1/2017
Mass Casualty Response Observer Orientation Safety Procedures Should a large scale disaster occur in our community, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin prepares for incoming patients. Follow your designated sponsor at this time. External Disaster / Mass Casualty Response 10/1/2017
Infection Control Observer Orientation Safety Procedures Includes: Hand Hygiene Isolation Precautions Signs Personal Protective Equipment 10/1/2017
Hand Hygiene Observer Orientation Infection Control Hand hygiene is the BEST way to prevent the spread of infection. Use soap, water and friction. Wash for at least 15 seconds, especially: After the removal of gloves. After personal hygiene. 10/1/2017
Isolation Precautions Signs Observer Orientation Infection Control Isolation Precautions Signs Identify the type of isolation. Located on the wall outside of each room. Implemented for the safety of everyone. Use of Personal Protective Equipment Wear gloves, gowns, etc. when necessary. Remove garments properly. 10/1/2017
ID Badges/Cards must be worn at all times. Observer Orientation Security Parking You can park in any non-designated space in the parking structure. Non-designated means any space that doesn’t have a sign restricting use. The surface lot is for patient families only. Identification ID Badges/Cards must be worn at all times. ID badges can be obtained from your observation coordinator. Please return your badge in a drop box at the end of your observation. 10/1/2017
You have completed the observer orientation Observer Orientation Wrap-up You have completed the observer orientation Please sign the Orientation Checklist so your sponsor can return it to the appropriate facility contact. Thank You!!! 10/1/2017