Carbon Structures, Carbohydrates, and Related Reagent Tests.


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Presentation transcript:

Carbon Structures, Carbohydrates, and Related Reagent Tests. Jeopardy Carbon Structures, Carbohydrates, and Related Reagent Tests.

A simple carbohydrate/sugar also called a monosaccharide. This type of macromolecule is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio CH2O

Carbon. This element that can bond with one to four other atoms producing a large variety of skeleton structures.

How many valence electrons does carbon have? 4 How many valence electrons does carbon have?

Draw a diagram of a carbon atom showing the correct number of orbitals and electrons.

Name these three types of carbon structures.

Name these four hydrocarbons. Methane: Propane: Butane: Ethane: Name these four hydrocarbons.

This large molecule is made up of individual monomer units. A polymer. This large molecule is made up of individual monomer units.

A carboxyl (acid) group. Name of the functional group on the right side of this 5-carbon skeleton.

Organic molecules. Most, but not all, carbon-based molecules are known as what type of molecules? Organic Inorganic

Nitrogen, phosphorous, or sulfur Organic molecules contain carbon and hydrogen. What other atoms are often present as well?

The term “mono” means what? One The term “mono” means what?

The term “Di” means what? Two The term “Di” means what?

The term “poly” means what? Many The term “poly” means what?

Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic acids What are the four main types of macromolecules found in living organisms?

This diagram represents what type of reaction? Dehydration Reaction This diagram represents what type of reaction?

This diagram represents what type of reaction? Hydrolysis This diagram represents what type of reaction?

All monosaccharides names end with what? “ose” All monosaccharides names end with what?

Name three types of monosaccharides? Glucose, fructose, galactose. Name three types of monosaccharides?

Monosaccharides are used as what in the human body? Sources of energy Monosaccharides are used as what in the human body?

How are these two monosaccharides related? They are isomers Glucose Fructose How are these two monosaccharides related?

They become a disaccharide called sucrose When these two monosaccharides are combined they become what type of carbohydrate?

What is the function of cellulose in plants? It forms structures within plant tissues such as cell walls, and other fibrous materials. What is the function of cellulose in plants?

What is the function of glycogen in muscle a liver cells? It is the storage form of glucose in these tissues. What is the function of glycogen in muscle a liver cells?

What is the main difference between ribose and deoxyribose? Deoxyribose contains 1 less sugar than ribose. What is the main difference between ribose and deoxyribose?

Molecules that do not contain both hydrogen and carbon are known as? Inorganic molecules. Molecules that do not contain both hydrogen and carbon are known as? Organic Inorganic

This term means “Water-fearing.” Hydrophobic. This term means “Water-fearing.”

This term means “Water-loving.” Hydrophilic This term means “Water-loving.”

What is a carbonyl group and a hydroxyl group. The two functional groups that are involved in the conversion of a chain monosaccharide to its ring form?

Draw the structural formula of a carbonyl group.

Draw the structural formula of a carboxyl group. - C -OH Draw the structural formula of a carboxyl group.

Draw the structural formula of a amino group.

Draw the structural formula of a hydroxyl group. - OH Draw the structural formula of a hydroxyl group.

created as a by-product of dehydration synthesis? Water (H2O). What type molecule is created as a by-product of dehydration synthesis?

What is the general term that describes a single 6-carbon sugar? What is a monosaccharide. What is the general term that describes a single 6-carbon sugar?

What is a disaccharide. When two monosaccharides are joined by dehydration synthesis what type of carbohydrate is created?

A polysaccharide. When many monosaccharides are joined by dehydration synthesis what type of carbohydrate is created?

Name this structural formula. Chain glucose. Name this structural formula.

Name this structural formula. Chain fructose. Name this structural formula.

Name this structural formula. What is ring glucose. Name this structural formula. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name this structural formula. Ring fructose. Name this structural formula. HO CH2OH H OH C O

Name this structural formula. Sucrose. Name this structural formula.

Name this functional group: A carboxyl group Name this functional group: – COOH

What is the main purpose of carbohydrates in the body? As an energy source. What is the main purpose of carbohydrates in the body?

When two molecules have the same chemical formula Isomers. When two molecules have the same chemical formula but a different structural formula they are called?

This type of polysaccharide cannot be digested by most animals Cellulose. This type of polysaccharide cannot be digested by most animals

All hydrocarbons contain these two elements. What are carbon and hydrogen. All hydrocarbons contain these two elements.

Name three types of polysaccharides made from glucose monomers. Glycogen, starch, and cellulose. Name three types of polysaccharides made from glucose monomers.

Cellulose. Name the type of polysaccharide that acts as a building material in plants.

Glycogen. Name the polysaccharide that acts as a storage form of glucose in the liver and muscle cells.

Starch. Name the polysaccharide that acts as a storage form of glucose in plants.

Which of the following is not an organic molecule. Water Which of the following is not an organic molecule. Water Methane Sucrose Glucose

Which of the following is/are not organic molecules. H2O & CO2 Which of the following is/are not organic molecules. H2O CH4 CO2 C6H12O6

Dehydration synthesis can be reversed by this process. Hydrolysis. Dehydration synthesis can be reversed by this process.

Carbon is able to make this many bonds with other atoms.

Carbohydrates always contain these three elements. What is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates always contain these three elements.

Fat Excess carbohydrates (glucose) in the diet will turn into what within the body?

Any change in color from blue to green, orange, red, or brown. A positive benedicts test for a reducing sugar results in what color change?