Eligibility Center Registration Online Compliance Forms Compliance Assistant
Agenda How to create a profile page with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Online compliance forms. Compliance assistant.
Why Register with NCAA Eligibility Center? Incoming prospective student-athletes will receive education and information on being an NCAA student- athlete during the recruiting process. Prospective student-athletes will receive an NCAA identification number that institutions may use to simplify the online compliance forms process. In cases when necessary, institutions will be able to use a student-athlete’s identification number to submit a legislative relief waiver or student-athlete reinstatement waiver. Why register with the NCAA Eligibility Center? Registering with the NCAA Eligibility Center will provide incoming prospective student-athletes, and their families, education and information on being an NCAA student-athlete during the recruiting process, PSAs will receive an NCAA identification number that institutions may use to simplify the online compliance forms process and in cases when necessary, provide institutions with a student-athlete’s identification number to submit a legislative relief waiver or student-athlete reinstatement waiver.
Reasons to Use the NCAA Online Compliance Forms System Eases the required annual compliance forms process; Reduces time to enter data entry; Limits paperwork; Improves overall speed and use of compliance forms; Creates greater security by using electronic files; Provides easier roster review; and Identifies minors. When an individual registers with the Eligibility Center an NCAA identification number is provided to that student. The ID number is necessary when using the online compliance forms and allows an institution to distinguish between student-athletes. If an institution uses the online compliance forms, the ID number will reduce time to enter data entry into the compliance forms system. This will then limit paperwork, improve overall speed and use of the process, create security by using electronic files, provide easier roster review and flags a student who is a minor in the system.
Register with Eligibility Center Let’s begin by going to eligibilitycenter.org. This is the home page. Scroll down and you will see this next page. eligibilitycenter.org
Step 1 - Select Create a Profile Page Step 1 – select create a profile page. The Eligibility Center developed two different accounts for its new website to help prospective student-athletes make the best decision about their college choices. For a Division I or II PSA select “Create an Account”. For Division III or undecided PSA select “Create a Profile Page”. Remember PSAs will more than likely create a free profile page pre enrollment while current student-athletes can also create a profile page retroactively. Select “Create a Profile Page.”
Profile Page and Certification Account Division I or II only. Required in order to: Take an official visit. Sign a National Letter of Intent. Compete at a Division I or II school. Profile Page Division III or undecided only. Not required. Free. May transition from a profile page to a certification account. Profile Page: If a prospective student-athlete plans to compete at a Division III school or is currently unsure which division he or she wants to compete in, the individual should create a Profile Page. If at any time the PSA wishes to play at the Division I or II level, he or she can transition to a Certification Account and pay the registration fee to begin the certification process. The prospective student-athlete may transition from a Profile Page to a Certification Account, but cannot move from a Certification Account to a Profile Page. Students who registered with the old website will be considered Certification Accounts. A profile page is not required and it is free. Certification Account: A prospective student-athlete needs to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at an NCAA Division I or II school. A prospective student-athlete also needs to be registered with a Certification Account before he or she may take an official visit or sign a National Letter of Intent.
Step 2 - Select Create a Profile Page Step 2 – select create a profile page again. After you have selected the “Create a Profile Page” this screen will pop up on your screen. Then select “Create a Profile Page (FREE)”.
Step 3 – Enter Email Address Step 3 – enter email address. This screen will then pop up. Step 3 will ask you to enter your email address. This email address should be an email address the prospective student-athlete will continue to use after high school. Enter the email address and click send. Then check your email to receive the verification code. The email will be sent from noreply@ncaa.org and titled NCAA Eligibility Center Verification Code. You may need to check your spam or junk folder. Enter email address and check email to receive verification code.
Step 4 – Enter Verification Code D3compliance@ncaa.org Step 4 – enter verification code. Step 4 will ask you to enter your eight digit verification code. Scroll down on this page and it will ask you to create a password. Then select “continue”. Write down your password in a safe and easy to remember place. Check email to receive verification code and enter verification code.
Step 5 – Basic Information Step 5 – basic information. This webpage will ask for the student’s name, race, gender, date of birth, graduation date, student’s college enrollment date, and parents/guardians level of education. Enter name, race, gender, date of birth, graduation date, student’s college enrollment date, parent/guardian level of education.
Step 6 – Contact Information Step 6 – contact information. This webpage will ask for the student’s address, city, state, country, postal code, phone number and an alterative contact person’s contact information. Enter address, city, country, state, postal code, phone number, and an alternate contact person’s contact information.
Step 7 – Sports Information Step 7 – sports information. This webpage will ask for the individual to select the sport(s) the individual plans to participate in at an NCAA school. Enter the sport(s) in which you plan to participate at an NCAA school.
Step 8 – Terms Certify information and add a signature. Step 8 – terms. This webpage will ask for you to confirm that all of the information is correct and accurate. The student will provide a signature and select continue to finalize the student’s profile page. Certify information and add a signature.
ONLINE COMPLIANCE FORMS Now lets talk about how to use the NCAA free online compliance forms system. This system is an application that allows an institution to complete the mandatory annual compliance forms online.
Online Compliance Forms In order to find the online compliance forms system start by going to ncaa.org. Select the my apps text in the top right corner. Click the My Apps link on ncaa.org.
Online Compliance Forms This will take you to the Single-Source Sign-On system. Log into the system using your SSO email and password. If you don’t have access, check with your SSO administrator to gain access. If you need assistance click on the blue text at the bottom titled “NCAA Web Help Desk.” Login into Single-Source Sign-On system. An Institution’s SSOO administrator (e.g., athletics director) may grant access to the application.
Online Compliance Forms Select the compliance forms tile. Select the compliance forms tile.
Create a Squad List Select create squad list. May choose to import data from a: Text file (manual entry); or Compliance forms database roll-over (if have used compliance forms in the past). This is what the compliance forms system looks like. At the top left you will find the option to “create a squad list”. Click on this option and you will have the opportunity to import data from a text file or roll-over data from the previous year.
Create a Squad List Student Type Enter IF the student-athlete is an incoming freshmen. Enter IT if the student-athlete is an incoming transfer. Enter RS if the student-athlete is a returning student. Division Sport Code, Date of Birth City, Country, State Enter the following data elements in the text file: NCAA ID. Email. First Name. Last Name. Enter the following data elements in the text file: NCAA ID, email, first name, last name, student type (enter IF if the student-athlete is an incoming freshmen, enter IT if the student-athlete is an incoming transfer, enter RS if the student-athlete is a returning student-athlete. Then enter the division, sport code, date of birth, city, country and state. Each data element (for each student-athlete) should be separated by one tab command. Failure to separate each data element by one tab command will result in an unsuccessful import. Each student-athlete must appear on a new line.
Create a Squad List Where to find the country, sport and state codes. In order to find the chart for the country, sport and state codes visit the Division III compliance webpage. The webpage is listed at the bottom of this screen. Where to find the country, sport and state codes. Link: ncaa.org/compliance?division=d3
Create a Squad List Microsoft Notepad text file sample. Microsoft Excel text file sample. This is an example of what a notepad and/or excel sample will look like. All fields must be entered. Do not leave a column blank.
Import Information If the data has not been imported successfully, an error message will appear. Division III will not use the Import from the National Letter of Intent (NLI) option. Division III will not use the Import from Institutional Request List (IRL) option. Division III will only use Import from Compliance Assistant if the school uses the program. Data may be exported from another system, but will need to be imported using a text file in Microsoft Excel or Notepad. If the data has not been imported successfully, an error message will appear. At the top of the page you will see an “import from NLI”, which is the National Letter of Intent and “import from IRL” which is the institutional request list. These are features only used by Division I and II. Division III does not sponsor the NLI or use an IRL. An IRL is a list of college-bound student-athletes who an NCAA DI or DII college or university is interested in recruiting. The action of activating a college-bound student-athlete to the IRL informs the NCAA Eligibility Center of the institution’s interest in obtaining academic certification decision for the student-athlete.
Add Student Add Student. The add student section allows you to add a student into the database and search for students.
Add or Edit Student-Athlete Information The Add Student option will allow you to add a student-athlete to the staging area. Once clicked, this pop-up window will appear and ask that you complete ALL fields. Once you complete the fields, click the add Student button to add the student-athlete to the database. Click the Close button to refresh the main screen of the staging area. The new student-athlete record will appear on the main screen. If you want to add a student-athlete's record, enter the NCAA ID and click anywhere on this page. The student-athlete's first name, last name and date of birth will be populated for you. If you don't know the NCAA ID of student-athlete, enter student-athlete's first name, last name and click on the "Lookup NCAA ID" to find the student-athlete.
Lookup NCAA ID This is the screen that will appear. It will allow you to put in the student’s general information. When searching for a student-athlete it is recommended to select any account type under the student account type section. This will allow the user to find out if a student has a certification account or a profile page. If the student does not have an NCAA ID you can create one for them. .
NCAA Identification Number Create a process to gather all prospective student-athletes NCAA ID numbers. Do not create another ID number if a prospective student-athlete or student-athlete already has an ID number. ID number is individual to the student not the institution. An institution will want to create a system to gather all prospective student-athletes NCAA ID numbers. If a prospective student-student already has an ID number do not create a second number. The ID number is individual to the student not the institution.
Emailing a Student-Athlete Select Review/Email Squad List. Email and update student-athlete demographic details. Delete a student-athlete from squad list. Select the appropriate sport and student-athlete. Send email. The “Review/Email Squad List” option is next to the edit staging list above noted by the red arrow. This section allows you to email a student-athlete and request that he or she complete the compliance forms, click the Review/Email Squad List tab. In addition to allowing the institution to email a student-athlete, the Review/Email Squad List function allows the institution to update a student-athlete’s demographic details or delete a student-athlete from the squad list. The Review/Email Squad List screen closely resembles the Edit Staging List screen but serves a different purpose. Select the appropriate sport, click the Filter button. The student-athlete records that were moved to the squad list will appear: Select the student-athlete the institution wishes to email by clicking the checkbox to the left of the Status column. Click the Send Email link. The online compliance forms only provides the student-athlete statement, drug testing consent form and HIPAA/Buckley Amendment Consent Form.
Monitoring Completion of the Forms To monitor the student-athlete’s completion of the forms, visit the Review/Email Squad List screen. Student-athlete data will be displayed in the following format listed above. To monitor the student-athlete’s completion of the forms, visit the review/email squad list screen. Student-athlete data will be displayed in the following format listed above.
Completion Status and Issues Forms have not been completed. No questions have been answered. Forms have not been submitted. Forms are incomplete. Student-athlete answered at least one question. Forms have been completed. Student-athlete answered at least one question in a manner that requires follow up by the institution. Forms have been submitted. Student-athlete answered “Yes” to one or more questions related to drug testing. Student-athlete has a question for the compliance office. Compliance office has not received the student-athlete’s minor consent form. PDF report of questions and student-athlete’s answers. ! ? The status will be displayed with a symbol. The icon in the Status column will change to reflect the student-athlete’s progress. [M]
Online Compliance Forms Resources Online Compliance Forms Instructions ncaa.org/sites/default/files/2016_17Compliance_%20Forms_ %20Institutional_%20Manual_20160531.pdf Online Compliance Forms Online Training Video Link: s3.amazonaws.com/ncaa/web_video/d3/articulate/ec- registration-online-compliance-forms/story_html5.html Division III Compliance Forms ncaa.org/2016-17-division-iii-compliance-forms
COMPLIANCE ASSISTANT Now lets talk about how to use the NCAA Compliance Assistant system. This system is an application that allows an institution to track student-athlete information, eligibility, recruiting contacts, playing and practice seasons.
Compliance Assistant A tool designed to help administrators ensure that their athletic department and student-athletes are in compliance with NCAA legislation. It is a data-collection system that can be used to generate NCAA-required forms and other forms created by the user. This program, documentation and technical support are provided free to the NCAA membership. Access is managed by SSO administrators at each of the NCAA member schools and conferences. The Compliance Assistant program is a tool designed to help administrators ensure that their athletic department and student-athletes are in compliance with NCAA legislation. In addition to applying NCAA legislation in the areas of financial aid, eligibility, recruiting, athletics personnel and playing and practice seasons, it is a data-collection system that can be used to generate NCAA-required forms and other forms created by the user. This program, documentation and technical support are provided free to the NCAA membership. Access to the Compliance Assistant (CA) application is managed by single-source sign-on (SSO) administrators at each of the NCAA member schools and conferences.
Compliance Assistant Assists compliance director by tracking information. Helps an institution monitor. Free. Available to Divisions I, II and III. Some features are specific to Division I and II. Provide limited access to institutional athletic staff members. Compliance assistant really can assist your compliance director on campus to monitor and track information about prospective student-athletes and current student-athletes. This is free and available to Divisions I, II and III. Some features are specific to D I and II, but Division III institutions don’t have to use those sections. An institution may limit athletic staff member’s accessibility to the different functions. For example, if you only want a coach to have access to the recruiting information that can be done.
Compliance Assistant Select the compliance assistant tile. How to find compliance assistant. Log into Single-Source Sign-On system like we discussed earlier. Select the compliance assistant tile. Select the compliance assistant tile.
Compliance Assistant This is what the main compliance assistant screen looks like.
Compliance Assistant I want to focus on the box on the left hand of the screen. These are your main options. I’m going to talk about on student-athletes, recruiting and playing seasons.
Compliance Assistant – Student-Athletes If you select student-athletes. This is the screen that will pop up. This screen allows you to track all of your student-athlete information. The bar in the red circle is listed as a bigger picture on the bottom of this slide to show you the options.
Compliance Assistant – Student-Athletes General demographic information. Guardian information. Sport history. Transfer status aid information. Form completion. Eligibility information. This program will allow you to track student-athlete general demographic information, guardian information, sport history, transfer status information, form completion and eligibility.
Compliance Assistant – Recruiting General demographic information. High school information. Phone Logs. Contacts/Evaluations. Official and unofficial visits. The recruiting section allows you to keep general demographic information, high school information, phone logs, contacts and evaluations and official and unofficial visit information.
Compliance Assistant – Recruiting Let’s look at official visit as an example. Here you can track a PSA’s visit date, when it started and ended, if the PSA received any type of accommodations, transportation, complimentary tickets, who the host was, what meals were provided.
Compliance Assistant – Playing Seasons Weeks in the season. First contest. First practice. Start and end dates. Color coordinate the days off, holidays, etc. Contests Schedules. The recruiting section allows you to keep general demographic information, high school information, phone logs, contacts and evaluations and official and unofficial visit information. You can also add schedules in this system.
Compliance Assistant – Playing Seasons Here is what the playing season screen looks like. You can see a sports season breakdown on one page. There are many other features that this program provides and I encourage you to look further into the program.
Compliance Assistant Resources Compliance Assistant Link: ncaa.org/compliance- assistant Announcements. User Guide. User Resources.
Technical Problems? My Apps and Single-Source Sign-On: ncaatechnology@ncaa.org NCAA Eligibility Center registration process: 877/262-1492 Online Compliance Forms: Compliance assistant: complianceassistant@ncaa.org If you have technical problems with My Apps or Single-Source Sign-On send an email to ncaatechnology@ncaa.org. If you have registration process questions contact the NCAA Eligibility Center at 877/262-1492. If you have questions on how to use the online compliance forms email ncaatechnology@ncaa.org If you have questions abut compliance assistant email complianceassistant@ncaa.org