Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT) Logan Poff
Background Dental Boards(NBDE) – purpose to distinguish whether someone is minimally qualified to safely administer dentistry. Not good for comparison Taken multiple times Exam security More schools are opening as pass/fail or switching to pass/fail The ADAT will distinguish “best of the best” 2012 – candidate scores were no longer provided for those who passed the NBDE 1 or 2 Programs seeking to better compare applicants
What is the ADAT? ADA started test development in 2014 Computer based examination, administered through Pearson, designed to help advanced dental education program directors to quantitatively assess, rank, and compare applicants. Designed to assess critical thinking skills. Exam will ask students to demonstrate higher order thinking. Used in conjunction with other assessment tools 200 questions in 4 hours and 20 minutes, 15 minutes for an introduction and 15 minutes of a post-exam survey. This is a new examination – certain details of the program should be expected to change and evolve over time - Everything on this presentation is reflects the current status of the ADAT
Candidates Individuals interested in Advanced Dental Education Programs Eligibility closely resembles NBDE criteria This includes - Current dental students (3rd & 4th years) - Current US dentist - International Students .
When and how much? Cost Administration Dates Retesting Policy - April 3rd through August 31st of 2017 - Smaller testing window lessens possibility of security breaches Retesting Policy - 2x per calendar year. 45 days in-between attempts - After 2 attempts you must provide proof you are actively applying Cost - 350$ - Additional ADAT score Reports are 35$ Limiting the testing dates will protect the validity of the exam After two attempts – the examinee must prove they are actively applying to advance dental education programs.
What will the test look like? 2016 2017
What will the test look like? Will include cases Written by Content Experts Biomedical sciences: 20 anatomic sciences, 20 biochemistry-physiology, 20 microbiology-pathology, 20 dental anatomy and occlusion - Basically a harder more in depth version of NBDE pt. 1 and 2
How will the exam be scored? Scaled score ranging from 200 to 800 Target mean: 500 Target Standard Deviation: 100 Score reported in increments of 10 # of correct responses not reported Scores will be reported for the following four scales: 1. ADAT Score: an overall score that is computed based on performance on all ADAT items. 2. Biomedical Sciences 3. Clinical Sciences 4. Data and Research Interpretation You will not receive immediate feedback – should take 4-6 weeks to weigh and scale everybody Not raw score – is converted into a scaled score. Guessing doesn’t hurt you
Results Reporting - Scores are reported to programs selected by candidate at time of application Scores are made available through ADEA PASS and an online reporting Portal (DTS HUB)
Administration Schedule
How do we prepare? The ADA has provided: - Practice exam - Reference Texts ( where they pulled the questions from) Study really hard for NBDE Part 1 and 2 Students said they used combination of: - First Aid - Mosbys - Mastery App Study guide will be provided in Dec
Who Utilized the ADAT
Reflections on 2016 ADAT Generally Speaking ADAT is performing well DTS Removed non-performing items from scoring as soon as they were detected Issues: - Principles of Ethics/Patient management scale underperformed and has been removed as a scale but the questions have been integrated into other sections Reliability coeffiecient – How well the results actually reflect on the test takers knowledge
Student Reflections Allotted testing time was not limiting Fatigued after NBDE pt. 2 Typos on the exam Errors on the online practice exam Don’t send to any schools - Get results back first then spend the 35$ - Once you send to one school , all schools can see that you have taken it may ask you to share the results
Where can I get more info? Visit the website!!! Test specifications, FAQ, presentations, etc. careers/advanced-dental-admission-test/ Logan Poff –