Chapter 11 Public Policy in Texas
Analyze issues and policies of Texas. Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to… Analyze issues and policies of Texas.
Steps in the Policy-Making Process: The “Policy Cycle” Public policy is everything the government does and doesn’t do! Stages of the policy cycle Problem recognition/identification Agenda setting Formulation/Adoption Implementation Evaluation Change/Termination Key term: public policy
Taking Personal Responsibility… CORE OBJECTIVE Taking Personal Responsibility… How can you impact public policy decisions? At what point in the policy cycle could you voice your preferences?
Policy Liberalism Index Common measure of state policy ideology Left-right, liberal-conservative A dimension of "general policy liberalism" in state policy efforts is derived from a factor analysis. States with a generally liberal policy record tend to be non-southern coastal or Great Lakes states and tend to have a large, urban, diverse, advantaged population; a liberal, Moralistic, active political culture; a highly developed but stagnating economy; and a government with high levels of institutional and fiscal capability. The factor is best explained by the Sullivan index of socio-cultural diversity in conjunction with either the Elazar-Sharkansky index of political culture or rate of population loss, with either model accounting for over 70 percent of the variance Ranking of the 50 states
Public Policy Areas in Texas State Government Regulatory Policy “You dance with them that brung ya” Welfare Policy Poverty in Texas Health Care Policy Texas still ranks #1 in uninsured adults and children
Primary and Secondary Education in Texas School District Financing Explained High Stakes Test Quality Effectiveness State vs Fed led Costs Controversial Curriculum Bilingual Education Sex Education Key term: Robin Hood Plan
Being Socially Responsible… CORE OBJECTIVE Being Socially Responsible… To what extent should Texas be responsible for ensuring equal funding for wealthy school districts and poor school districts?
Public Policy Areas in Texas State Government Higher Education in Texas Tuition and Fees 2003 GOP-led legislature deregulated tution Tuition has risen ~75% Curriculum and Degree Requirements 120 hours, ½ of which is core Higher Education Funds Access to Higher Education Closing the Gaps Key terms: “deregulated” tuition budget fix Permanent University Fund (PUF) Hopwood decision
This cartoon suggests a number of the factors that colleges consider when making admissions decisions. Why is membership in a minority group controversial, whereas other factors—such as the ability to play a certain sport or being the son or daughter of a graduate—are not? In the future, how can colleges achieve the goals of a diverse campus and a fair admissions process?
Public Policy Areas in Texas State Government Criminal Justice and Social Policy Criminal Justice Firearms Policies Concealed carry/open carry Gay Rights Federal law Abortion Policies Planned Parenthood Sex Education “Silver-ring thing” and abstinence only Key term: Roe v. Wade
Communicating Effectively… CORE OBJECTIVE Communicating Effectively… Summarize the legislation that Texas has passed on abortion. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of state involvement in this policy issue.
Public Policy Areas in Texas State Government Immigration Policy Water Policy
CORE OBJECTIVE Thinking Critically… Given the water-related challenges facing Texas, what measures would you recommend to ensure all Texans have access to water? What might be some negative or unintended consequences of your recommendations?