Jessa Nyre TO THE CITIZENS OF EARTH Or any other planet… Air Pollution Jessa Nyre TO THE CITIZENS OF EARTH Or any other planet…
AIR QUALITY Many studies have been taken and show that air quality is connected to respiratory disease. These studies show an increase in mortality rates and admission to hospitals. Urban pollution (large city pollution) has caused over 800,000 deaths. Some of the cities with the worst air quality are in India and China including Delhi and Patna. Bad air quality in America causes haze that mildly skews the view of visitors, in big cities in China pollution causes the sky to look gray instead of a blue tint.
CAUSES of POLLUTION Most of the change in climate and global warming is caused by the emissions of greenhouse gasses –such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone -by humans. The growth of large cities and increase in vehicle use causes the emission of these gases. Heavy Traffic causes more gas emission as the system is more congested. Large cities in China, India, and America contribute greatly to the amount of world pollution. The growth in popularity of SUV’s and trucks in the USA is a great part of vehicular emissions.
EFFECTS of POLLUTION In the next century the global temperature will raise 3 degrees if we continue in the pattern of emissions we are on now. Air pollution causes and/or worsens asthma and other diseases and conditions. Causes lung disease and malfunctions. Affects the global weather patterns. Causes Acid Rain Pollution kills wildlife and causes chain reactions.
WHAT WE CAN DO We can help by using efficient public transportation such as electric buses to use fewer cars and transport more people with less pollution. Almost 25 tons of co2 emissions are not released yearly by using an electric bus over a diesel bus. Use less energy in home and use smaller vehicles or carpool.
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