Making computing skills part of learning introductory statistics
Who? MC SPoLIS pre-16? MC SPoLIS 16-19? MC SPoLIS post-18?
What does it mean to master mathematics? I know how to do it I can do it without thinking – it’s automatic I’m really good at doing it I can show someone else how to do it AND… deep and sustainable learning learning that can be built upon learning that can be reasoned about learning that’s connected conceptual and procedural fluency
Our shared principles: Success for all Deep understanding Problem solving
Mindset: fixed vs growth
From the National Curriculum “The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace.” “Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content.”
Teaching for mastery Conceptual understanding Pupils deepen their understanding by representing concepts using objects and pictures, making connections between different representations and thinking about what different representations stress and ignore. Mathematical thinking Pupils deepen their understanding by giving an examples, by sorting or comparing, or by looking for patterns and rules in the representations they are exploring problems with. Conceptual understanding Mathematical problem solving Mathematical thinking Language and communication Language and communication Pupils deepen their understanding by explaining, creating problems, justifying and proving using mathematical language. This acts as a scaffold for their thinking deepening their understanding further. Copyright © Mathematics Mastery 2012
10 year olds
14 year olds
No mention of stats!
Statistics A-level
Statistics A-level • use visualisation of authentic multivariate data to get a qualitative understanding of the multiple factors that interact in real life situations, including, but not limited to, population characteristics, environmental considerations, production variables etc. • gain direct experience of using some of the technologies that have enabled the collection, visualisation and analysis of large data sets to inform decision-making processes in public, commercial and academic sectors • develop skills in interpretation and critical evaluation of methodology including justifying the techniques used for statistical problem solving
Pearson 2017 A-level mathematics specification (subject to accreditation)
Pearson 2017 A-level mathematics specification (subject to accreditation) Suggested activities for students Students are required to become familiar with the dataset prior to being assessed in Statistics. Below are a list of suggested activities for students to undertake, using the dataset, during their course of study. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the temperature in June 1987 at Heathrow. Compare this with the June temperature in 2015. Is there any correlation between average rainfall in 1987 and average rainfall in 2015 for the 6 months available for any of the weather stations? Explore correlations and linear regression between variables such as temperature and hours of sunshine. Explore whether or not the data available gives any evidence of global warming.
computing skills