Skeleton end-to-end flow with new architecture Sets the stage for incremental implementation of the new architecture All referenced code in “convergence” branch
Agenda Main sources of information in this presentation Architecture diagram from Binh’s presentation Gerritt JIRA Point to components of the architecture where partial implementation is provided to enable the skeletal end-to-end flows Goals of the skeletal implementation
Backdrop for the slides membership No SPoF No SPoT peer Endorser 0 Enroll Committer consenter application Order TXs in a batch according to consensus 1 Endorse Proposal 3 Relay Submit TX SDK Atomic broadcast Ledger 4 Deliver batch Keys 2 Submit Transaction Chaincode Event
JIRA issues - https://jira. hyperledger. org/secure/ManageRapidViews
Application – mainly a simple CLI driver No SDK, but the CLI has skeleton code to drive transactions More CLI for the skeletal end to end flow – 0 Enroll application 1 Endorse Proposal SDK Keys 2 Submit Transaction
Endorser flows peer Endorser Endorser Life Cycle System Chaincode peer Endorser 1 Endorse Proposal
Ledger change Ledger change peer Ledger Chaincode Event Ledger change
Consensus – use a no-op SOLO orderer consenter Order TXs in a batch according to consensus 3 Relay Submit TX Atomic broadcast 4 Deliver batch A simple “no operations”, stand-alone, orderer called “SOLO”
Putting it together A SKELETAL end to end flow membership No SPoF No SPoT peer Endorser 0 Enroll Committer consenter application Order TXs in a batch according to consensus 1 Endorse Proposal 3 Relay Submit TX SDK Atomic broadcast Ledger 4 Deliver batch Keys 2 Submit Transaction Chaincode Event A SKELETAL end to end flow
Goals of the skeletal driver Show “ledgernext” in action commit followed by simulation Users can get a feel for the flow of the Proposals and Transaction across the different legs of the end-end path Identify key areas for attention esp. grep for "!!IMPORTANT!!” Most Importantly, get a skeleton so community can reason with and contribute to the new architecture