What are the links between the Korean War & the Cold War? Do Now: What does this map suggest about Korea? Extension: Why do you think a hammer and sickle is used to represent Communism? L.O: Can I explain the significance of the Korean War?
How did the Korean War start? At the end of WWII, Korea was freed from Japanese control. It was decided that there would be free elections and Korea would be united as one (this didn’t happen). The Americans occupied S.Korea and the Soviets occupied N.Korea. The Americans felt that because most of the Korean population lived in the south, that the Communists would be out voted (wrong again). They couldn’t agree on what sort of gov’t to elect, so, by 1948, two independent states had been set up, North Korea & South Korea, divided by the 38th parallel. South Korea was ruled by anti-communist Syngman Rhee and North Korea, (by yet another communist dictator) Kim Il Sung. China was also Communist, and it bordered North Korea. This gave N.Korea more confidence. Both Jung & Rhee ignored their ‘independent states’ and claimed to rule the whole of Korea. The trigger cause of the Korean War is unknown, but we do know that Stalin provided N.Korea with tanks and planes, and that Chinese Communists probably encouraged them too. The North Koreans claimed that the South Koreans has crossed the 38th Parallel, and were just defending themselves. Draw a map of Korea, label and annotate key points from the text around it.
North Korea Kim Il Sung 38th Parallel
The North Korean Advance & US Involvement The North Koreans attacked S.Korea in 1950 and captured the capital, Seoul. Very quickly they had taken over the whole of South Korea (apart from the S.E corner, aka The Pusan Pocket). Truman and the Americans were not happy about this at all. Truman followed a ‘policy of containment’ and was terrified of the ‘Domino effect’. As this happened so quickly after the Berlin Blockade, Truman and the Americans believed that this was all part of Stalin’s plan spread Communism throughout the world. The USA felt it was their responsibility to resist the spread of Communism. (This was the Truman Doctrine & Policy of containment in action). Q: What do you think the main reason for American involvement in the N.Korean war was?
How did the USA respond? Step Two: Step One: Went to the UN, and referred the situation to the security council. Step Two: Moved their troops from Japan to Korea before a decision had been made by the UN. Step Four: The UN announced North Korea as being the ones at fault and told all members of the UN to send help to the south. Step Three: The Security Council asked the North Koreans to move their troops from the South. They didn’t! Step Six: A UN army made up of military from 16 nations were sent to Korea. It was led by American General Douglas Macarthur. Most of the troops were American. Truman saw it as part of his policy of containment. Americans cut off N.Korean supplies, invaded N.Korea and occupied two-thirds of the country. Step Five: The USSR weren’t able to stop this, as they were refusing to attend UN meetings because China had not been accepted as a member.
What were the outcomes of the Korean War? America had occupied much of North Korea, including very close to the Chinese border. This worried the Chinese. They sent 250,000 Chinese troops to help the North Koreans, and they once again captured Seoul, the Korean capital. Macarthur wanted to use the Atom bomb against the North Koreans, but Truman realising this would cause Nuclear War, went against Macarthur, and decided against it. By 1951 UN troops had driven communists out of South Korea and defended the frontier. In 1953 it was agreed that the frontier would remain along the 38th Parallel. Korea had been devastated by fighting, 4million Korean soldiers and civilians had been killed and 5 million were homeless. American losses were around 50,000 with other UN troops losing around 17,000.
Study Source D. Source D suggests that the USA was trying to take over North Korea during the Korean War. Do you agree that this was the main reason why the USA took part in the Korean War? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge. (6 marks) Source D From The Roots of Expansion by the Soviet writer Vadim Nekrasov, published in Moscow in 1984. The American military intervention in Korea in the summer of 1950 worsened the already tense international relations. The United States had landed troops in South Korea after Japan’s surrender in 1945. Now they were trying to gain control of the whole country
Level 2: Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/ gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about. e.g. shows general knowledge of why the US sent forces to Korea – acting for UN – defending S Korea from an attack by N Korea, but little explanation. OR simple comments on the provenance: from a book published in Moscow by a Soviet therefore would be opposing the USA. 2-3 marks Level 3: Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge e.g. EITHER Evaluation of provenance of source: disparaging the USA during the Cold War – nature of Soviet state, censorship etc. OR Uses knowledge of the US intervention to agree or disagree with source – reasons for intervention, role of UN; role of US troops; MacArthur’s advance into N Korea, Truman’s response etc. Some specialist vocabulary is used. 4-5 marks Level 4: Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 6 marks
Home Learning Read pages 82 & 83 (The formation of NATO & The Nuclear Arms Race). Complete tasks 1A-C P.82 & Task 2 on P.83. Due Friday 24th Jan